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Shame on Israel.The Palestinian national soccer team has been under attack by the Israeli state

H... Bala Bla Bla... I don't have to talk about Palestinians... Everyone know about them,,, They let die their own kids and lift their dead bodies to be photographed to blame everything on Israel.... You call it israeli Occupation or whatever... Nothing is going to change the Border. Land of Jews would always be with them. If you want your own country then Recognize the State of Israel and Drop the Arms of Hamas and other terrorists Who support Terror against Israel or be always without a country

You're telling us nothing will change situation and 'Jewish' land is always 'Jewish' land and at the same time tell us drop our arms...nobody has arms in the West Bank and Israel steals their land every day, their resources, restricts their movement, demolishes their homes, prevent them from any development on their own land and all you tell us is too bad. Palestinian Christians and Muslims disagree with terrorists like you who justify Israeli terrorism and occupation. First people to terrorize the original inhabitants were your brothers:

Jewish-Zionist Terror.

Soon after the end of World War II, there were three basic para-military Zionist organizations in Palestine, working against the Arab people, with the specific purpose of driving it out of Palestine. These were the Haganah, the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang.

Before the British Mandate, the Jewish settlers had formed a group of mounted armed watchmen called "Hashomar" and with the advent of the British Mandate, it became the Haganah (Defense). With a membership of 60,000 Zionist Jews, the Haganah had a field army of 16,000 trained men and a unit called the Palmach, which was a full-time force, numbering about 6000.

The Irgun Zvai Leumi included between 3000 and 5000 armed terrorists, and grew out of the Haganah and its Palmach branch in 1933. The Irgun was not ready to obey the Jewish Agency which sought to dilute the terror of the Haganah in order not to lose its respectability.

In 1939, one of Irgun's commanding officers, Abraham Stern, left the parent organization and formed the Stern Gang, numbering some 200 to 300 dangerous fanatics.


August 20, 1937 - June 29, 1939. During this period, the Zionists carried out a series of attacks against Arab buses, resulting in the death of 24 persons and wounding 25 others.
November 25, 1940. S.S.Patria was blown up by Jewish terrorists in Haifa harbour, killing 268 illegal Jewish immigrants (see below).
November 6, 1944. Zionist terrorists of the Stern Gang assassinated the British Minister Resident in the Middle East, Lord Moyne, in Cairo.
July 22, 1946. Zionist terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed the central offices of the civilian administration of the government of Palestine, killing or injuring more than 200 persons. The Irgun officially claimed responsibility for the incident, but subsequent evidence indicated that both the Haganah and the Jewish Agency were involved.
October 1, 1946. The British Embassy in Rome was badly damaged by bomb explosions, for which Irgun claimed responsibility.
June 1947. Letters sent to British Cabinet Ministers were found to contain bombs.

You're telling us nothing will change situation and 'Jewish' land is always 'Jewish' land and at the same time tell us drop our arms...nobody has arms in the West Bank and Israel steals their land every day, their resources, restricts their movement, demolishes their homes, prevent them from any development on their own land and all you tell us is too bad. Palestinian Christians and Muslims disagree with terrorists like you who justify Israeli terrorism and occupation. First people to terrorize the original inhabitants were your brothers:

Jewish-Zionist Terror.

Soon after the end of World War II, there were three basic para-military Zionist organizations in Palestine, working against the Arab people, with the specific purpose of driving it out of Palestine. These were the Haganah, the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang.

Before the British Mandate, the Jewish settlers had formed a group of mounted armed watchmen called "Hashomar" and with the advent of the British Mandate, it became the Haganah (Defense). With a membership of 60,000 Zionist Jews, the Haganah had a field army of 16,000 trained men and a unit called the Palmach, which was a full-time force, numbering about 6000.

The Irgun Zvai Leumi included between 3000 and 5000 armed terrorists, and grew out of the Haganah and its Palmach branch in 1933. The Irgun was not ready to obey the Jewish Agency which sought to dilute the terror of the Haganah in order not to lose its respectability.

In 1939, one of Irgun's commanding officers, Abraham Stern, left the parent organization and formed the Stern Gang, numbering some 200 to 300 dangerous fanatics.
August 20, 1937 - June 29, 1939. During this period, the Zionists carried out a series of attacks against Arab buses, resulting in the death of 24 persons and wounding 25 others.
November 25, 1940. S.S.Patria was blown up by Jewish terrorists in Haifa harbour, killing 268 illegal Jewish immigrants (see below).
November 6, 1944. Zionist terrorists of the Stern Gang assassinated the British Minister Resident in the Middle East, Lord Moyne, in Cairo.
July 22, 1946. Zionist terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed the central offices of the civilian administration of the government of Palestine, killing or injuring more than 200 persons. The Irgun officially claimed responsibility for the incident, but subsequent evidence indicated that both the Haganah and the Jewish Agency were involved.
October 1, 1946. The British Embassy in Rome was badly damaged by bomb explosions, for which Irgun claimed responsibility.
June 1947. Letters sent to British Cabinet Ministers were found to contain bombs.


Ohhhh such a sweet stories. I've heared them so many times... Use them against some mind wash kids not me. I know very well of the Arab/muslim terror. You're a guy who justify the terror school that gives arms training for 6 year old Gazan kids right!!!! always its useless to talk to guys like you
JEWS don't care, they hate mixing with goyims
They also provoke it

All they want from goyims is money, they don't want people to be attracted by Israel and having the idea to visit it
Most jews dont think like that
Ohhhh such a sweet stories. I've heared them so many times... Use them against some mind wash kids not me. I know very well of the Arab/muslim terror. You're a guy who justify the terror school that gives arms training for 6 year old Gazan kids right!!!! always its useless to talk to guys like you

Typical troll, you offer no rebuttal and call everything 'stories' if doesn't suit you. Too bad very few people are like you in this world. Palestinians are allowed to stand up for their rights. You just keep shouting 'terror' over and over again as a pretext to justify Israel's occupation which began before Israel was even created. What a sick man full of hatred.
Ohhhh such a sweet stories. I've heared them so many times... Use them against some mind wash kids not me. I know very well of the Arab/muslim terror. You're a guy who justify the terror school that gives arms training for 6 year old Gazan kids right!!!! always its useless to talk to guys like you
Stop writing like that you make jews only look bad
Most jews dont think like that

He's not pro Palestinian, he actually comes here to try to make supporters of Palestine look stupid. Don't quote him at all he trolls.

Stop writing like that you make jews only look bad

I know right, he's not Jewish nor Israeli, he's an Indian. All one has to do is oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories, they still can support Israel. Justifying something that gives Israel a miserable reputation in this world will only hurt whatever cause he believes in.
palestine muslims should now learn to live with jews, how much more you want?

end all your terrorists activities and live peacefully with jews

What is this troll? Palestinian Christians are also occupied by Israel. If you want us to live by Israel then tell them to get out of our land! This is our territory! Israel does not define it's borders, because they confiscate Palestinian land and resources on a daily basis. End the occupation for peace!
jews deserves there own country

People don't disagree with that, however, the Palestinian Territories in which these soccer players were shot are not part of Israel. They are occupied by Israeli military forces and hundreds of thousands of illegal Israeli settlers. The international community also considers them occupied territories and have said we need to go to 1967 borders for peace. The Jews will have their own nation and the Palestinians will have their own. But, Israel is preventing that, they actually keep confiscating our land and resources and commit many human rights violations against our people. They are preventing peace, we are defending ourselves from the Israeli occupation.
No they didn't, Solomon did not offer any evidence that they were in possession of 'bombs'. Had they actually been then they would've been treated for their wounds at an Israeli prison. You're just a gullible anti Palestinian troll. All he gave us was an Zionist blog piece which still does not offer any evidence that they were throwing 'bombs'. The Israeli military has camera footage they won't release.

Second point, even though they didn't attack those occupying soldiers, they're absolutely entitled to resist the occupation. These Israeli troops are inside Palestinian territory and not in Israeli territory. Therefore they are legitimate targets along with illegal Israeli settlers.

This is a garbage covert story by the Israeli occupation. This is what they did with Jordanian judge they murdered weeks ago. The Israeli military claimed he attacked them and they had no choice but to kill him. They stood by this, yet their PM urged an investigation, the Israeli military still said they stand by what they said. Yet, just recently, they are now investigation his death because it's a typical cover up bullshit story.

Why are you biting my head off ???? Frankly speaking I don't give a f about you Palestinians and Israelis. I hate when you slaughter each others kids and women. Apart from that I really can't understand why you guys just can't muster up huge armies on both sides and go against a killing spree against soldiers who get paid to fight. All this rocket launching on innocent civilians and cities and all this war planes and soldiers bombing civilians makes me think that you both are just a bunch of woosies who can't fight a proper war. I've seen some of those tin can rockets you posted and let me tell you this much...you ain't going to get a single inch of land with those pieces of antiquated junk dude.

Now when it came to my comment, irrespective of whether he posted from an anti-Palestinian or anti-rabbit site, the fact remains that Solomon2 did come in here and present a good rebuttal of some of the claims you were making earlier. Not that he is Jewish or American. That doesn't matter squat to me.
Why are you biting my head off ???? Frankly speaking I don't give a f about you Palestinians and Israelis. I hate when you slaughter each others kids and women. Apart from that I really can't understand why you guys just can't muster up huge armies on both sides and go against a killing spree against soldiers who get paid to fight. All this rocket launching on innocent civilians and cities and all this war planes and soldiers bombing civilians makes me think that you both are just a bunch of woosies who can't fight a proper war. I've seen some of those tin can rockets you posted and let me tell you this much...you ain't going to get a single inch of land with those pieces of antiquated junk dude.

Now when it came to my comment, irrespective of whether he posted from an anti-Palestinian or anti-rabbit site, the fact remains that Solomon2 did come in here and present a good rebuttal of some of the claims you were making earlier. Not that he is Jewish or American. That doesn't matter squat to me.

Okay, you are very confused. First of all, we don't slaughter each other. The Israelis are occupying our land and slaughtering us, we are not confiscating their land or resources. Second of all, this incident happened in the West Bank. The West Bank and Gaza are two different things, both Palestinian Territories however. He did not offer a rebuttal, he justified the incident. Please show me evidence that these people were throwing 'bombs' at Israeli forces which are occupying Palestinian land. These are not Israeli forces minding their own business in their own land defending their nation. These are Israeli forces going on the offensive against Palestinians and demolishing their homes everyday and putting illegal settlers in their place. The whole international world recognizes the West Bank as occupied territory. It's you who makes this sound like a conflict.

You say Israelis have been slaughtered? Really? Show me how many Israelis have been 'slaughtered' in the past decade? The Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are not attacking Israel, otherwise you would see that in the news. Yet Israel is confiscating their land daily and expanding more with their illegal settlements, they violate their rights.

It is not a conflict, one side is occupied and defenseless and the other side is very powerful, commits human rights violations and exercise discrimination against non Jewish people. Btw, the Palestinians are entitled to arm theirselves, the Palestinians in Gaza don't use their weapons in aggression. They only use them in self defense when necessary, the whole past 5 years no weapons were used except on very short and small occasions where Israel attacks Gaza unprovoked and kills their people. Israel did not end it's occupation in Gaza since it still exercises massive control over Gaza. This is what the UN says, you just need to follow up on it. The Palestinian people are the only people in this conflict that are suffering and having their rights violated daily. And it has nothing to do with violence, the Israeli occupation began long ago, Israel expands it's borders illegally not because of security reasons, rather because they have a belief they're entitled to displace Palestinians and illegally seize their land.
Typical troll, you offer no rebuttal and call everything 'stories' if doesn't suit you. Too bad very few people are like you in this world. Palestinians are allowed to stand up for their rights. You just keep shouting 'terror' over and over again as a pretext to justify Israel's occupation which began before Israel was even created. What a sick man full of hatred.

Ohhhhhhh You're talking about hatred???? Kid you're the kinda guy who Dig the Internet to find Anti-Israel News to post here and spread your propaganda...Ya you have a right to stand up no one denied that, but that doesn't mean you've to train 6 year old kid to kill. Do you think that's going to give you a country??? You people keep doing the same then all the Palestinians will be same like you wandering without a country.
What is this troll? Palestinian Christians are also occupied by Israel. If you want us to live by Israel then tell them to get out of our land! This is our territory! Israel does not define it's borders, because they confiscate Palestinian land and resources on a daily basis. End the occupation for peace!

And what, end the Occupation for Peace???? Ae you crazy >?? If Israel leave then next day all the terrorists would be invited by Abbas to fire the rockets... No one on earth going to trust a Muslim on this Issue...

And FYI you want to live by Jews then start accepting them. the talks and process will sttart only when israel has the control.... Look what happened recently..... Your beloved Fat headed Abbas Did, he said he would never recognize Israel
Sure you achieve great success since 1948, you even support the zionist MB who destroy the ppl helping the palestinians (Syria)
He's not pro Palestinian, he actually comes here to try to make supporters of Palestine look stupid. Don't quote him at all he trolls.

I know right, he's not Jewish nor Israeli, he's an Indian. All one has to do is oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories, they still can support Israel. Justifying something that gives Israel a miserable reputation in this world will only hurt whatever cause he believes in.

LOL...these loons make the message board more entertaining.
A load of crap, they were trying to throw a bomb. :lol:

Typical Israeli BS claims, and this was in Palestinian land.

the article says a bomb was found on them... and throwing bombs , suicide bombers etc is the modus operandi from the palestinian side. so how is someone like you, clueless in america , since you were not there - can say the claim is BS?

and post #10 is quite powerful... even if you refuse to believe it because you are a partisan in this effort.

personally , I look at it case by case and absolutely believe Israel( soldiers) has been at fault many times... i.e.I am not a partisan

do the pictures lie ? you don't see any shots to at least one guys feet. that some powerful evidence unless you are saying they made up those tweets and social media posts?

Oh Btw stp threatening other members, this is not a PLA playing grounds . It makes you a caricature of what people think you are...
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