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Shame on Government

mahmood 1.jpg
As i said before, Nawaz Sharif is not equipped to deal these kind of crises, but holding march forces his hand to make decision that endanger the citizens out there.

Please, for the love of God, cancel long march and the situation will get back to normal, Insha Allah!. There will be no container which is the result of containment in respond to long march. Long march is proving costly and expensive to nation now.

Nawaz Sharif will have to answer to Allah for his decisions [container, Model towns, corruption,...etc]. Until then, for the love of God, cancel long march. Continuing with long march only aggravate the situation further.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un - To Allah we belong, To Allah we shall return. [to those who passed away]

If this continues, then shame on government, PTI and PAT equally. There is no denying in that. Time for Army takeover must be in effect as this appears to be out of control thank to pathetic politicial handling affairs.
Mind my ignorance but cant people move around the containers rather than crawling below it, especially if they are on foot? I havent even seen how have they parked the container to block every path but only under it.
There's barbed wire and smaller police barricades stopping people from moving around them
There's barbed wire and smaller police barricades stopping people from moving around them
As per LHC verdict, these measures are invalid. Hence, if the government does not remove these barricades, the public should come forward and help implementing LHC orders.
As per LHC verdict, these measures are invalid. Hence, if the government does not remove these barricades, the public should come forward and help implementing LHC orders.
Apparently police has started removing some of the containers from Lahore, according to Dawn news:


Policemen moving containers in Lahore. — File photo

Policemen deputed in and around Lahore’s Model Town area have been instructed by their seniors to remove containers and open roads leading from Barkat Market are to Jinnah Hospital, as per the earlier directives of the Lahore High Court.

— Wasim Riaz reported from Lahore
Apparently police has started removing some of the containers from Lahore, according to Dawn news:

Policemen moving containers in Lahore. — File photo
Policemen deputed in and around Lahore’s Model Town area have been instructed by their seniors to remove containers and open roads leading from Barkat Market are to Jinnah Hospital, as per the earlier directives of the Lahore High Court.

— Wasim Riaz reported from Lahore

Don't spread false information.... This is Old photo... Containers increased in Model town and other areas, while removed only few containers,road going towards data darbar where PTI rally will go..
Don't spread false information.... This is Old photo... Containers increased in Model town and other areas, while removed only few containers,road going towards data darbar where PTI rally will go..

Apparently police has started removing some of the containers from Lahore, according to Dawn news:
— Wasim Riaz reported from Lahore

You're right, its an old photo. I didn't expect Dawn news to be so unreliable.
I think govt is planning for peaceful dispersion of the mob.

… why not unloading a container full of rats at the epicenter of mob, it can easily panic the dancing women and drunk guys in the Azaadi march (a video of such activity would be fascinating).

Dear interior minister; I can bet on the affectivity…

The politics in Pakistan is apparently losing the ideology and we are becoming the victim of heroism, monarchism, feudalism and fascism... Instead, a political apathy has prevailed among the common people of Pakistan, waiting for a "seed crystal" to precipitate the saturated frustration. The polarized politics, however, will prevent such event to happen...
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