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Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

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@ hinduguy well it doesnt matter what yu think...the whole world considers yousaf khan the greatest actor of bollywood if you say you dont like alpaccino it wont strip him off the respect he enjoys around the globe for his acting skills...

But what is really interseting no hindu here is willing to talk about why despite being more than 20% of population muslims are less than 1% in army,federal and provincial cabinets and civil services..

No, the whole world does not know anybody called yusuf khan or dilip kumar, they woke upto bollywood very recently and they know only sharukh khan (its too late for amitabh)
In India, dileep kumar, amitabh bachhan and rajesh khanna are known as big stars, more for their star power than acting skill. They are good actors but that is not what they are known for.

Alpacino best hollywood actor? dont want to argue really as I already mentioned it depends on taste. There is no greatest actor in hollywood.

For rest of things, I am willing to talk, what do you want to know? Its all in sacchar commission report. :)
And "Islamic" terror would not have been exported had not Indian Army occupied Kashmir

Sorry Islamic terror around the whorl exists because that's the nature of it. If not Kashmir another reason would be invented.
@for truth, I do not give a damn and I did doubt his claims at first but you as a citizen need to know that your government is committing torture and I spend an hour trying to find the exact sections from penal code to verify while it does not cover every aspect of torture, it does seems to highlight that inde does not tolerate torture based confessions. what @haviZsultan was trying to point was that its time to stop being partisan and focus on problems at hand, I think he is getting tired of both sides trying to act like saints. On the pakistani side, I already knew they were committing torture on their citizens even at the local police level, but you have to understand that pakistan is right now going through a political struggle and inde is a potential global power so comparing yourselves to a pakistan is not going to bring any change in your countie. I think inde citizens should protest these action and how am i suppose to buy your side as a global observer, when torture is prevalent in your society likewise pakistan. I have higher expectations from inde and I do agree with your president that you are still committed to nurturing a healthy democracy but nurturing a democracy mean respecting the rule of law, overall I do wish inde to have a good future hopefully as your middle class becomes stronger, the government will likely become accountable and not like the americanne one playing with loopholes.

I understand your concern and appreciate your point of view, however, you should also understand that democracy is not some kind of a magical stuff, and when there are democratic institutions failing, you have to understand that its not always the governments fault, every every case of torture or violence is different, even people are responsible for violence and undemocratic actions, there are certain groups who have chosen the path of armed revolution in India, and this is highly undemocratic, many times the Govt tried to convince these people to give up their armed revolution, but they are adamant and keep attacking other innocent civilians, in this kind of situation, violence and torture are inevitable. for democracy to work, every citizen should understand what democracy truly means, in India ,people interpret it as right to do anything,there is lack of understanding among the people on how to behave and where exactly there rights end, and what exactly their duties are. only an entirely educated India can bring end to violence, most are left out of education and hardly involve them self in any activity.

and the reason why i questioned your neutrality was that, you had previously opened a thread where many Turkish and Iranians accused of modifying the title of the article to suit your own personal agenda.
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Yousuf khan is greatest even batchan is a batcha infront of him and have confessed so on so many occassions .....In Pak we all are khans ;)

Regarding lollwood

Because unlike you we dun like to make our sisters and daughters naked to please the eyes of strangers....But for you people its normal and on our side only prostitutes are in this industry whereas in yr place respectable families even allow their daughters to go all naked to make money ...Our culture is different dude and lot cleaner than yours thats the reason you will never see gang rapes and ppl inserting rods inside women on our capital roads...

Hey!! Here comes your fake claim about LOLlywood. :hitwall::rofl:

Yes, Dilip Kumar is senior to Bachchan.
living in a non muslim country u r saying that but if u come a muslim majority country u will know the reality.

n for yr info jains r also taken as a hindu sect not a separate religion word wide.

Why in the holy hell would I go to live in a muslim majority country ?...that's like signing my own death warrant.
Pakistan is a big country and you can find ignorant people in big countries. However, woh ek abuse hurl kareinge, poora Pakistan 10 karega. Speaking purely statistically, Muhajirs are probably the 2nd strongest group in Pakistan after Punjabis. With CoAS, President, PM, nuclear scientists, Pakistani founding fathers (none of the MQM)... all from Urdu speaking backgrounds, only a fool would equate them as the same status as Indian Muslims.

All the abuse is for MQM people only.

You dont have any idea about the condition of Muslims in India. That line is just your wish how Muslims should be treated in India so that Pakistanis can feel happy about their nation.

One more thing - whether people here accept it or not, MQM represents the Mohajir ethnicity in Pakistan politics like PMN(N) widely represents Punjabis or ANP for Pathans. So all the hate for MQM is a sly way of attacking Muhajirs.
Why in the holy hell would I go to live in a muslim majority country ?...that's like signing my own death warrant.

Then dont bother to post yr self created theories.
Then dont bother to post yr self created theories.

No what you are telling is stupid. In this age of internet one does not need to live in a place to talk about it. Its not a state secret that Hindus are persecuted in Pakistan given that 100s are arriving in the Thar express every month into Rajasthan.

And moreover what is the relation between what I said and about living there ? Dont pull strawmans all over mate.
BUt...but...I thought Muslims of India were not real Muslims according to Pakistanis they were Hinduised Muslims..now suddenly they are brother in arms against evill Yindooos... lol .. get over it and fix Karachi and other places in Pakistan, Muslims are discriminating themselves in Pakistan
No what you are telling is stupid. In this age of internet one does not need to live in a place to talk about it. Its not a state secret that Hindus are persecuted in Pakistan given that 100s are arriving in the Thar express every month into Rajasthan.

And moreover what is the relation between what I said and about living there ? Dont pull strawmans all over mate.

HAHAHA kiddo, by reading yr post i now realize how knowledgeable u r......
Pta nai kaka kaha sy PDF k member bannany a jaty hain Bachy.

Go first gain some knowledge about ground realities then come back.

Yousuf khan is greatest even batchan is a batcha infront of him and have confessed so on so many occassions .....In Pak we all are khans ;)

Regarding lollwood

Because unlike you we dun like to make our sisters and daughters naked to please the eyes of strangers....But for you people its normal and on our side only prostitutes are in this industry whereas in yr place respectable families even allow their daughters to go all naked to make money ...Our culture is different dude and lot cleaner than yours thats the reason you will never see gang rapes and ppl inserting rods inside women on our capital roads...

man, is that the reason why your hindus come to india and Muslims killing Muslims in Pakistan. and you really think rapes that don't happen in Pakistan.
use Google man.
:pop::pop: This thread is entertaining.
HAHAHA kiddo, by reading yr post i now realize how knowledgeable u r......
Pta nai kaka kaha sy PDF k member bannany a jaty hain Bachy.

Go first gain some knowledge about ground realities then come back.

he has the knowledge man. u are some 31 and done a lot of things (read somewhere) and you don't have any knowledge about ground Realities.



he has the knowledge man. u are some 31 and done a lot of things (read somewhere) and you don't have any knowledge about ground Realities.



Indian sources n tribune is not taken as valid in our country.It works under the New York times (I think) its basically a sister source of it from Pakistan that too works on their own agenda. and lets not Forget its of NATO country n NATO is not a friend of Muslim Countries.

Yes there have been few individual families who did that but we also saw muslims moving to pak as late in 2006-2009 specially after 2002 Muslim Genocide in yr Country.

The guy @Icewolf is a gujrati Muslim now a citizen of our Country who along with his family move to Pak in b/w 2001-2003.

U should realize that our Country is solely for Muslims only!!!!!
here we have 97.5% Muslims with second minority as Christians then comes Hindus then some 30,000 sikhs etc etc and all this is from 180 million people who r the total of the population here.

so if they r going from here then they r going for Good, because we r ideologically a Muslim country build specifically for Muslims only.

But u guys claim to be a Secular Country ie equal for everyone. But its not the same what we c coming out from yr country.
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@Raja.Pakistani Well there are problems in my country and if Muslims have any problem they can go to court just like any other person. Problem is India's secularism is questioned over and over again. Well for beard, an Indian Muslim went to court and Court sent notice to Central and State govt.

Even Hindus have problem. You are talking of flat, many Hindu castes can't live in a village. If thy take water from same water source, their hands may be cut off. Like I said, all religions faces problem expecially when you have 1/7 of World Population.

And we don't live telecast any conversion. They are news reports.

BTW 150 million Muslims, 3 Muslim Chief Justices, Vice President and so on and so forth, Tell, me how many Muslims have such high posts in Britain.

Problem, is you try to find few problems and generalize it over. Oh a Muslim actor can't find a home, but it sure found highest post in Supreme Court and also Vice President post. Why you ignore this ?

Just answer the bold part. Wait, you are selective just like everyone. No wonder world generalizes all Pakistanis because of few because you do same generalization yourself.
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