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Shame on Government



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Oh look, People crossing under the container.
Let me take a picture and tell people to shame on the GoP instead of helping them.
what are you saying…. he shouldn't have taken the picture?
he helped these people more by taking the picture and exposing the government….
stop following reddit and ifunny so much…
And who will compensate the daily laborer or Business thats losing millions. Nuri-Nut, Tali-khan or welfare Bum Qadri?
These container blockades seem exclusive to Pakistan.Aren't people upset that cops are blocking the freaking roads.
they to stupid to do anything about it…

And who will compensate the daily laborer or Business thats losing millions. Nuri-Nut, Tali-khan or welfare Bum Qadri?
this shouldn't be happening… its the right of the people to protest… azaadi march s not against the law….
its the right of the people to protest… azaadi march s not against the law….

I am not against the protest please feel free to protest all you like, but some one should be compensating the daily labor and business. who will pay for damages to public and private property, if any happens Qadri or Imran khan.
I am not against the protest please feel free to protest all you like, but some one should be compensating the daily labor and business. who will pay for damages to public and private property, if any happens Qadri or Imran khan.
so what shall happen then? there should be no march and the government should be allowed to do as it pleases unchecked?
some businesses will suffer for now… but the azaadi march over all will do more good then bad… my only concern is the security of the protestors.
every country has protests not just pakistan… nobody gets compensated… its just one of the things you have to live with in a democracy….

Many people injured, motorcycles destroyed on RAILWAY TRACK as people tried to use railway due to blockage of roads.... People saved their life by jumping off the track.

Duniya news

hahahaha well if they want to be dragged on roads why blame the government ?

I am not against the protest please feel free to protest all you like, but some one should be compensating the daily labor and business. who will pay for damages to public and private property, if any happens Qadri or Imran khan.

DID PML-N and MQM and other parties compensate labors and traders when they used to protest while in opposition ?
PML(N) government has crossed all limits. They are the worst.

Even PPP handled masses better than this...

This family ruling elites have destroyed Pakistan and has humiliated Pakistani people.

They must be removed for the betterment of our children and their future in this motherland of ours!

Everyone in Pakistan should join Imran Khan's Azadi March.

As Rouidad Khan said recently in an interview with Shahid Masood---Imran Khan is the only hope left now. He has no agenda. He has no...not a single...charge of corruption or dishonesty. Most of all, he has no family. He is a lone man that can't be bought or scared.
DID PML-N and MQM and other parties compensate labors and traders when they used to protest while in opposition ?

Off course not and what made you think I support their actions. Go through this forum , I have never ever spoken in favour of either.
Shame on Begairat Police.....Shame on government. This is value of Senior citizens.??


We got Pakistan for this day?
Where is Supreme court??

SC is dead, do you know how Quom E Lut was destroyed one of the reasons was NO Justice, their Judiciary was corrupt to the core and would never hand over justice to any outsider who were cheated and robbed and usually they would kill him. This Gov and their allies are making graves for themselves.
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hahahaha well if they want to be dragged on roads why blame the government ?
Not all who are trying to cross the barricades are TAQ supporters. There would be people who have to reach to their workplace, or to the hospitals, or to the courts, or to do grocery, or to the tuition centers, or to attend some dying relative, or to attend funerals. All these people like to crawl like insects on the roads?

SC is dead....
My friend our conscious (zameer) is dead. Read the statement: "hahahaha well if they want to be dragged on roads why blame the government ?". Thats exactly what people such as Nawaz, Shahbaz, Pervaiz Rasheed, Rana Sana, Rana Mashhood, Saad Rafiq, Khwaja Asif etc would be saying in their private gatherings.
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so what shall happen then? there should be no march and the government should be allowed to do as it pleases unchecked?
some businesses will suffer for now… but the azaadi march over all will do more good then bad… my only concern is the security of the protestors.
every country has protests not just pakistan… nobody gets compensated… its just one of the things you have to live with in a democracy….

The protesters should be allowed to protest as long as they like , but the politicians asking for protest must apply for a permit plus buy a bond 4 to 500 million rupees worth.

Any thing goes wrong money can be used to pay for the damages to the effected parties public or private.
Mind my ignorance but cant people move around the containers rather than crawling below it, especially if they are on foot? I havent even seen how have they parked the container to block every path but only under it.
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