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Sexual health book in Pakistan schools draws protests

what material to what age to be taught is one thing, but here are some people who are completely agaisnt this type of education and see it as a dirty thing---that is the problem. Yes, there should be a consideration of age and the type of material is taught. I think in the age of 13 , it is important especially for girls to tell them about period as they start it around that age and even teh other changes their body see, i am sure there are things for boys as well in that age.

Sex and reproduction is an integral part of human life, if some people considers it taboo and sin then they must be shameful of their existence.
Sex and reproduction is an integral part of human life, if some people considers it taboo and sin then they must be shameful of their existence.

those type of people are here right by our noses, you dont have to look around.
In my school, the girls would be taken to a separate class and taught about their sexual health and whatnot.

While the boys did not get any such class, we played basketball.

How exactly is this wrong, really? A condom is the second best thing after abstinence.

Well, one thing the school did wrong was not send home notifications that the students would be taught such things. And all your parents had to do was sign their name, if they did not sign it you could not attend and you would be sent to lunch or study hall.
above poster? Why would you fuk while still in school and unmarried?
If you wait some years until you are a bit aged and are arried,you will know enough to do it right and no text books will be needed. If somebody wants to go school with condom looking for a shag. They rather have AIDS
why would you have sex when you are unmarried? hmmm idk maybe because IT FEELS GOOD

Humans are supose to use what is on there bodys idc what any1 says:)
Interesting debate. Generally speaking i am for sexual health books. Thing is children will find out about sex either way, isn't it better then to tell them the correct stuff from the start. Saying this local taboos should be taken into account, strict gender separation should be maintained and the class shouldnt encourage pre martial sex but instead enlighten the youth of possible dangers i.e. aids.
I dont see what the fuss is all about. If they're eventually going to screw someone....might as well learn the right way to go about it. Why would you risk getting the girl knocked up? Or if you end up tappin a hoe, why risk STD's?!
above poster? Why would you fuk while still in school and unmarried?
If you wait some years until you are a bit aged and are arried,you will know enough to do it right and no text books will be needed. If somebody wants to go school with condom looking for a shag. They rather have AIDS

here is another debate, it is not guaranteed either that the poor person could get married a few years down the line, have you forgotten the bad shape of our personal finances as well as stupid side of our culture which in many cases prevent young people from getting married? on the other hand, i dont say that to have sex outside marriage as the attitude and culture of people dont allow it, but at least lets dont oppose something which will benefit us, sex health education is not only about fuking as you suggest, there are alot of issues that can be considered as part of sex health education.

you will know enough to do it right

i am afraid they wont know anything apart from penetration for a few seconds which will leave the poor female in frustration and the male going on the other side and deep in sleep, even our married and adults are severely in short of quality sex and sex health knowledge. in some of very conservative villages even the sex between husband and wife is something strange, many of those women hide their faces during the action and pray to god that the action is over so she doestn bear more shame on her face, lets face it, it is the truth.
here is another debate, it is not guaranteed either that the poor person could get married a few years down the line, have you forgotten the bad shape of our personal finances as well as stupid side of our culture which in many cases prevent young people from getting married? on the other hand, i dont say that to have sex outside marriage as the attitude and culture of people dont allow it, but at least lets dont oppose something which will benefit us, sex health education is not only about fuking as you suggest, there are alot of issues that can be considered as part of sex health education.

i am afraid they wont know anything apart from penetration for a few seconds which will leave the poor female in frustration and the male going on the other side and deep in sleep, even our married and adults are severely in short of quality sex and sex health knowledge. in some of very conservative villages even the sex between husband and wife is something strange, many of those women hide their faces during the action and pray to god that the action is over so she doestn bear more shame on her face, lets face it, it is the truth.

there is a lot of difference between real life sex and what you see in movies....sexual education wont make you an "all night stud".....

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