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Sharmeen Obaid wins second Oscar award

better if you let me know your nationality so I can comment accordingly. If you are Pakistani and can't see any positive in our own country then you better pack your bags and move to your adapted country and leave Pakistan for those who are optimistic about its future! The moment you start degrading Pakistan your own motherland you lose your right to be it's ambassador, it's spokesperson. I don't find the rest of your rants worth the reply.

Our internal problems got internal solutions and can only be fixed by internal debate. No need to do your dirty laundry outside. No nation worth its salt does this non sense. Understand this, it's nothing to do with what you called as recognizing the problem. We got vibrant and independent media , we ain't a banana Republic which certain section of society are hell bend to prove otherwise. Use Pakistani media to put the issues across.
And we saw the result internal debate Salman taseer was murdered and Qadri was hailed as hero
And we saw the result internal debate Salman taseer was murdered and Qadri was hailed as hero

So tell me what would you like to see? Western civilization headed by US of A take over Pakistan and sort our internal issues for us just like they have very successfully taught the Afghans how to protect the women rights and their education? Just like they have taught democracy to Iraqis and Libyans?

Internal problems got internal solutions via internal debate. Don't drag Pakistan good name in dirt infront of forigeners.
The state/organization can advertise so-called 'safe sex' practices but cannot ensure their implementation. Everybody is not comfortable with using a condom and some are even allergic to such products.
Then they wouldn't use 'safe sex practices' in heterosexual relationships either and HIV would continue to be transmitted - 'discouraging Gay relationships' is therefore not the answer.
What's wrong with my question?
I don't see what relevance it has to the discussion.
Sharmeen Obaid got the secret of winning the oscar which is to make a documentary about social issues or taboo subjects in our society especially related to girls as per perception of western audience about Pakistani conservative society..

Well congrats to her for this personal achievement :)

Yes, lets just pretend violence against women in Pakistan is a western hatched conspiracy.
Yes, lets just pretend violence against women in Pakistan is a western hatched conspiracy.
Who said this? No one deny the existence of honour killing and acid throwing which mostly revolve around poor girls.

I was talking about the criteria of winning the oscar in western world which is to potray ills of developing or backward society as per perception of western audience
I am lost for words.

The sheer stupidity of your post.
More like you really have no rational rebuttal to the arguments put forward.

Who said this? No one deny the existence of honour killing and acid throwing which mostly revolve around poor girls.

I was talking about the criteria of winning the oscar in western world which is to potray ills of developing or backward society as per perception of western audience
Can you point out documentaries highlighting 'positive things in Pakistan' that are of the caliber of the films made by Sharmeen that have won Oscars? Were they submitted for Oscar contention and failed and why did they fail?
Can you point out documentaries highlighting 'positive things in Pakistan' that are of the caliber of the films made by Sharmeen that have won Oscars? Were they submitted for Oscar contention and failed and why did they fail?
There is none because it will not attract western audience and last two documentary was about acid throwing and honour killing..sharmeen got the good recipe of melting the hearts of western audience by showing the horror dark face of our society ..acid throwing and honour killing done .. What will be her next project for oppressed women of our society?
There is none because it will not attract western audience and last two documentary was about acid throwing and honour killing..sharmeen got the good recipe of melting the hearts of western audience by showing the horror dark face of our society ..acid throwing and honour killing done .. What will be her next project for oppressed women of our society?
That's a circular argument - "I will not do X because X will never win an award" - until someone actually creates a documentary of the caliber that Sharmeen has, on a 'positive subject in Pakistan', submits it for Oscar contention and loses despite having no close competition, your claim is no more than unsubstantiated opinion.
That's a circular argument - "I will not do X because X will never win an award" - until someone actually creates a documentary of the caliber that Sharmeen has, on a 'positive subject in Pakistan', submits it for Oscar contention and loses despite having no close competition, your claim is no more than unsubstantiated opinion.
Its not just about Pakistan because there were many quality documentaries around the globe on different subjects but she won twice because her topics were more touchy :P Sharmeen should prove her critics wrong by selecting different topics and we will see whether oscar committee even short list that quality stuffs let alone declaring it winner. She is typical feminists who chose certain topics revolve around women and is cashing few tragic stories of poor girl for personal fame and glory and thats my opinion but you are free to praise her
Its not just about Pakistan because there were many quality documentaries around the globe on different subjects but she won twice because her topics were more touchy :P Sharmeen should prove her critics wrong by selecting different topics and we will see whether oscar committee even short list that quality stuffs let alone declaring it winner. She is typical feminists who chose certain topics revolve around women and is cashing few tragic stories of poor girl for personal fame and glory and thats my opinion but you are free to praise her
Film as a visual medium is not just about creating something that is high quality from a 'technical perspective' - it's about a quality technical product that also draws the viewer into the subject matter and creates a strong emotional impact. Until you can point out a film of the caliber that she produces, on positive things in Pakistan, your argument about 'rewarding tragic stories' is flawed. Keep in mind of course that even a film on 'positive stories' (such as the Edhi foundation) will have to describe in painful detail the social and government ills that require an organization like Edhi to function in the first place. There is no escaping that fact.

Whether Sharmeen gets personal glory or not, the fact is that evils such as honor killings and acid attacks occur with frequency in Pakistan and she has acted as a responsible Pakistani citizen to highlight the evils in our society in order to encourage debate and legislative action to minimize and prevent such evils.
Whether Sharmeen gets personal glory or not, the fact is that evils such as honor killings and acid attacks occur with frequency in Pakistan and she has acted as a responsible Pakistani citizen to highlight the evils in our society in order to encourage debate and legislative action to minimize and prevent such evils.
We have plenty of newspaper and media channels who are highlighting this issue of honour killings and acid throwing in different tv programme on local channels whether its dramas or debate about social issues. If purpose of making these documentaries was to create awareness and reforms in Pakistani society then why she did not produced these contents in Urdu, Punjabi, Pashto or in others local languages for common people to understand her message ? How many people in Pakistan will get the chance to watch her documentaries on local media? Most of her documentaries were funded by western producers and they dont even telecast it on local channel/cinema because western distributors owns the copyrights. She is only selling the miseries and tragic stories of poor Pakistani women for western audience to get personal fame and recognition. By the way she made another documentary "song of lahore" and i bet no one even know about its existence
Abduslam won Nobel We not happy
Malala won Nobel we not happy
Someone one Oscar we not happy
Are we most un happy nation on earth?
Abduslam won Nobel We not happy
Malala won Nobel we not happy
Someone one Oscar we not happy
Are we most un happy nation on earth?

The West gives awards to our traitors.

I would like to see a Nobel being given to Edhi

Anyway who was Malala before she got shot. A nobody
The West gives awards to our traitors.

I would like to see a Nobel being given to Edhi

Anyway who was Malala before she got shot. A nobody
We are a traitor nation everyone to each label that, you and me also^o^
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