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Featured SH15 Artillery in Pakistan

Indians couldn't get over muslim hatred and started ethnic cleansing in IoK which should rightly belong to Pakistan. They also toke panga with big daddy China. Now they are crying about how clever China is by supporting Pakistan.

Indians for long believed their enemy was 7 times smaller nation in turmoil, only to wake up one day as dragon knock on their door. They are too coward to do against China what Pakistan have done against them.

Now that China have virtually eliminated tech gap with west, Pakistan no longer depend on US weapons.

Keeping Pakistan under its wing for strategic purposes and reach to Arabian Sea, China has not only supplied arms to Rawalpindi but has played a spoiler to India’s entry into Nuclear Suppliers Group and has gone to the extent of trying innocent Indians working in Afghanistan listed as global terrorists before the 1267 committee.
thank you for this informative article.
however, the bold part is more interesting. can you pls elaborate wrt the 1267 committee. it says china "tried". did china (or any nation), succed ?
Lets not pollute every other thread over that incident.
Not sure what happen to the incident you are talking about. But SH-15 Howizer is perfect for frontline fire exchange in this digital age. China has already deployed a hundred of them to LCA to confront Indian, In any battle, Just send in the recon with laser guide or drone. Just keep firing until everything is wiped out in its 40KM range. I read Pakistan brought 200+, it will be enough to cover all the hot points. What's so hard about it?

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thank you for this informative article.
however, the bold part is more interesting. can you pls elaborate wrt the 1267 committee. it says china "tried". did china (or any nation), succed ?
Indian source, try read it with a ton of salt.
Some to add on, SH-15 is much compact than other western wheel SPH, lighter weight. They may have fully auto firing but they carry less ammo, more bulky and more recoil. Therefore affecting their accuracy. Plus they require heavy transport plane to shift them around the globe compare to SH-15 which can fit into a Y-9 or CJ-130 Hercules.
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Some to add on, SH-15 is much compact than other western wheel SPH, lighter weight. They may have fully auto firing but they carry less ammo, more bulky and more recoil. Therefore affecting their accuracy.

Hmmm ok 🤣
Where did you come up with THAT?
Less accurate?

Do you know anything about the archer system?
It can fire 3 rounds in 15 seconds with a rate of 20 round every 2.5min
A maximum range of 60km with the Excalibur round with an accuracy of of 5-20m
And no they don't have more RECOIL
It's not an assault rifle

SH-15 is good enough to meet our requirements but certainly not the best
Not when you compare it with western systems
Worth noting SH-15 will work with other assets imported from China or made under license with Chinese companies on the same high speed datalink, i.e. it will be a part of the network centric warfare.

China supplies mounted howitzers to Pakistan to maintain arms parity with India​

Over the past decades, Pakistan has been able to punch far beyond its weight category with China doing the heavy lifting against India, be it in arms supply or in multilateral arms control regimes.

Published on Jan 27, 2022 11:05 AM IST
ByShishir Gupta, Hindustan Times, New Delhi

In a move that ensures that Pakistan continues to remain locked up in confrontation with India, Islamabad has received first batch of Chinese manufactured vehicle mounted howitzers to counter the Indian K-9 Vajra howitzers. Beijing is also supplying NORINCO AR-1 300 mm multi barrel rocket launchers to Rawalpindi so that the Pakistan Army has a reply to Indian rocket launchers. The total contract worth is around USD 512 million.

The supply of conventional weapon systems, fighter aircraft, destroyers and even the inclination to give DF-17 hypersonic missile to counter India’s latest acquisition, the S-400 air defence system, are all part of Beijing long strategy to keep Rawalpindi GHQ in a state of permanent confrontation with India. This strategy has paid dividends to Beijing regime in the past as forces India to remain alert on its western border with a power that boxes much above its weight category due to heavy lift from China, be it in international fora or in military or nuclear parity. The role played by Beijing in developing Pakistan into a nuclear state along with the covert supply of delivery systems since 1990s is all well documented.

According to reports, Pakistan in 2019 signed a contract with Chinese arms major NORINCO to supply 236 SH-15 155 mm vehicle mounted howitzers apart from AR-1 heavy rocket launchers. In addition to artillery, the contract also includes supply and technology transfer for various ammunition including extended range artillery shells and guided artillery shells with the range of 53 kilometers. Clearly, this supply is to boost the firepower of Pakistan army all along the western border, specially to heat up the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir in case the existing ceasefire breaks down or to send a message on Kashmir.

The reported supply of DF-17 mobile, solid fueled medium range ballistic missile by China to Pakistan is to pump up Rawalpindi’s ballistic missile system as the hypersonic missile is difficult to track by most existing radars and equally difficult to engage by existing surface to air missile systems including S-400 system. Mounted on a hypersonic glide vehicle, the DF-17 is said to have a combination of maneuverability and high speed that poses significant challenges to conventional missile defence. China has tested the DF-17 missile at least nine times since 2014 and is said to have 1950 km range with a speed of at least five times that of sound or Mach 5.

While India also tested its scramjet powered Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Cruise Vehicle (HSTDV) on September 7, 2020 for launch of hypersonic missiles, the Chinese supply will clearly force Defence Research and Development Organization to speed up the indigenous project.

Keeping Pakistan under its wing for strategic purposes and reach to Arabian Sea, China has not only supplied arms to Rawalpindi but has played a spoiler to India’s entry into Nuclear Suppliers Group and has gone to the extent of trying innocent Indians working in Afghanistan listed as global terrorists before the 1267 committee. It routinely sides with Pakistan in the UN over Kashmir and vetoes any attempt to list known pan-Islamic jihadi groups or their leaders as terrorists by the UNSC.

This is stupid Indian BS.
Pakistan has always been able to punch above it's so-called weight, since independence 75 years ago. When it fought a year long war and held off an enemy 11 times bigger without a fully functioning army, without money and without its share of weapon supplies.

Also, fought the 1965 and 1971 wars under full sanctions.

The entire Indian weapon base is imported, so it's ok for them to import weapons to meet their needs, it is never against Pakistan. But soon as Pakistan imports something, it's always presented as anti India, stupid moronic thinking.

Pakistan always has and will continue to do what is required for it's defence. Now, that China is truly in a position to partner with Pakistan, why shouldn't Pakistan benefit from the success of a historical ally and friend.
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