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Quader Mollah is victim of ignorant mob, court couldn't prove him guilty for capital punishment so the verdict is life sentence but their blind demand is to hang him. Mobs are actually looking for culprit like Al-zakir (his background is a big question) :woot:. Unfortunately, they don't even know this fact. Wish I could let them know that here on PDF we have one that they're demanding capital punishment.
Comment from the video: Bangladesh Awamy League (puppet regime of India) is applying evil tactics of secret killings, abduction, forced disappearance and massive corruption. In 1971 the Jamaat e Islami supported the Pakistani army against India and the nationalist Awami League: now their leaders are being indicted by an international crimes tribunal and secularism is back on the agenda

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Shahbagh upheaval continues


A new dimension was added to the popular uprising at Shahbagh intersection on demand for death penalty of war criminals as the national parliament gave it recognition on the sixth day, although the opposition politicians grew louder in criticism.

As the youth-led movement was a groundswell of support from home and abroad, the protesters Sunday made a fresh vow not to leave the cradle of the mass upsurge until capital punishment to all identified war criminals, including Quader Mollah, is ensured.

They built a symbolic gallows at Shahbagh intersection, now known as ‘Swadhinata Prajanma Chattar’, while the government moved to amend the law apparently conceding to the protesters’ strong plea.

Foreign Minister Dipu Moni joined the masses to express her solidarity with them in the afternoon, but did not deliver any speech.

Players and members of Bangladesh Cricket Board, led by BCB Chairman Nazmul Hasan Papan, joined hands with the demonstrators at noon and also expressed solidarity.

Protyasha Chowdhury Anupam, a class-five student of Green Herald International School, came to the hot spot with her mother. He said, “I’m demanding capital punishment to all Razakars.”

The Jamaat-Shibir hooliganism is hampering their academic activities, he said. “We want their punishment.”

A five-member delegation of Bloggers and Online Activists’ Network placed a memorandum to Speaker Abdul Hamid in parliament in the afternoon to press their six-point demand, including death sentence to war criminals, an amendment to the International Crimes (Tribunals) Act 1973, ban on Jamaat-Shibir politics and Jamaat-run financial institutions.

They also demanded trial of political parties and organisations that rehabilitated the war criminals and gave them shelter for doing politics in the country.

Spontaneous participants, mostly students from various educational institutions, were gathering at the spot since morning, turning it into a sea of humans in the evening, protesting life sentence of Quader Mollah.

Many participants expressed disappointment over the news that Quader Mollah got the job of gardening at Kashimpur Jail, saying that no flower can bloom at *******’s hands as it is a disgrace to flowers.

Many individuals and organisations, including leading national Bangla daily Kaler Kantho, distributed food among the strikers the same day.

Cricketers Nasir Hossain, Abdur Razzak, Mashrafe Bin Mortaza, Mohammad Ashraful, Mushfiqur Rahim and Elias Sunny and selector Habibul Bashar Sumon express their solidarity at Prajanma Chattar.

Bangladesh Premier League cricket team Duranta Rajshahi, led by its chairman Mushfiqur Rahman, participated in the sit-in.

Mushfiqur said, “Our team is and will be with the demonstrators until all the Razakars are eliminated from the motherland.”

Duranta Rajshahi would never recruit Pakistani cricketers in the coming years, he reiterated.

Earlier in the morning, cricketer Shahriar Nafiz, captain of Khulna Royal Bengals, joined the non-stop protest.

Comilla University, Narsingdi Textile Institute, Architecture Alumni Association of Buet, Chuadanga Govt College, Fine Arts Faculty of Dhaka University and Bir Shrestha Nur Mohammad Rifles Public School and College, among several hundred others, also expressed solidarity.

Students from various disciplines of Dhaka University, including Chemistry, Bangla, Mass Communication and Journalism and Political Science, and those of Dhaka City College, Motijheel Ideal and College Viqarunnisa Noon School and College poured onto the place with processions.

A legion of working journalists also echoed voices of the members of the younger generation and put their signatures at a mass-signature campaign outside the National Museum.

They wore badges and placards that read: “We want death by hanging”, “May the movement continue long”, “Please don’t disgrace dog calling the war criminals as dog” and what not.

Many journalists scarified their lives and took up arms during the struggle for liberation and contributed a lot through their mighty pens.

Chanting slogans, the agitators in small groups demanded the death penalty for all Razakars [collaborators of Pakistani occupation force] in a neo-style of movement of the present times.

Various social-cultural bodies handed out anti-Jamaat-Shibir and Razakars leaflets among the participants.

On Tuesday, people of all ages burst out in a wave of protest at the call of blogger and online activists at Shahbagh just hours after the ICT-2 verdict that gave Quader Mollah, assistant secretary-general of Jamaat, life for his wartime crimes.

The online activists’ group gave a clarion call through online social networks to wage protests against the verdict.

daily sun | First Page | Shahbagh upheaval continues
Bangladeshis in Melbourne express solidarity with Shahbag protests

About three hundred Bangladeshis stage a demonstartion on the Angel Statue premises beside Federation Square at the centre of Melbourne city in Australia on Monday to express solidarity with the ongoing protest programmes at Shahbagh in Dhaka, demanding capital punisment for war crimes criminals of 1971

Bangladeshis living in Australia demanded death penalty for Jamaat-e-Islami leader Abdul Quader Molla at the Angel Statue in Melbourne on Sunday expressing solidarity with the Shahbagh protests.
A release said that around 300 expatriate Bangladeshis gathered in the place and read out the demands, held posters, formed a human chain and sang patriotic songs.
They also signed a petition to be sent to the prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, through Bangladesh’s high commissioner.
They demanded proper financial and manpower to strengthen the prosecution team.

Bangladeshis in Melbourne express solidarity with Shahbag protests
Bhai saabor bari kano/kunano? Sylhet ni? :)

Aij kaail mata tatha theek nai. Kitar taikya kita hoita che bujtam parta chi na. hokol beimaan ek hoche. eknon imaandara ek hoyiaa bedeen der Bangladesh taikyaa othar nani bari(oi pare) patiyaa ditam oibo. Ready takiyoon bhai. :tup:

Bro what is your religion Islam or Jamat? Why are you calling mass people Bedeen? Please explain how they became Bedeen? Please stop calling people Bedeen only because they have different view.

PS- Are you and Hammer related some how? Just asking as you are both from Sylhet ;)
1970 election saw about 26% vote for all the religious party combined. Since independence its been miniscule votes for the religious folks.

They are doomed in the sense that they have no relevance other than when they tag along with a bigger party.

AL is a much bigger party then BNP, BNP needs ally in absence of political numbers to face AL in election.

AL is doing what she did with Ershad ( Jatiya Party) to make an alliance. She played the same game with Ershad to get his compliance.


If memory serves me, JI used to suppress voices and initiatives against them during the BNP administration. That has obviously recoiled right now.

Given JI's current and past strategies, their powers will wane over time. It is inevitable.

That is where people like you damage the overall cause. Jamaat vandalizing a car during hartal (which awami league is best at) is markedly different than attacking largest bank in Bangladesh inspired by fascist demand from Shahbagh.

Let me make it easy for you to understand the meaning of such fascist call and destruction.

That means anyone does not agree with this mob crowd will NOT have right to run business and livelihood or even have avenue to express their opinion. Furthermore, this mob fatua for death sentence regardless of their guilt or even court findings.

If tomorrow some other party call for huge gathering to justify killing their opposition, there will be no defense or arguments to separate right from wrong. Street muscle power will dictate than justice. That will break foundation of any civilized society and nation.

If that is not fascism, what is? Indian inspired BAKSAL fascism is all over again just in different bottle present by deceived folks.

Go think about it a bit before making comments.

mmm....fascism is usually backed by complete and total military backing. In case of AL, that isn't exactly the case. Every soldier must be an AL/Mujibist nutjob otherwise.

I doubt if the military completely trust the AL.
yeah the ppl like damage things cause i cant support party vandalish.you are blind jamat supporter. and dont bring awamileage as an example here cause i'm not a awami suporter too.jamat AL both should be banned.you need to open your eyes. your one sided view will not clear the fact.dhan vante shiver git gaia lav ki? when i give an example what shibir did. you bring awamileage to certify shibir ,BAL did so shibir can do so. lame
That is where people like you damage the overall cause. Jamaat vandalizing a car during hartal (which awami league is best at) is markedly different than attacking largest bank in Bangladesh inspired by fascist demand from Shahbagh.

Let me make it easy for you to understand the meaning of such fascist call and destruction.

That means anyone does not agree with this mob crowd will NOT have right to run business and livelihood or even have avenue to express their opinion. Furthermore, this mob fatua for death sentence regardless of their guilt or even court findings.

If tomorrow some other party call for huge gathering to justify killing their opposition, there will be no defense or arguments to separate right from wrong. Street muscle power will dictate than justice. That will break foundation of any civilized society and nation.

If that is not fascism, what is? Indian inspired BAKSAL fascism is all over again just in different bottle present by deceived folks.

Go think about it a bit before making comments.
গণজাগরণ চত্বর থেকে: দেশের বৃহত্তম ঈদগাহ ময়দান কিশোরগঞ্জের শোলাকিয়া’র ইমাম আল্লামা ফরিদউদ্দিন মাসউদের নেতৃত্বে শতাধিক মওলানার একটি দল শাহবাগের আন্দোলন চত্বরে এসে সংহতি জানান।

সোমবার বেলা পৌনে দু’টায় গণজাগরণ চত্বরে আসেন মওলানা মাসউদ।

এ সময় উপস্থিত আন্দোলনকারীদের নিয়ে এক মোনাজাতে পরম করুনাময় আল্লাহুর কাছে তিনি প্রার্থনা করেন, “হে আল্লাহ তুমি জালিমদের সঙ্গে থেকো না। যারা দেশের সঙ্গে বেঈমানী করেছে, দেশের মানুষকে হত্যা করেছে, মা-বোনদের ইজ্জত নিয়েছে, তাদের সঙ্গে তুমি থেকো না খোদা।”

মোনাজাতে তিনি বলেন, “যারা দেশের সঙ্গে, দেশের মানুষের সঙ্গে বেইমানী করেছে। আল্লাহ তুমি তাদের শায়েস্তা করো।”

এর আগে সংহতি প্রকাশ করে তিনি বলেন, “হিটলারের নাৎসিবাদের মতোই ভয়ংকর জামায়াত।”

দেশের ইমাম সমাজের প্রতিনিধি হিসেবে তিনি শাহবাগের আন্দোলনে সংহতি প্রকাশ করতে এসেছেন বলে জানান।

শোলাকিয়া ঈদগাহ ময়দানের ইমাম বলেন, “গত ৭দিন ধরে এখানে যারা আন্দোলন করছে তাদের সঙ্গে দেশবাসীর দোয়া রয়েছে।”

Summary for non-Bengalis:Imam of the largest Eid congregation of the country came to Shahbagh and prayed with the protesters.

yeah the ppl like damage things cause i cant support party vandalish.you are blind jamat supporter. and dont bring awamileage as an example here cause i'm not a awami suporter too.jamat AL both should be banned.you need to open your eyes. your one sided view will not clear the fact.dhan vante shiver git gaia lav ki? when i give an example what shibir did. you bring awamileage to certify shibir ,BAL did so shibir can do so. lame

Man's hardcore BNP.

Be careful, dath falaidebhe :rofl:

It's not so easy to permanently ban any specific party :no:
Some people are talking about the eternal peace of Tabligue folks, I talked to a hardcore Tabbiligi person today, and I have just asked him what your opinion on Shabag/current situation. He directly and simply replied that we have no opinion. And I was not surprised at his reply.

Man… they are not politically aware, but a citizen of any nation should be politically aware. Even they do not watch TV and newspaper.

So Jammat and Tableague are not ideal comparison. You know ignorance is bliss, Tabligues do not listen any other thing, so they do not get worried.

They discourse education like Talibans. But they will not fight or even protest even in any full war situation in BD.

I wonder what were their (Tabligue) role was in 71!
Today i went to Shahbah to see the real situation at 2.30 pm . what i have seen there are about 1500~ activist were chanting slogan and singing . food(read biriani) and water supply were ample .and the toilet facility by govt. city corp even open at temporary stall there to monitor the protest and support the cleaning work etc. At a glance it can be told that govt is actively supporting promoting the protest . and most important think what i earlier told there are three college two/three school and three govt university situated so any student returning from the institute can pay visit to see the road drama eventually make ''million'' people rally . I hardly see any serious youth there coming to protest . many school boys were there to wonder in the street .

In my opinion the blogger with whom 99% people don't have any connection took the right place to organize their protest and govt also take chance media also hype it up that a great thing is going on and attracting young mass of whom hardly any body really care about trial .
Today i went to Shahbah to see the real situation at 2.30 pm . what i have seen there are about 1500~ activist were chanting slogan and singing . food(read biriani) and water supply were ample .and the toilet facility by govt. city corp even open at temporary stall there to monitor the protest and support the cleaning work etc. At a glance it can be told that govt is actively supporting promoting the protest . and most important think what i earlier told there are three college two/three school and three govt university situated so any student returning from the institute can pay visit to see the road drama eventually make ''million'' people rally . I hardly see any serious youth there coming to protest . many school boys were there to wonder in the street .

In my opinion the blogger with whom 99% people don't have any connection took the right place to organize their protest and govt also take chance media also hype it up that a great thing is going on and attracting young mass of whom hardly any body really care about trial .

I think media just can't ruin their business talking against Pro-independent Mula.

I wonder How many TV channels came in the Media Market after 2008 election.
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