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Shall India help USA to topple China or maintain a subtle balance between them?

Shall India help USA topple China?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 25.6%
  • No

    Votes: 58 74.4%

  • Total voters
Again what you "want" is irrelevant.

How you act is Relevant.

An Hidden veto to support a terrorist like Azar Mahmood will be rightly seen as supporting Terror as an instrument of state policy.

I don't care what USA want, I care about what India want. Either you provide us with what we want, or we go with someone who provides us with that.

That is the way of the world.
It's not like my way or the high way, the bilateral relationship is complicated than we thought. China do not support all kinds of terrorists action against India. I think your foreign minister had talked with Wang Yi about your concern, China will address it accordingly.
My dear friend you have no idea about a typical indian mentality, indian hindus as whole have inferiority complex issues due to very long rule over them by muslims and then the british.
almost all of your grand ancestors are converted hindus and most of them by force. if you want to confirm check the genetics, check the culture launguage and see your genes are more matching with a hindu indian or middle east arab.
I feel India will side with China and Russia because we are all growing economies and can easily help each other grow. India and China should sort out the boundary problem quickly and snatch this opportunity.

G3 has a greater role to play. I even welcome China's role as a peace broker between India and Pakistan so that we stop fighting over a piece of land.
My friend, the problem between India and Pakistan shall be addressed by yourself. If China get in, non of you will be happy. all the problem and conflicts was cause by the sun never set empire, they create the Kashmir and Mcmahone line, just blame them. Never get too close with the westerners, they are snakes. after 1962's mischief, China started to make friends with Pakistan and provided minimum deterrence against India. Before that, China and India were friend. Don't ever never let the foreigner tell you what to do and not to do, we are grown up. I hate UK, they are the one who did the crime and always behind the scene. We Asians are pathetic.
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My friend, the problem between India and Pakistan shall be addressed by yourself. If China get in, non of you will be happy. all the problem and conflicts was cause by the sun never set empire, they create the Kashmir and Mcmahone line, just blame them. Never get too close with the westerners, they are snakes.

Yes I agree.
Modi is doing it right now, he gains lot. But cautious if India get indulged with Yankees too much, you will loose More than gains. Look at the history, fore example Ukraine, Even Saudi.

China and India relationship is not that worse as you say. They are mature and independent, we have multiple level of dialogue between us. Thins won't be worse than 1962.
Not Worse ??????? Chinese are blocking virtually anything and everything related to India by misusing your powers
you are claiming one of our state your own and are currently occupying a significant area
you are unilaterally intervening in a disputed land
you are propping up the militry junta of our enemy to a dengerous levels
Is it normal for you people?
what do you think ,how we will repay you for all your good gestures
It's not like my way or the high way, the bilateral relationship is complicated than we thought. China do not support all kinds of terrorists action against India. I think your foreign minister had talked with Wang Yi about your concern, China will address it accordingly.

I agree its a mutual give and take. But basic civility and civil behaviour between great nations should never been in question.

China has its self interest in supporting pakistan state terror aparatus, India has its self interest in supporting Dalai Lama. However Dalai Lama has never advocated an armed uprising or a terror attack against China.

But strangely China considers Dalai Lama as a "Terrorist" and moves to protect real terrorists like Azar Mahamood from global punishment.

You have to understand that your ACTIONS on such serious matters is what determines your global respect and standing. Not winning gold medals in Olympics. China needs to understand this deeply.

Like I said, your Actions will decide the fate of our relationships, not words. Either by nixon or state media.

One thing you can be sure of is that India does desire GREAT relationship with China. Given a Choice, we will always prefer China over US. However that choice is not available as of yet. Its for China to make that choice available.
almost all of your grand ancestors are converted hindus and most of them by force. if you want to confirm check the genetics, check the culture launguage and see your genes are more matching with a hindu indian or middle east arab.
It's always sad when I saw you guys fighting with each other, how pathetic is that. You fight with each other for a crime did by Others. I hope it will end someday. Some Indians might think it's China's interest to see Pakistan and India fight with each other, the answer is no.
It's always sad when I saw you guys fighting with each other, how pathetic is that. You fight with each other for a crime did by Others. I hope it will end someday. Some Indians might think it's China's interest to see Pakistan and India fight with each other, the answer is no.
And you actually believe that turd? Amazing .. It's like me claiming the Chinese and Koreans are same
Not Worse ??????? Chinese are blocking virtually anything and everything related to India by misusing your powers
you are claiming one of our state your own and are currently occupying a significant area
you are unilaterally intervening in a disputed land
you are propping up the militry junta of our enemy to a dengerous levels
Is it normal for you people?
what do you think ,how we will repay you for all your good gestures
The current China regime is very neutral, they don't hate Indians.just visit my home town you will find lots of them can sing Indian song well. We are more culturally connected, You know it?
I want to know Indians answer. As current Defence minister Parrikar visited China after Carter leave India. Shall we take it a good signal sent out by Modi government as'we are not following USA to contain China' or a way to appease China's worry.

Dude india has no plan or desire to help US to topple China or any other country india is just using an opportunity just like China and Pakistan did... we're well aware of US and her attitude.... what happens once China falls.....??? US us going to come after us with Pakistan's help.... we're just using China card for some advantages but india would never align with anybody certainly nonot with the US

India will side with US no matter what and the Chinese know it as well, heck! even the Russians are aware of that.

No.... only is there's a threat to our existence we'd side... I don't think so it's ever going to happen.... india is not a weak country to align with some other india is damn strong
And you actually believe that turd? Amazing .. It's like me claiming the Chinese and Koreans are same
Korean is very much related to Chinese in the history, we fight with them several time against Japan's invasion into the Korea peninsular in the history. I get quite spiritually connect every time I visited the History museum in Soul. China don't feel enjoyed when Pakistan and India in terrible relationship. Lots of people get killed, and nothing achieved.

India shall respect Pakistan's concern and contra versa. A stable and harmonious sub continent fit China's interets to the most.
The current China regime is very neutral, they don't hate Indians.just visit my home town you will find lots of them can sing Indian song well. We are more culturally connected, You know it?
culture cant do jack against State policy which traditionally is "unfavorable" and currently is "very hostile" forcing us to move beyond our comfort zone i.e. Non Aligned Policy
culture cant do jack against State policy which traditionally is "unfavorable" and currently is "very hostile" forcing us to move beyond our comfort zone i.e. Non Aligned Policy
I think the very hostile comment is little bit over.
To completely side with the US and acting hostile toward China doesn't fit India's national interest.

Today we live in an era of globalization, and the aggressive behavior amid for the regime topple would create nothing but more global conflicts that eventually lead into the WWIII.

If you cannot compete in the globalization, then just admit that you are a loser, but trying to play the dirty game will still tag you as a sore loser who cannot afford to lose in the competition.
To completely side with the US and acting hostile toward China doesn't fit India's national interest.

Today we live in an era of globalization, and the aggressive behavior amid for the regime topple would create nothing more conflicts that eventually lead into the WWIII.

If you cannot compete in the globalization, then just admit that you are a loser, but trying to play the dirty game will still tag you as a sore loser who cannot afford to lose in the competition.
All parties invloved are nuclear weapon capable, there won't be large scale all out conflicts in the near future.
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