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Sheikh Rasheed Blast on India , Manmohan Nawaz Sharif

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Yes before USA we have always enjoyed a decisive superiority over u in this field as we have put u in check. Now after America leaves we will do same!!

US is now struggling for a better relationship with India.But here Pakistan is trying for a better relation with US.
I hope you can understand the difference.
After what?Actually, you see, to be very frank, I have developed a perception over all these years about how things operate.
The market dynamics are not exactly ruled by emotions, it has some role to play ofcourse, but thats mere local action.Business has got no place for emotions.It is governed by only profit and loss, demand and supply. You will always find traders who are willing to put your products to the market provided they make a healthy profit out of it.And once that product is out in the market, in many of the cases, you will be unable to tell the nationality of the product.In many other cases, the prospective buyer may not think like you, and he will be happy to strike a good bargain.

Thats human nature, a typical human being always tries to secure his life by earning money.You give him a way to make profit and there are chances that nine out of ten will take that opportunity.The one who does not,for whatever reasons, is an exception but then he is against overwhelming odds.

Are you getting the picture?A trader in textiles sitting in a market in Lahore, may not think like you.

And yes.. people like Nawaz Sharif, the zamindars of Pakistan, who own mills and factories, own estates of thousands of acres and also happen to be in the position of power to make decisions for the nation, they are the people who will gain the most from trade deals.

Personally speaking, I hate people like these down to my guts..But then again, its a long time back, when I was hitting the streets, that I realized, the world is no utopian state and there is no definition of right or wrong here..
in one simple word we dont need u or yr market nor money.

Your answer was as good as a no answer.
Phaaaleez its still not late,pls go and visit a shrink.
U Rotten Brain fart Moron. But let me spoon feed u.

I said My father owns a Pajero not me!!!!!!!! Then i wrote i own a Lexus!!!!!!

And the posts u quoted say same and my reply to u is same as well!!!!!

It was u who claimed i own a pajero.

RIP to Sardar's Midget brain.

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Indian business men should stay in India. They will pay taxes to their government which in return will be used to buy weapons to use against Pakistan.
Indian business men should stay in India. They will pay taxes to their government which in return will be used to buy weapons to use against Pakistan.

Buying weapons ,war etc are age old mentality .Now things are changed.Economy is the best weapon for war and also for peace.
Open your market for us ,it will benefit your country.Our businessmens are waiting for that
Buying weapons ,war etc are age old mentality .Now things are changed.Economy is the best weapon for war and also for peace.
Open your market for us ,it will benefit your country.Our businessmens are waiting for that

On one hand your govt. does not want our citizens and sportmen in your country. And on the other you want our markets to be opened to your businessmen. No thankyou!
That would be incorrect actually..USA has deep presence in Pakistan since the early 60s.Do you know about the U2 spy plane crisis? One of the hottest events of the cold-war era.That American plane took off from an airstrip near Peshawar in Pakistan.

From a top-down view, USA never actually left Pakistan, they always found some ways to use Pakistan, and made the Pakistanis pay for it all the time..After all, what is the price of a number written on a piece of paper we call currency, if that cannot result in better livelihood and prevent loss of lives.
The US just took strategic pauses from time to time.They have been at it the whole time.The surprising fact is the Pakistanis have never seen through it or done anything about it.As a matter of fact, they have never truly become 'independent', always trying to piggy-back some bigger power, sometimes US,some times China, sometimes Saudis etc.
yes I know that and they reaped the benefit of being close to USA in 60's and 70's they had a very good competitive economy ....
I am nt denying that...
On one hand your govt. does not want our citizens and sportmen in your country. And on the other you want our markets to be opened to your businessmen. No thankyou!

BCCI is not a government funded organisation.So GoI cant force them for allowing players from Pakistan for goodwill.It is BCCI owners personal decision ,may they think about patriotism.Govt cant do nothing about it.
While we welcome your businessmen in our country.It is just a good business.
Can some one tell me in brief what is the content of this video, its 1 hour and dont want to waste my internet usage (5 gb)
BCCI is not a government funded organisation.So GoI cant force them for allowing players from Pakistan for goodwill.It is BCCI owners personal decision ,may they think about patriotism.Govt cant do nothing about it.
While we welcome your businessmen in our country.It is just a good business.

Isn't BCCI under sports ministry? And I'm not talking specifically about BCCI. Its a general trend in India.
See how i have improved your IQ.It took me 10 posts to make you understand that "Mitsubishi" owned Pajero and not "ToYAATA".
In your previous post on another thread you corrected the spelling of TOYAAATA. and Now you've skipped the word altogether.
Improvement..thats quite an improvement for a "baudet" like you.:lol:
umair liar.png

Frankly I am not brought up this way.So sorry i would not use foul language like you do.It pretty much shows your roots.ISSSSHHH!!!
u r.............

See how i have improved your IQ.It took me 10 posts to make you understand that "Mitsubishi" owned Pajero and not "ToYAATA".
In your previous post on another thread you corrected the spelling of TOYAAATA. and Now you've skipped the word altogether.
Improvement..thats quite an improvement for a "baudet" like you.:lol:[/quote]

another brain fart. U should be rather dancing with yr cousins.


Isn't BCCI under sports ministry? And I'm not talking specifically about BCCI. Its a general trend in India.
they have murdered in cold blood 70 pakistanis in samjhota express whose culprits r still freely roaming in their country and they want to make money from our country!!!!!!

How funny is that.
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