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Shaheen Air pilot was drunk during flight: medical report

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I think all the assets of his family must be siezed to pay for the damage he caused to the plane and losses due to unavailability of this plane for other flights. He should be jailed and get lashes for drinking alcohol which is against Muslim law and Pakistani law.
I think all the assets of his family must be siezed to pay for the damage he caused to the plane and losses due to unavailability of this plane for other flights. He should be jailed and get lashes for drinking alcohol which is against Muslim law and Pakistani law.
Leave family out of it.
Leave family out of it.

Really ! First thing he would have done since this incident to transfer all his assets to his family and claim he has no money ! I guess Asif Zardari should have transfered all this money to his children and claim he is poor.
Really ! First thing he would have done since this incident to transfer all his assets to his family and claim he has no money ! I guess Asif Zardari should have transfered all this money to his children and claim he is poor.
Money can be traced if he is fined, he should be punished but innocents should not be, Zardari's money is traced nobody did anything about it.
So, after Amir-ul-momineen's right hand; Gen. Chisti's son this is another case came to lime light.

Is there any check and balance to prevent such incidents in future?

Alcohol check should be made mandatory for all Pakistani Airlines crew and guilty one should be terminated without any benefit, instantly.
Sadly many muslims in Pakistan drink alcohal although its not allowed as per Sharia and local law, but it does not mean its easily available to everyone.
What is the punishement?
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His licence must be revoked, never to fly again and risk lives of so many innocent people.

Shaheen Air must be sued by the passengers for professional negligence

CAA must ensure medical checkup of each pilot and co-pilot before every flight.

my suggestion is to, take all his degrees, send him to jail for lifetime,. show his videos on the social media.. let the others learn from him.. MAKE HIM AN EXAMPLE.....
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The question is where was the co pilot----why did he not take over and got the situation under control..

I think the co pilots are too docile----and even knowing very well---they don't speak up---like in the case with the crash at margala hills.
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