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Shed insecurities: India to Pakistan

And what is the result other than window dressing for India.

Nothing is going to happen to us ;) keep rolling

I dont think the terrorist situation in Pakistan and its impact on Pakistan's image in the world today is as insignificant as a window dressing. You are more than welcome to think that way, but thats not too different than burying your head in the sand..
The correct parallel will be Indian forces sending in insurgents into the areas of Kashmir and G&B controlled by Pakistan and attacking Pakistani Sec forces. Since those are also disputed areas, though in control of Pakistan

Ok so those insurgents will be from Tamil Nadu or Assam :angel: ??
Kashmir issue is the main key to rule the country whether it is India or Pakistan. If you ignore it you can not rule the nation, true for both.:hitwall:

Why do you need evidence from Pakistan to justify its allegations when India doesn't provide any evidence to back up statements of 'Pakistan supports terrorism'?

Get Indian officials to stop ranting and then maybe your question has any legitimacy.
Well won't go fully to answer your argument as the highlighted parts are more then enough to tell about the level of knowledge you have about Pakistan.

And as said before, why don't you first see how much of India is not being governed by Indian govt itself and is under the control of insurgents and how much large part it is under insurgency hit.

Well to be honest I have no knowledge about Pakistan save for what I read in the press here in Africa and what my Pakistani friends in Africa tell me about their country.

As for India that is a different story. I travel regularly to India and to be honest I have never been forbidden from entering any part of India due to "insurgency control or threat". The perception of any part of Indian soil being lost to any insurgent remains just that to yourself or any other person. Just a perception. Perhaps a hope as well. Fact of the matter though is that India and I mean all of India at this stage remains well guarded and secure by our government. You should visit India yourself to find out as I regularly do.
Lol there can be little trust while the two nations are enemies of each other. Our goal is to liberate Kashmir, their's is to stop us and promote terrorism in Pakistan in that pursuit

Resolve Kashmir: Pakistan to India

stop supporting terrorist organizations and stop sending men across the border then we talk - India to Pakistan
Pakistan should be paid back in the same coin. GOI needs to support all the freedom movements in pakistan.

GOI should provide all the Moral and diplomatic support.

That will bring them to senses for supporting terrorists (oops. Jihad)

already doing that since 2001
GOI is already supporting ttp and other terrorist groups.
infact it is responsible of killing more than 2000 innocent pakistani women and children.
be proud of it
Why do you need evidence from Pakistan to justify its allegations when India doesn't provide any evidence to back up statements of 'Pakistan supports terrorism'?

Get Indian officials to stop ranting and then maybe your question has any legitimacy.

the biggest proof is that the war on terror is going on in Pakistan and not in India. India has given proof to the UN which banned YOUR organization not OURS. Closing your eyes to the problem does not make it go away. If you cannot accept that Pakistan has used terror as its state policy then you are living in a dream world. From the creation of the taliban itself to supporting terrorist organization in the name of supporting its illogical claims on Kashmir, Pakistan's current state is a mirror on its own continued support to terrorist organisations.
stop supporting terrorist organizations and stop sending men across the border then we talk - India to Pakistan

When you can provide evidence showing Pakistan supports terrorist organizations and terrorism, then we can talk about 'stop supporting them'.
Why do you need evidence from Pakistan to justify its allegations when India doesn't provide any evidence to back up statements of 'Pakistan supports terrorism'?

Get Indian officials to stop ranting and then maybe your question has any legitimacy.

AM, I am repeating this again, we don't care whether it is Pakistan which supports terrorism or they are non state actors... (example, Kasab & other MORONS)

All we are saying is that we do not want Pakistanis getting involved in terrorism in India, and that Pakistan's territory should not be used for spreading terrorism in India.

And I am not supporting all the claims made by every Indian official. All I am asking is when people claim/support some views they should submit proof, is that too much to ask from them ?

And when somebody is alleging someone they SHOULD provide proof along with it, else it has no credibility.
stop supporting terrorist organizations and stop sending men across the border then we talk - India to Pakistan
Give us evidence on people you are talking about. If they are pakistanis action will be taken. First of all please provide us these details of people you think are pakistan

Computerized NIC from NADRA
Forum "B"
Matric certificate from school approved by Education commision of Pakistan.
Fathers computerized NIC from NADRA
Mothers computerized NIC from NADRA
Birthday certificate.

Please provide these initial details and then we'll investigate on our side.

if you cant provide this then we request you to STFU.

Thanks for your cooperation.
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