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What we have now is the best we have so we really don't bother what is we have or what is not

Testing missiles with extended strike range do come with complex geopolitical consequences. Once powerful countries know that you have the capability to strike them, they start calculating that into their threat calculus, which also impacts diplomatic standing and state of relations.

These days the delivery systems are modular. Each sub system can be deemed fit for service after a number of mathematical and lab simulations. Such proceedures also help in determining the projected performance of a complete vehicle.

Having said this, the decision to test fire an actual missile is obviously critical to study the vehicles performance parameters in the face of theoratically simulated projections.

As i noted above that such a vehicle will require a suitable geopolitical climate to be tested, it is henceforth more than likely that Pakistan will test a Space Launch Vehicle instead of a missile, because it can almost achieve the same capability validation objectives without dire geopolitical consequences.

Best Regards.
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When America come in range of our Missiles?
Never .... Our nuclear doctrine at this moment can't afford international ambitions. I believe that too much is compromised in past 5-4 years... there is a huge presence of foreign hostile intelligence entities in our country who are sparing no effort to track down our political and military whispers of secrets. So as soon as we are focused with all our energy on regional level we are allowed to have this capability ... I am not even sure how much of it we can even use if it comes down to pressing the button
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It has been disclosed, and is under development.
Its is a IRBM, range 5000-5500 KM, and nuclear warhead capable of carrying 2200KG

I havent got anyfurther information, but I guess only 15-25 would be made, and it would be tested in early 2012.

Tipu ICBM, whose range is is 7500-8500KM and capable of carrying nuclear warhead downto 4500KG is also under development so is Ghauri III IRBM, range 4000-45000KM and also nuclear warhead downto 1800KG

Tipu would be developed until mid 2014 and Ghauri III can be expected next year.

(These dates are my personal guess)
I guess Guari 3 project was cancelled. Isn't it?
Shaheen 3 , looking at its projected distance , 5000km + , this is a suitable missile to launch a Sattelite into orbit
Perhaps a nano sattelite ?

Why does SPARCO not use this platform for investigation rather then , see the missiles tests done in Oceans
When America come in range of our Missiles?

Why would you want to step on a mine zone that doesn't end??? Let's continue with the conversation and ignore your comment. I think Aeronaut already talked about geopilitical issues. Why would you start this naive argument?
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