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Shall India help USA to topple China or maintain a subtle balance between them?

Shall India help USA topple China?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 25.6%
  • No

    Votes: 58 74.4%

  • Total voters
Yes, no appeasement
We must do what we have to do to survive and Chinese are biggest threat to sovereignty of India

You people are just an irritants nothing more
I'm sorry the biggest threat to India is never China, there is a Hymalaya between us. Actually no countries in the sub continent have the power to overwhelm India. You are a big country with over billion population, you are only one of it kind.

Rather i would like to put this question other way around.

Will China make any sincere effort to respect India and support India's interest for a Multipolar world or it will only look for interest of China only? If this is the case, then India do not have to make any permanent choices. India should take stand on the basis of the demand of the situation. Rather than asking India to choose sides, i would like to understand the mindset of China to take sides for India or not.
We support India role as one of the pillar of the world, why not? We need another pillar to balance USA.

it is not in China's interests to make India falls.
I'm sorry the biggest threat to India is never China, there is a Hymalaya between us. Actually no countries in the sub continent have the power to overwhelm India. You are a big country with over billion population, you are only one of it kind.

We support India role as one of the pillar of the world, why not? We need another pillar to balance USA.

Thats good to hear but action speaks louder than words.

India got disturbed when china used its UN power to save azhar mahmood, a terrorist who has sworn to destroy india.
If china keeps planting such seeds, it will unwittingly end up pushing india towards US, which we are very reluctant about.
China and India will keep check each other and can't afford to loose each other. A power balance is important. China doesn't have intention to bring down India, and it doesn't fit our interests. Just image a horrible scene like India is controlled by the westerners in the past, there is no reason not to support a independent neutral India. We are not close friend, we are not enemy either.
I'm sorry the biggest threat to India is never China, there is a Hymalaya between us. Actually no countries in the sub continent have the power to overwhelm India. You are a big country with over billion population, you are only one of it kind.

We support India role as one of the pillar of the world, why not? We need another pillar to balance USA.

it is not in China's interests to make India falls.
Its the state policy of China to ensure unresolved dispute with India so that it is forced to use a substantial amount of GDP on otherwise useless defence procurements
There by making us at disvantage in present competitive world markets
No sugarcoating can hide this reality
China and India will keep check each other and can't afford to loose each other. A power balance is important. China doesn't have intention to bring down India, and it doesn't fit our interests. Just image a horrible scene like India is controlled by the westerners in the past, there is no reason not to support a independent neutral India. We are not close friend, we are not enemy either.
Or in better words India want peace (with China) and China wants turmoil
Thats good to hear but action speaks louder than words.

India got disturbed when china used its UN power to save azhar mahmood, a terrorist who has sworn to destroy india.
If china keeps planting such seeds, it will unwittingly end up pushing india towards US, which we are very reluctant about.
Your foreign minister had brought this problem up to China minister Wang Yi several times, I know it's your concern. This is very sensitive as it get Pakistan involved, I think a tri lateral meeting is needed among us. I also support China shall not take double stand in dealing with terrorist, all life's matter. As to Azhar, personally i don't know him very much. Said he is a freedom fighter in Azad Kashmir Kashmir. When something comes to Pakistan, China is always taking cautious cause they are our close friend. The problem is always coming from the distrust between China and India. Sit down and talk, at least we won't finance those people you call them ' terrorists'.

Or in better words India want peace (with China) and China wants turmoil
We don't want turmoil period, we have something to worry in the east.
Your foreign minister had brought this problem up to China minister Wang Yi several times, I know it's your concern. This is very sensitive as it get Pakistan involved, I think a tri lateral meeting is needed among us. I also support China shall not take double stand in dealing with terrorist, all life's matter. As to Azhar, personally i don't know him very much. Said he is a freedom fighter in *** Kashmir. When something comes to Pakistan, China is always taking cautious cause they are our close friend. The problem is always coming from the distrust between China and India. Sit down and talk, at least we won't finance those people you call them ' terrorists'.

We don't want turmoil period, we have something to worry in the east.
Better do something or otherwise it will be too late to do anything for both of us
As far as China ot US is concerned we are an opportunity for them . For a country as large and diverse as ours provide too many development scope for both of them.
US on the other hand always wishes to topple China and. wanna the sole player in the region of Asia Pacific. Whereas China wants to become a superpower. India is an important pivot point for this .
Indians are trying to milk the situation getting benefits from both sides Chinese investment (smart cities railways ) American Investment (aerospace electronics etc ) . 8-)
Modi is doing it right now, he gains lot. But cautious if India get indulged with Yankees too much, you will loose More than gains. Look at the history, fore example Ukraine, Even Saudi.

Better do something or otherwise it will be too late to do anything for both of us
China and India relationship is not that worse as you say. They are mature and independent, we have multiple level of dialogue between us. Thins won't be worse than 1962.
I want to know Indians answer. As current Defence minister Parrikar visited China after Carter leave India. Shall we take it a good signal sent out by Modi government as'we are not following USA to contain China' or a way to appease China's worry.

Indians respect China, its for China to demonstrate respect for India if you desire good relationship.

Your recent state media report comparing India to a beautiful girl wanting to be wooed by US and China was not only condescending and patronizing, but was also poor diplomacy.

One does not expect such uncivilized behaviour from an ancient civilization. It only weakens your position in India's eyes.

If one demands respect, it would be wise to start giving respect.

Finally, India will do what is in Indian best interest. It is for china to collaborate with India and support our best interest if you expect us to act in your interest.

Is that simple enough for you ?
Indians respect China, its for China to demonstrate respect for India if you desire good relationship.

Your recent state media report comparing India to a beautiful girl wanting to be wooed by US and China was not only condescending and patronizing, but was also poor diplomacy.

One does not expect such uncivilized behaviour from an ancient civilization. It only weakens your position in India's eyes.

If one demands respect, it would be wise to start giving respect.

Finally, India will do what is in Indian best interest. It is for china to collaborate with India and support our best interest if you expect us to act in your interest.

Is that simple enough for you ?
What I heard is that the mainstay media appreciate Parrikar's visit, say India is smart and independent. USA getting close with India is because you can be leverage to contain China, not because you are a beautiful girl he loves. President Nixion once said Indian is the most despicable nation he ever met with. You believe what USA say now?

China want peace cause we can't afford to loose the development opportunity. USA want chaos cause they afraid China challenging it's super power status. If China Hans wanna colonize and pea on others' shear, we would have done it 500 years ago.
What I heard is that the mainstay media appreciate Parrikar's visit, say India is smart and independent. USA getting close with India is because you can be leverage to contain China, not because you are a beautiful girl he loves. President Nixion once said Indian is the most despicable nation he ever met with. You believe what USA say now?

I don't care what Nixon said because what he said was in PRIVATE, not in public.

China state media said this in PUBLIC.

See the difference ?

You are free to abuse India in private, in Public you are expected to maintain civility. That is the minimum expectation from a civilized nation.
My dear friend you have no idea about a typical indian mentality, indian hindus as whole have inferiority complex issues due to very long rule over them by muslims and then the british.

Why do you guys always drag religion in to everything ? We don't identify over selves as Hindus we always identify ourselves as Indians.

Pls don't drag religion in to every debate.

India will side with US no matter what and the Chinese know it as well, heck! even the Russians are aware of that.

India like China follows a path of self interest we work with all countries for the interest of our people and economy.
China want peace cause we can't afford to loose the development opportunity. USA want chaos cause they afraid China challenging it's super power status. If China Hans wanna colonize and pea on others' shear, we would have done it 500 years ago.

Again what you "want" is irrelevant.

How you act is Relevant.

An Hidden veto to support a terrorist like Azar Mahmood will be rightly seen as supporting Terror as an instrument of state policy.

I don't care what USA want, I care about what India want. Either you provide us with what we want, or we go with someone who provides us with that.

That is the way of the world.
wr don't expect Parrikar will visit Beijing after Carter avoid visiting China. We start to know India is respecting us.
I want to know Indians answer. As current Defence minister Parrikar visited China after Carter leave India. Shall we take it a good signal sent out by Modi government as'we are not following USA to contain China' or a way to appease China's worry.

I feel India will side with China and Russia because we are all growing economies and can easily help each other grow. India and China should sort out the boundary problem quickly and snatch this opportunity.

G3 has a greater role to play. I even welcome China's role as a peace broker between India and Pakistan so that we stop fighting over a piece of land.
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