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'Shia Kafir' - Poem from Extremists openly appreciating the killings of Quetta shias

Deobandis always wanted to maintain numbers to combat Hindus lol, Barelvis are based off of Sufi doctrine but that does not mean they are Sufi coexistance is still a part of Barelvism despite the political break, when is the last time you heard of Barelvis killing Hindus or Christians? Whereas deobandis are always up to no good.
Dint get you here. U say Barevalis dont kill non muslims. Agree. Thats coz of Sufi ideology. But how do this make them ask for seperation? Plz rephrase yourself again.
Extremism promotes hate and hate promotes violence. This is a fact that no one can deny. Hate speech condones and promotes violence, and that is a crime in every civilized society. It has no place anywhere! In these troubled times we stand by the people of Pakistan who are challenged by extremism. We appreciate the stance the government of Pakistan has taken against extremism and support them in their efforts to bring about sustained peace in the region.

Abdul Quddus
DET - United States Central Command
Deobandis always wanted to maintain numbers to combat Hindus lol, Barelvis are based off of Sufi doctrine but that does not mean they are Sufi coexistance is still a part of Barelvism despite the political break, when is the last time you heard of Barelvis killing Hindus or Christians? Whereas deobandis are always up to no good.

A lot of Hindu's and Sikhs have been killed in Pakistani Punjab during the partition and after it too - and data posted by @WAR-rior earlier says barelvi's form majority population of Pakistani Punjab - granted that it was heat of the moment and Muslims were equally killed as well - the issue is killers never identified themselves as barelvis or deobandi's then.
Dint get you here. U say Barevalis dont kill non muslims. Agree. Thats coz of Sufi ideology. But how do this make them ask for seperation? Plz rephrase yourself again.

Simple because they did not want to live under Hindu domination when the majority of NW British India was Muslim, despite that Barelvis, Shias, Ahmadis and others would have stayed if Nehru accepted the power sharing agreement but Congress backed out last minute.

A lot of Hindu's and Sikhs have been killed in Pakistani Punjab during the partition and after it too - and data posted by @WAR-rior earlier says barelvi's form majority population of Pakistani Punjab - granted that it was heat of the moment and Muslims were equally killed as well - the issue is killers never identified themselves as barelvis or deobandi's then.

Most Muslims who were alive to witness those times say they were just defending themselves while Sikhs and Hindus do so as well. It is hard to say how things got out of hand but I think we can agree about a snowball affect that prolonged killings. I am talking about today though.
Most Muslims who were alive to witness those times say they were just defending themselves while Sikhs and Hindus do so as well. I am talking about today though.

We have a different version narrated and described to us by the survivors who could make their way into India - but that is besides the topic.

I like what I see here - both you and Irfan are actually segregating the trouble makers from the general Muslim population. We at least have an idea now as to people of which sect is behind the cause of terrorism or communal violence.

and, it's a given that they would and will be eventually the trouble makers in India too,
We have a different version narrated and described to us by the survivors who could make their way into India - but that is besides the topic.

I like what I see here - both you and Irfan are actually segregating the trouble makers from the general Muslim population. We at least have an idea now as to people of which sect is behind the cause of terrorism or communal violence.

and, it's a given that they would and will be eventually the trouble makers in India too,

Yeah well we already know who is doing what it is not like the various groups try to hide their sectarian leanings lol.

"A people will come out at the end of times, immature, foolish and corrupt. They will hold the discourse of the best of creation and recite Qur'an, but it will not go past their throats. They will passes through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. If you find them, kill them, for verily whoever kills them will have his reward from Allah the Day of Judgment."

We should start soon, the longer we wait the more innocents they will kill.:sniper:
"A people will come out at the end of times, immature, foolish and corrupt. They will hold the discourse of the best of creation and recite Qur'an, but it will not go past their throats. They will passes through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. If you find them, kill them, for verily whoever kills them will have his reward from Allah the Day of Judgment."

We should start soon, the longer we wait the more innocents they will kill.:sniper:

Are you advocating murder yourself? Goodness, are you any better than those who you're accusing? I don't what sort of Muslim you're supposed to be, but if you're the same kind I am, that is a believer in the word of Allah (Quran), then you wouldn't be saying something so foolish!

Also, it would be nice to have a source to that quote of yours.
to understand the difference between ordinary Muslims and wahabis

look at this video

@Jaanbaz @Cheetah786 @

Maulanah Hashmi Saib is a titan against these terrorists. I have to say that him being in India is a big advantage for him. He can say and preach against these animals freely as it is unlikely that the terrorists could reach him. Had it been Pakistan I'm afraid we would have seen hits carried out on him. Look at what happened to hazart Mufti Muhammad Hussain Naeemi (Allah have mercy on him) , he was martyred in a suicide attack by the TTP. I cried a great deal upon hearing his death. Tahir Al Qadri has had to seek asylum in Canada. Thank Allah for the sufi alims of India who speak up against these evil doers.
because Saudis hate Beralvis as much as they hate shias and LeJ in its literature states clearly that they will kill Berlavis after eradicating shias.
he is a post graduate and very well off and not some madrasah educated poor boy who has been raped by molvis in the madrasah but his thoughts are pure evil.

in short what I am saying is that I know many ordinary sunnis that have been converted into radical hateful runts over the recent years.

Brother, I have to say that the day LEJ decide to turn their guns wholesale on the Beralvis they will face such retaliation that their entire kind will be cleansed from Pakistan. With the sheer numbers from the Beralvi jammts alone like Dawat-e-Islami, Minhaj, minhaj ul quran etc they will be simply overwhelmed. We have seen what happened when they tried with to fight Ansar-Al-Islam in the Khyber agency. In two suicide attacks attacks over 100 TTP fighters were killed, which made them back off and they haven't tried it since.

The Sikhs live in Khyber agency because of the likes of Beralvi movements there.

See article

Pakistan's Islamist Militia Ansar Ul-Islam And Its Fight For Influence

There is now open talk about launching a war against these savages amongst the Beralvis , but again divisions arise as to whether it is best left to the army and we support, or intervene which could inflame tensions much more. Beralvis are just too quiet and chilled and just haven't wanted to get involved. But how long can we wait? Hundreds of alims from the Sufi Tareeekas have been killed in Waziristan, we have seen attacks in the most revered of places such as Data Saab's tomb and yet people question what our response should be!

As for the rest I to have seen the transformation of quiet, well mannered folk into what can be literally described as blood crazed savage. This cancer needs to eradicated in Pakistan and I am only beginning to see one option now.......

Allah protect our fatherland from these killers.
I am appalled at the reported abuse of grammar, albeit without seeing the video and verifying myself that there's indeed abuse of grammar.

It should either be shii kaafir or shia kuffaar.
As an avid observer on religious effect on masses, I find the situation here in kerala exactly opposite to what several posters like @Irfan Baloch has mentioned.Here the muslim society was so backward and against education-the mullahs used to call english a language of hell and ladies were constrained to their houses.The ones who braught the change was salafis-or wahhabis as you call them.The root difference I have observed is they encourage people to learn quran with its meaning and hadiths as oppossed to the common sunnis who were to swallow whatever from mullah without knowing the meaning of even sura fatiha..They encouraged modern education especially to women and we have lots of engineering and medical colleges by salafi management (I myself had my education in one).And I am saying this after much verification-of all the muslims arrested in south india for terrorism, not a single one belonged to a salafi/wahhabi mahal.Actually the crime/corruption rates among them is much lesser than other sects and religions.I wonder what caused this drastic difference..
Are you advocating murder yourself? Goodness, are you any better than those who you're accusing? I don't what sort of Muslim you're supposed to be, but if you're the same kind I am, that is a believer in the word of Allah (Quran), then you wouldn't be saying something so foolish!

Also, it would be nice to have a source to that quote of yours.

Woah, I do not advocate murder. But I do advocate that the government start operation against these people. Not murder but justice, perfectly in line with islamic beliefs. If you had lost numerous relatives/friends to TTP/SSP, you would also ask for justice, no? I am the type of Muslim that TTP/SSP consider Kafir.
Why I am asking for their punishment according to Islamic Beliefs? Is that what you are questioning?

Narrated Anas: "The Prophet said, "The prescribed Law of Allah is the equality in punishment (i.e. Al-Qisas)." (In cases of murders, etc.) (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh)), Volume 6, Book 60, Number 26)"

As an avid observer on religious effect on masses, I find the situation here in kerala exactly opposite to what several posters like @Irfan Baloch has mentioned.Here the muslim society was so backward and against education-the mullahs used to call english a language of hell and ladies were constrained to their houses.The ones who braught the change was salafis-or wahhabis as you call them.The root difference I have observed is they encourage people to learn quran with its meaning and hadiths as oppossed to the common sunnis who were to swallow whatever from mullah without knowing the meaning of even sura fatiha..They encouraged modern education especially to women and we have lots of engineering and medical colleges by salafi management (I myself had my education in one).And I am saying this after much verification-of all the muslims arrested in south india for terrorism, not a single one belonged to a salafi/wahhabi mahal.Actually the crime/corruption rates among them is much lesser than other sects and religions.I wonder what caused this drastic difference..

That's interesting but it is indeed true. My Grandfather was also what would be called a Salafi, and he was the only who was educated in his village. Fortunately for me he become an Ahmadi soon after. During the 1953 anti ahmadiyya riots, he was protected by his salafi relatives from deobandi maulvis. I think the situation in Pakistan is far more complicated than what some members here are saying.

It is not salafi vs sunni, or deobandi vs berelvi etc. It is terrorist extremists vs sane minded humans.
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