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Sharifs' return

Are you in Favor of Sharif's Return ?

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    Votes: 4 19.0%
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    Votes: 16 76.2%
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    Votes: 1 4.8%

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Sep 6, 2007
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Saturday, September 08, 2007
This is with respect to the recent announcement of Nawaz Sharif's return to Pakistan on September 10.I saw a few people dancing in the streets. I sometimes wonder what type of nation we are. What a short memory our nation has. We want to welcome a convicted criminal. This is same Nawaz Sharif who tried to hijack PIA's plane with not only the army chief on board but also approximately 80 children on it. This is same Nawaz Sharif whose coward stance on Kargil resulted in the Pak Army's humiliation from a very strong position. This is the same Nawaz Sharif who bankrupted the national economy rock bottom and the international donors announced the rating of Pakistan as "tech-default". This is the same Nawaz Sharif who raided the Supreme Court of Pakistan which is still regarded as the darkest day in Pakistan's history.

This is the same Nawaz Sharif who froze foreign currency accounts resulting in quick erosion of national foreign exchange reserves. This is the same Nawaz Sharif who's famous for the yellow cab scheme scandal, sugar scandal; Mercedes import scandal, wrong reporting to IMF and the World Bank scandal. This is same Nawaz Sharif whose period is hardest for journalists whose direct confrontation with the Jang group is not forgotten.

This is same Nawaz Sharif who has never given any sort of freedom to either the media or judiciary! This is same Nawaz Sharif who never took interest in building any sort of infrastructure except the M-2 motorway, a highly expensive and infeasible venture. Hence this is the same Nawaz Sharif who continuously lied to the nation hundreds of times about his Kargil de-briefing by the army, airplane hijacking and Saudi deal which all proved to be true today. He will yet again betray a very highly respected Saudi friend as he did to him and the Pakistani government earlier when he left Saudi Arabia lying about his son's illness. I am shocked how people now believe him as he always betrays and backs out of what he says. I can only say we are a strange nation when after knowing so much about him we still want to welcome him.
The News
NS has only announced he is coming back and the ruling party is in huge troubles. The turncoats of Q-league have started abandoning the party. The governments desparation is obvious with the tight security in RWP/ISB and Lahore.

Only time would tells who will rot where
I never expected that govt will be horrified and afraid of N'Shareef soooo much. Lahore closed, roads closed, aiports sealed, peolple getting apprehended..etc etc.and playing every trick in his hat to stop NS. Its total madness from the govt...If Musharraf thinks he is so popular and in demand then why he is doing all this ...the guy has totally lost his senses....he should let evry exile leader come...hold the elections and the time will tell where he statds.
X-men that's exactly what i have been saying.

Unfortunately Musharraf has been repeatedly assured by a bunch of turncoats that he is the most popular leader ever. Which is not the reality. The Q-Leaguers are deserting him one by one. PSM and CJ cases have damaged Musharraf's credibility and he finds himself cornered in the present situation. He is so afraid of losing the power that he has started negotiation with a leader he himself called corrupt and a security threat.

On the other hand BB who has refused to talk with MMA and join APC for the reason that MMA is a part of Musharraf Government is now herself talking with Military leader. This is the height of hypocrisy
I never expected that govt will be horrified and afraid of N'Shareef soooo much. Lahore closed, roads closed, aiports sealed, peolple getting apprehended..etc etc.and playing every trick in his hat to stop NS. Its total madness from the govt...If Musharraf thinks he is so popular and in demand then why he is doing all this ...the guy has totally lost his senses....he should let evry exile leader come...hold the elections and the time will tell where he statds.

1st.All the steps govt is taking she is taking are in the interest of the civil people, & i dont in which lahore you live bcoz the lahore in which i live i completely open.& which Air port ??

2nd. You think these people of Pakistan can choose their leader guess what NO, the people of Pakistan cannot choose their leader bcoz no body know about the history of that particular party he is voting to, he is just voting bcoz his ancisters voted for that party no other reason, more then half of Pakistan is illiterate how do you supose that they know what is best for the country & what is not.

if you mind to answer my Questions.

Hi Wilco

1st. I havent been to Lahore or all the airports myself....I said whats been telecasted on TV channels. And when they say( in present contest) that a city is closed it doesnt mean that all the markets, shops, hospitals,offices etc are closed, it means that all the major routes in-out of city are monitired and entry/ exit is left to the jurisdiction of the security forces. So you can still eat your BigMac in defence...its still open!!!!

2nd:Well you cannot assume something on the behalf of millions of Pakistanis. They very much can choose their leaders...and if you still think they cant then dont blame them..blame khakis. Because they never let the democracy prosper in Pakistan..each time things started to work..some joker would takeover the power and start to run the business on his whims.

Tell me one civilised country in the world, where military leaders are running the business. NONE!Its always civilians who run the affair and military is tool in country's aims and policies. Did Quaid-azam commanded any infantry corps or Liaquat ali knah commanded any armour division ...No No.....I my self in a member of armed forces but strongly believe that if this country has to prosper and move ahead,,,THE TOP MAN HAS TO BE CIVILIAN.

How can you blame Pakistani people for not choosing their leaders when they havent been given ample chances to choose ones since independence....let the democracy prosper..let people choose their own leaders...let people mature politically ...let them make a mistake and learn from them...let civil leadership work....let civilian institutes run by civilians....let military do what it does best:defend pakistan.......and inshallah things will improve .

Take care
1st. I havent been to Lahore or all the airports myself....I said whats been telecasted on TV channels. And when they say( in present contest) that a city is closed it doesnt mean that all the markets, shops, hospitals,offices etc are closed, it means that all the major routes in-out of city are monitired and entry/ exit is left to the jurisdiction of the security forces. So you can still eat your BigMac in defence...its still open!!!!
So it cancels your comment that Lahore , Airports are closed.

2nd:Well you cannot assume something on the behalf of millions of Pakistanis. They very much can choose their leaders.
NO they cannot, this is my point, just assume that almost an average Pakistani go to work from 9 to 5, RIGHT. they have to fead there family they have to work hard so they got no time to take interest in the politics they just got attracted to the parties by just listning someone in the bus or so.

when more the 60% of your population dont know how to write there name how you suppose them to choose their leader.

nd if you still think they cant then dont blame them..blame khakis. Because they never let the democracy prosper in Pakistan..
Personaly i never like democracy, bcoz democracy is good in those countries when education rate is very high & people know what is right & what is wrong for them, not in the countries like ours. & dont forget the best progress & the best achievements Pakistan has made are made in Army rule.

each time things started to work
Just tell me a single time when any political party tried to do someting for the country & have been thrown over.

Tell me one civilised country in the world, where military leaders are running the business. NONE!
bcoz the people living there know whatis best for them, they do not have any problems. but the situtaion in our countrie is different you are comparing sand with water which is not possibe. you are comparing the countries who have per capita income of 40,000 to 45,000 us$ to Pakistan who have just 925us$.

Its always civilians who run the affairs and military is tool in country's aims and policies.
Yes you are right, but when there is no one who can run your country in the best interest of the people then Army has to take over to save the country, that is his duty.

Did Quaid-azam commanded any infantry corps or Liaquat ali knah commanded any armour division ...No No..
bcoz on that time we think for Pakistan first & every thing last but now situation has changed we think for Pakistan last & ourself first.

How can you blame Pakistani people for not choosing their leaders when they havent been given ample chances to choose ones since independence..
bcoz they are not capable of doing so.

.let them make a mistake and learn from them...
Countries dont run on mistakes, if you say that let them learn from there mistakes then they will never learn.

.let military do what it does best:defend pakistan....
It is defending Pakistan. military's responsibility is not only to defend external but also enternal borders of the country.

and inshallah things will improve .
Yes inshallah every thing will improve, if we people will think of Pakistan first.

*My intentions are not to hurt you brother, but it is just out thinking is different, we both have different aspects, that unfortunately cannot go alongside*
Take Care.

If BB and NA were really interested in "democracy", they could have negotiated with Musharraf on a return of the Army to the Barracks in return for accepting the two term bar on premiership and leaving politics. Instead they have placed their own self interest, self preservation and desire for power over all things. They have virtually held their parties hostage to their own whims and desire to return, preventing the development of new leadership and ideas that could offer hope for the future.

Democracy is not about individuals, it is about ideas. Both NS and BB could have remained "spiritual heads" of their respective parties. Their refusal to give up power only validates the suspicions a lot of people have about their intentions.
Wilco ...are you General Musharraf with an alias ?:cheesy:

Mr Nawaz Sharif's ride all bikes ya like.you are still not welcomed in my Pakistan.
bunch of unemployed party workers can make all the noise they like.But you still have no chance in hell becoming any thing but a thief that you are.

oh my bad this isn't Nawaz Sharif's iam addressing to.i saw the name x-man i automatically assumed x=use to be a man.

I do appalogize x-man
Mr Nawaz Sharif's ride all bikes ya like.you are still not welcomed in my Pakistan.
bunch of unemployed party workers can make all the noise they like.But you still have no chance in hell becoming any thing but a thief that you are.

oh my bad this isn't Nawaz Sharif's iam addressing to.i saw the name x-man i automatically assumed x=use to be a man.

I do appalogize x-man

:cheesy: What did this guy write????????????? Did anybody get it? Whatever it was, it did not make any sense and was immature.
dictatorship within the parties.......chairperson for life..??????..
dictatorship within the parties.......chairperson for life..??????..

Exactly! When you look at the success of the parliamentary system in India, it has been the result of parties, not individuals. New leadership and ideas keep emerging even when the choice is still primarily between two parties. NS and BB still talk about their times in power as if Pakistan had become a "land of milk and honey"! What progress can we expect when they won't even accept their mistakes.


BB and NS, NO!
agreed to Agnostic Muslim,
the main purpose of a political party is to give power to the people, the whole community it represents.....but here in pakistan the political parties have become based on individuals.

NS and BB should step down as they have already served two terms in the office...... its definitley time for a new leader now.
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