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Shed insecurities: India to Pakistan

Atleast we are wise enough not to waste paper on sending 11000 pages dossiers one after one and still Chidarabaram is doing choon choon chacha ghari pe chooha nacha

Jana a country can send dossiers only if there are facts which they can present through them.It will be difficult for Pakistan to fill atleast 10 pages because there is simply no evidence.
The BS is coming from Government of India.

When Pakistan always stressed for peaceful talks India was trying to behave like a kid but with time to time US pressure keeps you bending.

Sometimes back you were talking about terrorism and then talks and now Govt India came up with news idea of asking Pakistan in sealed words that Pakistan should not try to match Indian military power oh thank you for this mantra of No threat to Pakistan from Indian military ambitions.

Why India needs to come up with this idea.

ya peaceful talks in which ,we r told to be attacked like in bombay,we r told that how to keep ur self ready for attacks in kashmir.etc

i love this peacetalks.every indian hate this kinds of peace talks to whom u were saying as a kid.......:sniper::sniper:
Speaking of the nuclear bomb. I would like to look at the positive side of it. Who wouldn't, knowing fully well what the negative side would look like!

Once Pakistan got the nuclear bomb, one would have hoped all their pent up insecurity with regard to India would have been a thing of the past. Why? Well Pakistanis say their biggest fear is being eaten up by hindu India. They wanted Pakistan because they did not want to ever be second fiddle to the hindus. Well, the bomb assured them that that would not happen.

So what is Pakistan still so insecure about with regard to India? I do not believe that India ever coveted parts of Pakistan. Were that truly the case, we could easily have pressed home the advantage in the past when we had our foot on your throat. Now that you have the bomb, even that is off the table. So what is your problem?

Clean up your country. Throw out those Afghans who you believe are anti you. Close down your borders on your West. We will help you do the same on your East. Start concentrating on reviving your economy. Generating power. Paying off some of your huge debt. Become self reliant. Wean the US off your land by showing them that you can be good boys.

Build an infrastructure for education that is based on western learning and not the madrasa. So that your next generation of Pakistanis are equipped with the tools to take the country forward. Equipped with more open thinking. Equipped for the jobs that the pakistani leadership of today must create and keep ready for them tomorrow, so that more than 80% of the educated do not have to leave for foreign shores to make a decent living.

Are these things not more important to you than a piece of land you never had, and have no hope of ever getting?

Cheers, Doc

welcome back dude.. was a long break.. :)
Your pretense about having good intentions with Pakistan is as bogus as the oft repeated mantra "India wants a stable Pakistan as a collapsed Pakistan would mean a nuclear problem for India".

While its true, that India may not want to see a collapsed Pakistan, but its also true that India wants to see a boiling Pakistan. Where Pakistan is too pre-occupied to further its plans of working for the liberation of Kashmir.

India has found a nice working formula by promoting terrorism in Pakistan via Afghanistan.

This entire commentary from India can be summed up this way "C'mon Pakistan, let us screw you over!". No sale.

I dont think India has any intentions, good or bad towards Pakistan if the whole issue of Pakistan sponsored terrorism in India becomes history. In all other areas, India and Pakistan play in totally different fields. As a matter of fact, if the issue of Pakistani terrorism in India and the Kashmir dispute is settled to the satisfaction of both countries, Pakistan actually becomes irrelevant for India
Jana a country can send dossiers only if there are facts which they can present through them.It will be difficult for Pakistan to fill atleast 10 pages because there is simply no evidence.

We dont need to send children story books . Better use the paper for some other purpose
As a matter of fact, if the issue of Pakistani terrorism in India and the Kashmir dispute is settled to the satisfaction of both countries, Pakistan actually becomes irrelevant for India

OUCH!!!!!!!!!! And therein lies the twisted tale of two estranged brothers ...... :cry:

Cheers, Doc
Atleast we are wise enough not to waste paper on sending 11000 pages dossiers one after one and still Chidarabaram is doing choon choon chacha ghari pe chooha nacha

Ma'am, its these dossiers and other proofs provided by India that have played a large role in Pakistan being recognized as a terror breeding ground for international terrorism.

Just quoting absurd idioms doesnt prove a point.
ya peaceful talks in which ,we r told to be attacked like in bombay,we r told that how to keep ur self ready for attacks in kashmir.etc

i love this peacetalks.every indian hate this kinds of peace talks to whom u were saying as a kid.....:

Then dont lecture us what is good for us and what is not.

Pakistan will look forward for its defence and deterrence against Indian aggression this is not insecurities rather our sane decision against a cunning enemy
Ma'am, its these dossiers and other proofs provided by India that have played a large role in Pakistan being recognized as a terror breeding ground for international terrorism.

Just quoting absurd idioms doesnt prove a point.

And what is the result other than window dressing for India.

Nothing is going to happen to us ;) keep rolling
Isn't it India who is asking us to trust them? Killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir is our right since its a disputed territory, and officially recognized as such by the United Nations.

1. But you can't have double standard, if u have the right to kill Indian soldiers then India also has the right to kill the Pakistani soldiers.

2. Are you OK with it???

3. Will you support killing of Pakistani solders in Kashmir as its a disputed territory as per your own statement?????
1. But you can't have double standard, if u have the right to kill Indian soldiers then India also has the right to kill the Pakistani soldiers.

As if you have never tried to do that.

3. Will you support killing of Pakistani solders in Kashmir as its a disputed territory as per your own statement?????

Once our soldiers cross into Indian Occupied Kashmir then well oh it will be an open battle so yeh anybody can be killed
We dont need to send children story books . Better use the paper for some other purpose

Sure we dont need story books.We need dossiers with credible evidence.Note the info must be credible or else we will belittle it as "information".
As if you have never tried to do that.

Once our soldiers cross into Indian Occupied Kashmir then well oh it will be an open battle so yeh anybody can be killed

The correct parallel will be Indian forces sending in insurgents into the areas of Kashmir and G&B controlled by Pakistan and attacking Pakistani Sec forces. Since those are also disputed areas, though in control of Pakistan
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