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SH-15 Self propelled howitzer under trials by Pakistan army?

This Howitzer is just one part of countering Cold Start. We have to first understand how India actually plans to carry out Cold Start. The Indians are training to carry out the New Russian "Battalion Tactical Group" formation method of Blitzkrieg. "Maneuver, Capture, Hold, and Resupply" and the Next unit Leapfrogs them to keep going on and on all the way to the objective. Understand the formation this howitzer and other units will have to counter you have to see what their battle groups look like.

The Cold Start Doctrine Calls for 8 Strike Corps or approximately 18-48 Battalions per corp numbering 25,000 to 50,000 troops per corp. To counter Cold Start this howitzer needs to be integrated into a holistic defense strategy similar to what Nato is doing to counter Russia (where this same Cold Start Strategy is being played out on a larger scale). We should learn from the Decades of Cold War and Post Cold War planning, and take a long hard look as the solutions developed, especially in the US Army's FCS Capabilities.

1. Long Range Sensors on Stealth AZM Drones. Advanced Comint and Signit detection ability can build up a enemy order of battle long before they are in firing range. Equally Pakistan will have to prioritizes securing, making robust and protecting from jamming, its own communications. Elint and EW will be huge parts of the future battle space as we are seeing in Syria today. Upgrading Blue Force Tracking as well as distributing information on the enemy and our plan to counter them needs to be available down to the combatant commanders so they can carry out their part of the plan with their own skills and tactics, and not look to higher headquarters in the fog/chaos of war. This can be a smart phone sized wrist device or eye piece in the helmet, but it should better integrated to speed up the OODA loop.

If war breaks out, the IAF will try to launch massive waves of airstrikes while their army forms up to initiate deep strike attacks. The PAF should counter these strikes, but a dedicated general level command needs to keep the PAF or PA ground units focused on destabilizing the IA formations coming together under a clear picture of the battle space. Striking their C4ISR nodes and Logistics (with cruise missiles, and long range artillery rockets and ballistics missiles) has to be a priority, while defending our own. The PAF should have a reserve force to protect ground installations and army, navy and air force ground vehicles.

2. Manned systems are still able to operate under jamming and should be preferred. Even affordable systems like the Rutan Ares flying CAP missions can carry precision munitions and be launched in large numbers to complicated Indian Attack Helicopters, cruise missiles, precision munitions, as well as striking Indian Units in the battle groups. 4-8 Squadrans (68-136) of Rutan Ares would free up the PAF to launch long range strikes and deal with the IAF. These Ares Squadrans should be part of the Army so they training with the army to better protect them and provide effective covering fire.


3. To detect Enemy Ground Forces Maneuvering For an attack, unattended ground sensors and small drones can give more precise targeting data for long range artillery or air platforms with smart munitions.


4. As for the actual PA vehicles like the New IFV or the truck carrying this Howitzer shown at IDEAS 2018, need to be modified for the terrains they will encounter. The PA should look at Hybrid-Electric options as the cost of batteries decreases. They can help lower fuel consumption and make it a lot easier for logistics. Logistics are a huge part of why Pakistan has to fight shorter wars and the lack of supplies could shift a victory into a loss if under supplied forces are overrun. The vehicles will also be operating in a heavily mined area (their mines and our mines) and should therefore be Mine resistant and have a lower signature in all aspects (IR, Noise, etc). Front line vehicles and scouting vehicles will also need some form of passive and active protection suites.

5. Along with the Howitzer, NLOS carriers that look like tanks can also engage enemy formations in a tank battle, and get the first shot first kill to sow chaos in the enemy formation. The Older 600 Type 59s can be turned into missile carriers and Heavy AFVs rather than be used as tanks where they are no longer suited for.


These are just a few ways the military can holistically weaken if not neutralize the Indian Cold Start plans. Fear is a huge part of deterrence. So if they want to claim these Howitzers are Nuclear Capable, then let them. The Nasr has prevent war for nearly a decade. Our Defense Industry, and those of our Partners can develop all of these solutions in a few years if we are ready to pay for them.

Peace Through Strength
We are looking at two different positions. One on the move is where hydraulics raises stance/height and then, deployed/ready to fire position where hydraulics disengage for maximum ground support (stability) for precision fire. Note wheel positioning.
You mean hydraulics engage and lift the wheels from ground contact before firing.
Stereotype based on facts.
Why does jf17 have russian and not chinese engines ? Chinese would be cheaper ?
I was in china for 6 months, in critical areas they use only mnc or imported parts.

The JF-17 using a Russian engine is an issue entirely different to that of the SH-15. So, do you have a source stating that the SH-15 is a copy of another howitzer or is this another baseless claim made from generalizations?
PCL-181 of PLA Army:

means your army doesn't have them inducted yet and will be undergoing furthers trials and same is the case with our sh-15 which is yet to undergo winter trials and few things in which we can say that sh-15 is better than your is range of 50km which is more than yours.

Take Chinese claims of its maximum range with a pinch of salt.

Besides both the guns have 155mm 52 caliber barrels, so their ranges will be very similar.

The 48Km range for the Indian system is with base bleed ammo, whereas for the Chinese, it considers a rocket assisted shell.

If the same shell is fired from the Indian gun, it will comfortably exceed 55Km.
The 48Km range for the Indian system is with base bleed ammo, whereas for the Chinese, it considers a rocket assisted shell.

If the same shell is fired from the Indian gun, it will comfortably exceed 55Km.

No evidence for that. The range of the gun is highly dependent on the make & model of the projectile; for example, the WS-35 shell has a range of 100 km even though it is not rocket-assisted.
The 48Km range for the Indian system is with base bleed ammo, whereas for the Chinese, it considers a rocket assisted shell.

If the same shell is fired from the Indian gun, it will comfortably exceed 55Km.
but this is just your thinking and not an official claim bro.
Why would you have such a crazy idea?
for the pause to india's cold start doctrine.Since india has a big army so these things are our only solution,that's the reason our NASR missile was created for.
i don't support any tank program whether al khalid or oplot.i think they are all obsolete because this is the era of modern warfare.we must invest in jamming systems like russia is doing against america.we also need attack helicopters and drones in large numbers.at least 400 attack helicopters is needed.and yes i like this new chinese system.anything that can hit india from our side of border is always good.
No evidence for that. The range of the gun is highly dependent on the make & model of the projectile; for example, the WS-35 shell has a range of 100 km even though it is not rocket-assisted.

The WS-35's design allows it to glide, that's completely different.

but this is just your thinking and not an official claim bro.

For 52cal guns, achieving more than 50Km with rocket-assisted shells is the norm. All guns of this calibre can do it.
The WS-35's design allows it to glide, that's completely different.

For 52cal guns, achieving more than 50Km with rocket-assisted shells is the norm. All guns of this calibre can do it.
i was talking about your one that it can easily achieve 50km+ with base projectiles

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