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Shale Oil & Gas | The Game changing 'gift of God' to Pakistan.

Process to refine shale gas is costly at present but with time this will prove to be economical n viable option
Respected Niaz Sahib I Am Surprised At You.Normally You Are Quite Skeptic About Any News About Massive Hydrocarbon Reserves In Pakistan Yet You Sound Quite Optimistic in This Regard.We Must Be Very Careful About EIA.In 2011 It Reported 83 tcf Shale Gas in The Alum Shale In Norway.Excited Shell Came In And Found Nothing and Was Forced To Leave In Disappointment.Now The EIA Has Revalued Norway's Shale Gas Reserves To Zero.
In This Regard I Should Add That I Am Not Implying That The EIA Report Is A lie(The Alum Shale May Be An Exception to The Rule) but What I Am Trying To Say Is That It Is Not Conclusive and That We Should Get A Detailed Survey Of The Sembar Formation in Thar and Ranikot Done to Verify It.
Having Said That I am Confident Of Massive Hydrocarbons Potential In Pakistan Considering That It Lies On Three Tectonic Plates and Has Vast Sedimentary Basin.
I Even Insist That There Should Be A Third Party Survey That Should Verify The Existence Of The Six Trillion Barrels Crude Oil or The 200 Tcf Natural Gas offshore Makran Coast as Reported By Geological Survey of Pakistan and Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources(Of Which You Have Made No Secret of Your Disdain)

Hon Samlee,

My post that you referred primarily deals with environmental aspects of the fracking process. I fully agree that the figures mentioned by Dr Farrukh Saleem are guesstimates only and it would be foolhardy to accept EIA estimates as absolute truth and start jumping with joy.

I did not discuss size of the Shale & Tight gas reserves mainly because I had already expressed my doubts about accuracy of these figures in my post of August 31, 2013.

For your convenience I am copying the same again.


Re: Pakistan's Vast Shale Oil & Gas Reserves | Updates & Discussions

I have always been a supporter of UCG project. It was an innovative venture and was always starved of funding. The project has been partially successful but need a lot more work. Unfortunately genuine research and innovation, which was hall mark of the Muslims until the 13th century, has been left to West ever since. We only follow the path already experimented and proven by the infidel scientists of the West. That is why so few Noble Prize winners, especially in the Sciences are found in the Muslim world.

I am convinced that given more funding & time UCG project will manage to deliver.

Unlike UCG which is a technology that has never been fully established, thanks to the pioneering work by people like G. Mitchell, hydraulic fracking is now a fully established technology.

Standard way of determining petroleum reserves is to drill a few exploratory wells and analyse the core samples for the extent and thickness of the pay-zone. As mentioned in the said article, Pakistan Petroleum ltd (PPL) did the same in one well in the Hala block and the results were encouraging.

However, Shale has low natural permeability, which means that, unless hydraulically fractured, gas flows out at a very low rate and how much of the shale gas can be extracted comes down to guesswork. Therefore a lot more work is needed before one can be sure of the size and recovery percentage of Shale gas reserves in Pakistan.

In my humble opinion; for what it is worth; exploration without fracking would only provide limited geological information about the shale or tight gas resource. Therefore assuming vast riches without test wells and at least partial fracking is not way of the wise.

However I am just one voice, nation is welcome to presume whatever she will.


Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/econom...ves-updates-discussions-18.html#ixzz2fNPp0l1p

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