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Sharmila Farooqi Ki Bolti Band: Left programme in Anger

hin syasat panjhe waste karen ahey,panjhe iqtadar k waste karen ahey, Hin mulk qudrati asasan naal mala maal ahey ,hin log asan ji dharti ji asasan te qabza karen lai panjhu eman beche theo , Hin k party me jhamuriat na ahi , hin ju rawayu me jhamurait na ahi, hin me bardasht na ahey, hin me awam ju dard na ahi... Well said! Really well said in the end.
I suppose that's Sindhi, but what does it mean?
They do politics only for theirselves, They do politics only for their seats , These people have hijacked our nation , selling their respect and glory. Their party don't carry democratic thought, Even She don't carry democratic thoughts. She can't tolerate, She don't have pain for peoples.
No matter how straight forward questions those were, the anchor was not sure and did not have copies of decision which provided chance to miss Farooqi to slip away and make fun. The anchor was not sure about rental issue date, played a very lose ball while talking about DG Rangers issue. If you want to see someone leaving chair in anger please have a look at BB's interview with Iftikhar Ahmed.

In this interview I think she just showed the anchor that his was a big unprepared a$$****.

I think you need to see the interview again. the host asked very legitimate questions. The lady trying to be clever was actually caught out of depth when he asked question about the assassins of Benazir. Then in a typical woman counter attack, she tries to tell the host that he was rude and shouting at her. He was neither rude nor shouting but the ***** definitely showed she represents a government which is corrupt, incompetent and callous. After all, the supreme court investigations have proved beyond doubt that MQM, PPP and ANP - the allies in this govt have armed militias who kill the people of Karachi to mark their territories.

In the end the anchor speaks in a very candid, passionate and heart wrenching manner about the politics and political culture of the current so called rulers who are actually mafias. I really liked him, straightforward and down to earth man.

This woman always tries to out smart anchors of leading channels but they come prepared with the documents and notes, They come with excellent background knowledge of history and current events who end her up in a barking mode. But this anchor was asking questions withou bringing and tightening her in trap. when she asked him about the rental case he said it starts from 2008 but she came out that it starts from 2006, there she got out of situation making fun of him. Then he boasted we sent DG Rangers out and Sharmila replied that he returned back again. This guy raised wrong point and was beaten back.
Rest we all know the causes of Karachi problem, who are responsible and those who got killed from both sides were killed for personal reasons and city remained hostage for over a week. They all are responsible for situation.
Rest people know this woman and the reasons for being advisor for advising nothing to CM.
Sharmila hardly has any shame in her....

I like her shameless, just the way she is ;)

Edit: So I watched the whole video and though I despise Ms. Farooqi (only non-sexually, ofcourse).....I have to say that the anchor was very rude, he was not allowing her to produce answers and above all the anchor was not properly prepared. For instance, when Sharmila twisted the question of RPPs by stating that the policy was drafted in 2006, anchor should have told her that the current RPP project awards were handed out by PPP Minister. The policy was not corrupt, the act to procure the services of RPPs by Raja Pervaiz Ashraf & Co. was corrupt as PPRA rules were not adhered to.

And so on.....
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