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Shame on Government

:lol: :lol: Mithe mithe munh main karvi karvi, thu?
police man 1.jpg
No doubt that it's an idiotic move by the Nawaz government but this what is an immature democracy looks like.

Years of direct military rule and indirect (behind the scenes) political interference has destroyed the socio-political fabric of the society. In fact, the socio-political fabric was not allowed to be woven since our Independence.

We are proving, again and again, that we are incapable of self-governance. Perhaps, Winston Churchill was right about not giving independence. May be we will only learn after we face what is happening in Iraq, Syria or Ukraine (God Forbid).
Police shouldn't be blamed for this, they ain't doing this at their own. It's the home ministry which should be blamed, police is bound to follow the orders from the house of Al-Sharif.
Yes Sir we should not blame the police that started operation in Minhaj ul Quran at 2am.?... There was no TUQ here...?
Police is bound to follow the orders like this?.... We should not blame them.??:what::o::o:

Even the day before yesterday, Even doctors at the Jinnah Hospital Lahore refused to treat the injured policemen due to badmashi of Punjab police

Cop misbehaves with doctors

LAHORE - Young doctors closed down Emergency of Jinnah Hospital on Friday night to protest against improper behavior of Police. Unpleasant incident occurred when SHO Gulshan-e-Ravi Ahsan Ali misbehaved with duty doctors for not giving due attention. Infuriated doctors refused to treat any policeman that caused DCO Lahore to intervene. After meeting with DCO, MS assured duty doctors that proper security would be ensured at Emergency. Doctors called off protest after staying away from the Emergency for 20 minutes. YDA Spokesman Dr Khurram Shahzad held Police responsible for the unpleasant incident, saying doctors were committed to provide facilities at Emergency under any circumstances. “SHO misbehaved with doctors for not attending him in a separate room. Such facilities are not available at Emergency of any hospital. MS has assured to provide security at Emergency. Doctors are at standby to provide emergency facilities at Jinnah Hospital”, he said.
Cop misbehaves with docs
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Shame on Padri and on his chamchey because of which police has to do all this. shame on those who call for useless marches/dharna which make local people suffer for their poltical scoring and lust for power
Only PTI to be blamed as per the patwari logic. Govt has created all this mess because they are panicked, but only PTI to be blamed for everything.
Shame on Begairat Police.....Shame on government. This is value of Senior citizens.??


We got Pakistan for this day?
Where is Supreme court??

when you question by Hamza is taking his mother abroad on tax payers money for medical treatment, they ignorant complain on emotional ground... but when they see this picture, they see poor people, not senior citizens.. and its okay to them...
These container blockades seem exclusive to Pakistan.Aren't people upset that cops are blocking the freaking roads.
Age old tactic to stop political protest. Trailer trucks along with containers parked on roads to block them

People are crawling beneath these trucks to reach their homes.

Political immaturity from freak'n politicians. Democracy has a long long way to go here.

Nice way to block protest

This is what happened long ago in Amritsar under British occupation of sub-continent... where a white lady was assaulted and they made everyone crawl to their homes for weeks...

this is just a pakistani version of that..
Un salo ki toh baat hi maar karo mood karabh ho jata hai
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