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Bangladeshi is a nationality.

Bengali is an ethnicity. Doesn't Islam encourage ethnic diversity? :undecided:

So there are no diffrence beteween Bangladeshi and west Bengali? :what:
Indomitable spirit of protesters intact on Day 7

The movement which kicked off spontaneously last Tuesday demanding capital punishment for Jamaat-e-Islami's Assistant Secretary General and war criminal Abdul Quader Molla continued for the seventh consecutive day as intense heat and tiredness failed to deter the indomitable spirit of the demonstrators.

But the crowd’s demand has shifted only from death sentence for Molla to capital punishment for all war criminals and banning of Jamaat, which opposed the War of Independence in 1971, and its student affiliate Islami Chhatra Shibir. The protesters are also calling for the boycott all Jamaat and Shibir affiliated organisations, bodies and business institutions.

The day begun at the ‘Prajonmo Chattar’ with the recital of poems and slogans like the past six days. More and more voices were joining the slogans and expressed solidarity with the demonstrators. Students from various schools and colleges also joined in.

Abdul Majid from Khulna, have been staying at Shahbagh for the last three days. He told bdnews24.com: “I was studying in class two when the Liberation War took place. I don’t remember much of that time. But I do remember the horror generated by the Razakars. That’s why I am here to support the youths of this generation.”

He said he stayed everyday overnight at the protest venue, but went to a relative’s house sometimes in the day to freshen up, eat and to get some rest.

Fruits seller Abdul Jobbar lives at Dhanmondi in the capital. He comes to Shahbagh every morning to join the protest with the young generation. “The youths are demanding justice, I want that too. I remember the days of my youth when I see them. That’s why I come here to encourage them.”

Blogger Baharul Islam is at Shahbagh from Day One. He told bdnews24.com: “This protest is not just ours, but all the people of the country. Our struggle will continue until we see all marked war criminals getting death penalty.”

Another blogger Mizanur Rahman said, “We have two main demands – death of all war criminals by hanging and banning all religion-based political parties including Jamaat.”

Meanwhile, the demonstrators at the key point were still chanting slogans tirelessly in the afternoon. The venue was full with people at around 1pm and the number was still growing as many groups were pouring in at the site of the protest.

Earlier at around 12:30pm, 1952-language movement veteran Abdul Matin expressed solidarity with the demonstrators.

Meanwhile, ‘cyber warriors’ upholding the cause of the Shahbagh protests were continuing their battle on Monday in Net space against those trying to run down the movement in the virtual world.

Dhaka University IT Society (DUITS), Slogan ’71 and Facebook based group ‘Mango People’ (the literal translation of common people - 'Aam Janata') were jointly acting as administrator of the Facebook page ‘Shahbag e Cyber Juddho’ (https://www.facebook.com/shahbagecyberjuddho) to carry out the battle on the internet.

Organisers set up shops on the road divider in front of the National Museum with laptops and internet modems. They said the ‘warriors’ were reporting to the Facebook administration about different Facebook pages and individual profiles which were "spreading lies and creating confusion" about the movement through the social networking websites.

DUITS President Abdullah Al Imran told bdnews24.com: “We are continuously portraying the true picture of Shahbagh for the cyber world. We are giving stern response to those who are running propagandas against this movement. Facebook page and profiles and blogs of Jamaat and Shibir activists are being reported as we speak.”

He said until Monday at least 50 Facebook pages and 20 blogs have been shut down following their reports to the networking sites.

Facebook fan page ‘Shahbagh e Cyber Juddho’ was launched on Saturday evening and until Monday evening had 19,059 likes.

On Sunday the Shahbag intersection was illuminated during midnight by thousands of candles and torch processions. Parliament and Bangladesh Cricket Team also expressed solidarity with the protesters on Sunday.

The air in the area was filled with slogans and mass music at the night. Many people were still coming from other districts to join the movement in Dhaka.

At least 500 students of Jahangirnagar University set up gallows for the war criminals in front of the National Museum. They on Monday distributed leaflets describing the similarities between German Nazi Party and Bangladesh’s Jamaat-e-Islami and seeking a ban on Jamaat.

Students of Dhaka University’s Faculty of Fine Arts held cultural programmes in front of their faculty as a mark of protest.

On Sunday noon, captain Mushfiqur Rahima and former captain Mashrafi bin Mortuza led the Bangladesh National Cricket Team and joined the protest at Shahbagh expressing solidarity.

Earlier the Bangladesh Premier League team Duronto Rajhsahi appeared at Shahbagh wearing team jerseys at around 11am. They were welcomed with a round of thunderous applause.

The movement which had begun on Feb 5 by a handful of protesters of the Bloggers and Online Activists Network continued for a week on Monday as the gathering at Shahbagh was joined by hundreds and thousands expressing solidarity with the cause.

The demonstrations had begun that day hours after the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT)-2 awarded Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Molla life imprisonment which the protesters are calling ‘too light’.

However, at the moment, the ICT Act does not allow the prosecution to seek a review of any conviction. It can only appeal if a tribunal acquits a suspect from war crime charges.

The government on Sunday said it will amend the current act soon. The Cabinet on Monday approved a draft amendment of the International Crimes Tribunal Act that, if approved in parliament, will allow both the defence and prosecution “equal rights” for appeal after conviction.

Meanwhile, the protesters at Shahbagh have vowed not to budge from the streets until the war criminals are awarded death sentences.
Shahbagh security heightened

Police said security measures were heightened since tension rose over Tuesday’s countrywide demonstration programme of the Jamaat-e-Islami demanding release of its top eight leaders, now facing war crimes charges, and dissolution of the International Crimes Tribunal

Deputy Commissioner (Ramna) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Syed Nurul Islam told bdnews24.com: “An extensive security cover has been thrown in Shahbagh.”

A control room would be set up soon for coordination of the security measures, he said.

DMP Commissioner Benazir Ahmed also came to Shahbagh to check the security measures.

Traffic movement on the Shahbagh intersection has remained suspended from the beginning of the demonstration.

Check posts were installed in Aziz Super Market in the west and in front of the Ruposhi Bangla Hotel following the demonstration.

“We had sufficient security measures at Shahbagh from the first day and today it has been strengthened,” Islam said.

Police set up 32 close-circuit cameras in and around Shahbagh on Sunday night.

“An adequate number of plainclothes and uniform policemen have been deployed. We’ve found out four points for access to the area. The bags of the outsiders are being searched at every point.”

Several teams of police were also deployed at the rooftop of the high-rises from where they are monitoring the situation, the DMP Deputy Commissioner said.
Call to stand up for gallows to war criminals

The announcement came from the "Rejuvenation Platform", the main stage of protest that turned seven-day-old on Monday.

“No matter where you are, please stand up for three minutes at 4pm Tuesday. This is to press for death to war criminals,” one of the main organiser of the protest, Blogger Imran H Sarker, said.

Thousands of demonstrators welcomed the unique gesture of solidarity with a thunderous applause.

Amid undying campaign demanding death penalty for the killers and collaborators of 1971, the parliament and its leader Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed solidarity with the rally cry on Sudnay.

Last week, the International Crimes Tribunal-2 sentenced Abdul Quader Molla to life in prison, but protests erupted in Dhaka and elsewhere, as some felt the punishment was ‘too late, too little’. But the present law does not provide for appeal for higher sentence.

The Cabinet Monday also approved a draft amendment to the International Crimes Tribunal Act, which if approved by parliament, will allow both defence and prosecution “equal rights” for appeal after conviction.

Sarker described the move, made in wake of the movement, as “the initial victory” of the protests.

He also called upon everyone to remain vigil so that they did not fall prey to any propaganda.

Earlier in the day, among thousands of people, 1952 Language Movement veteran Abdul Matin went to Shagbagh and echoed the demand of the protestors.

“I am overwhelmed. This is really extraordinary. I have never seen such a movement,” he said.

He reminisced about the 1952 Language Movement and urged the youngsters not to halt their agitation unless their demands were met.

Addressing the protestors, he said,” We have been shedding blood for a non-communal state since the British rule. The uprising at Shahbagh has united the whole nation.”

“We, the language soldiers, are with you,” he said.

The demonstrators started the protest on February 5 hours after ICT-2 sentenced Jamaat-e-Islami Assistant Secretary General Abdul Quader Mollah to life in prison for war crimes.

Like other days, tens of thousands of people thronged and repeated their demand around Shahbagh as enthusiastically as before for the seventh straight day Monday.

Thousands of school and college students also joined the protests.
For the last couple of years that I have been on this forum the BD section has always been dominated by jamatis. Those who weren't exactly a part of that group kept quiet, for they would be labelled as dalals otherwise. I guess this is the first time we are hearing the voice of real Bangladeshis here, people who represent this Bangladesh..nice to see the jamatis on a backfoot.

What is this great islamist telling about war criminals. Gulam azam, nizami,molla,syedy they not only war criminal, but also enemy of islam by making differences. He is demanding their death.
এই খতিবও কি নাস্তিক? নাকি মুরতাদ??

See this video:
A great Awami- Communist Game just to unrest BD & Defame BNP . Mokha,Sajeda,Musarraf untouched and what are they sayin,"molla,molla" ,so funny
What is this great islamist telling about war criminals. Gulam azam, nizami,molla,syedy they not only war criminal, but also enemy of islam by making differences. He is demanding their death.
এই খতিবও কি নাস্তিক? নাকি মুরতাদ??

See this video:

Here is another video showing the Maulana leading the 0.4 million congregation of Muslims at an Eid prayer.

Obviously all the people in that video especially the boy on 3.01 will be called "communists", "Indian secret agents" "Awami", "thugs", "malauns" and "dalals" by the Jamati gang on this forum who love to insult and abuse people.
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Terrorist & killer is leading Shahbagh Square under guise of blogger

Bappa Ditto Basu, one of the main killer during Awami League” logi boitha” terrorism is one of the leader of Shahbagh fascist mob under guise of blogger. Please see the picture of Bappa Ditto Basu (in red circle) involved in Awami League led “logi boitha” killing in 2006.

Bappa Ditto Basu had been associated with left leaning extremist organization since childhood and now engaged with workers party extremist student wing Chatra Maitre. After his expulsion from Dhaka University, Bappa Ditto Basu actively engaged with left leaning terrorist organization and being sheltered in india. Recently, Bappa Ditto Basu, the known killer came under guise of blogger and incited to close news media and Islami bank and other organizations.

Bappa Ditto Basu in interview with newspaper admitted because of their call to attack Islami bank and other organizations, Khulna Islami Bank branch was set fire.

Bappa Ditto Basu born in Jessore district, son of Dulal Chandra Basu and part of his family (uncle) lives in India.

Note: Rough translation from news link posted in Bangla

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We are a country situated in an area where we have India to our east, north and west. More so, our western border is with the state of West Bengal; this state is home to 91 million Bengalis (Assumption 1: we are disregarding the presence of other ethnicities).

Since these protests are putting more pressure towards the banning of all religious based parties; closures of the many institutions of the already existing ones; and is shifting the country towards pure secularism, a question rises in one's mind.

Without Islam, what real reason does a purely secular Bangladesh have to exist? (Assumption 2: we are disregarding the complexities of Bangladesh joining India)

Note: we are also considering the fact that Muslim communities do exist in secular India (regardless of their social status, be it high or low)

Taking these two assumptions and the above fact into account, I would like to know the opinion of all who read this post regardless of nationality.
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