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Sever ties with India, Pakistan tells Afghanistan

Too true, after writing this post i was thinking along these lines and thinking "since when does Pakistan get what it wants and since when does its foreign policy meet Pakistan's national interests?"

I was going to say the same about Indian foreign diplomacy with regards to Pakistan :laugh:

Your pipsqueak funny looking diplomats who look more like toilet-janitors can't stop arms sales to Pakistan; can't even get any "credit" she thinks she deserves on Afghanistan policy; can't get Pakistan to hand over people like Hafiz Saeed; failed miserably to stop Pakistani small arms and artillery + armor to Sri Lanka during the crushing of militant Tamil movement

And you talk about "getting what wanted" :laugh:

Afghan leadership have always been peasants and puppets. They should be thanking us or looking out for them all these years

What do you call "looking after them"? Cultivating a breed of savage monsters who terrorized the people of Afghanistan, imposed the most draconian and barbaric system of governance possible and obliterated the very idea of the nation of Afghanistan?

Jesus, with freinds like these-who needs enemies, eh?
Fair enough it is ...

The Afghan Govt wants our help for these peace talks and since the world runs on quid pro quos , it will have to submit to our demands , the foremost being the " limiting " of their ties with India which aren't in our interests , the interference in FATA and Baluchistan and the terrorism planned and executed from Afghanistan is a serious problem originating from a significantly high number of consulates ( which somehow give the impression that either the Afghans are rich people or Afghanistan is a tourism or business hub ) the thing is that whatever happens in that country directly or indirectly affects us , hence the need to take measures to control it . If Karzai changes his aggressive stance towards Pakistan , stop the same old " Durand Line " rhetoric and doesn't allow anti-Pakistan activity from his soil then I am sure we will reciprocate in kind but at the moment , this is the state of affairs . Either do it or talk on your own , why involve us ?

Can you please shed some light of the reciprocity??
I was going to say the same about Indian foreign diplomacy with regards to Pakistan :laugh:

Your pipsqueak funny looking diplomats who look more like toilet-janitors can't stop arms sales to Pakistan; can't even get any "credit" she thinks she deserves on Afghanistan policy; can't get Pakistan to hand over people like Hafiz Saeed; failed miserably to stop Pakistani small arms and artillery + armor to Sri Lanka during the crushing of militant Tamil movement

And you talk about "getting what wanted" :laugh:

I was going to say the same about Indian foreign diplomacy with regards to Pakistan :laugh:

Your pipsqueak funny looking diplomats who look more like toilet-janitors can't stop arms sales to Pakistan; can't even get any "credit" she thinks she deserves on Afghanistan policy; can't get Pakistan to hand over people like Hafiz Saeed; failed miserably to stop Pakistani small arms and artillery + armor to Sri Lanka during the crushing of militant Tamil movement

And you talk about "getting what wanted" :laugh:


When you are dealing with a nation and leadership as stubborn and beligerant as Pakistan what do expect the Indian diplomats to be able to do? Anything the Indian diplomats try and do the Pakistanis, you can assume, will do the opposite. Even the US, the most powerful nation on earth bar none, has not been able to bring Pakistan under control. What could India possibly achieve?

Leaving Pakistani-Indian ties alone, Indian diplomacy is almost the mirror opposite of the Pakistani. Indian interests are served more often than not or what do you call getting the Italian marines back (after your countrymen mocked India for never seeing them returned), Nuke deal (btw Pakistan asked for the same, did they get it-remind me?), close friendship with Israel and most of M.East etc etc

What have your diplomats done on the world stage to compare? Pakistan is still looked upon as a rouge state who no one wants to touch.
I was going to say the same about Indian foreign diplomacy with regards to Pakistan :laugh:

Your pipsqueak funny looking diplomats who look more like toilet-janitors can't stop arms sales to Pakistan; can't even get any "credit" she thinks she deserves on Afghanistan policy; can't get Pakistan to hand over people like Hafiz Saeed; failed miserably to stop Pakistani small arms and artillery + armor to Sri Lanka during the crushing of militant Tamil movement

And you talk about "getting what wanted" :laugh:


Yes it is true, our meek and mellow policies towards pakistan needs to change, we should indeed stop negotiating with nation which uses terrorism as a state policy and then hides behind it's supreme court (which is a joke to begin with).

As far as Pipsqueaks, look at your history......... a log of cowardice, deceit and mismanagement!!! big mighty pakistanis... :omghaha:
When you are dealing with a nation and leadership as stubborn and beligerant as Pakistan what do expect the Indian diplomats to be able to do? Anything the Indian diplomats try and do the Pakistanis, you can assume, will do the opposite. Even the US, the most powerful nation on earth bar none, has not been able to bring Pakistan under control. What could India possibly achieve?

Leaving Pakistani-Indian ties alone, Indian diplomacy is almost the mirror opposite of the Pakistani. Indian interests are served more often than not or what do you call getting the Italian marines back (after your countrymen mocked India for never seeing them returned), Nuke deal (btw Pakistan asked for the same, did they get it-remind me?), close friendship with Israel and most of M.East etc etc

What have your diplomats done on the world stage to compare? Pakistan is still looked upon as a rouge state who no one wants to touch.

But yet they come to us and insist we attend their conferences. Yet Pakistan Navy approached for international piracy operations support. We've been accused of proliferation of nuclear tech in the past but even despite not signing the NPT we are still viewed as a legit member of nuclear club and an arms exporter - without having been declared as "rogue" which is a word you and those mouthy people of yours use regularly

And id rather be "stubborn" than be a pushover. We live in a very difficult and hostile region. Once we help clean up Afghanistan and remove a few irritants then at least western sector won't be as unruly as it is now hopefully. There'd then be some grounds for us to not be so "rogue" as you call it :laugh:

By the way, unlike in India - in Pakistan we may have extremists but none of them are actually in political power. Whereas your RSS/BJP nexus is neither new nor unfamiliar to hendostan political scene. Something to ponder
Yes it is true, our meek and mellow policies towards pakistan needs to change, we should indeed stop negotiating with nation which uses terrorism as a state policy and then hides behind it's supreme court (which is a joke to begin with).

As far as Pipsqueaks, look at your history......... a log of cowardice, deceit and mismanagement!!! big mighty pakistanis... :omghaha:

What's your history? R@ping foreign tourists.

Anyways I would be happy if we have good relations with everyone except you guys. Friendship with your country is not acceptable.
But yet they come to us and insist we attend their conferences. Yet Pakistan Navy approached for international piracy operations support. We've been accused of proliferation of nuclear tech in the past but even despite not signing the NPT we are still viewed as a legit member of nuclear club and an arms exporter - without having been declared as "rogue" which is a word you and those mouthy people of yours use regularly

This is only because Pakistan offers some strategic benefits for the West, they can't afford to call you a "rogue" state, it doesn't mean this isn't the general opinion of the leadership and intel communities.
When you are dealing with a nation and leadership as stubborn and beligerant as Pakistan what do expect the Indian diplomats to be able to do? Anything the Indian diplomats try and do the Pakistanis, you can assume, will do the opposite. Even the US, the most powerful nation on earth bar none, has not been able to bring Pakistan under control. What could India possibly achieve?

Leaving Pakistani-Indian ties alone, Indian diplomacy is almost the mirror opposite of the Pakistani. Indian interests are served more often than not or what do you call getting the Italian marines back (after your countrymen mocked India for never seeing them returned), Nuke deal (btw Pakistan asked for the same, did they get it-remind me?), close friendship with Israel and most of M.East etc etc

What have your diplomats done on the world stage to compare? Pakistan is still looked upon as a rouge state who no one wants to touch.

Threatened the world with a gun to their own head.

It has worked like a charm. ;)

Only the inevitable is happening whether they pulled the trigger or not.

with regards to karzai what reciprocity - is a hard question

The man sings a different tune every day. One day we are brothers and conjoined twin next day we are meddling.

NATO he visits their wounded soldiers at Walter Reed and thanks NATOS for their support of afghan people next day he accuse them of working/supporting with taleban and calls their invasion unjust etc

You Indians should be prepared to deal with a post Karzai Afghanistan because his mental abilities and stability are in question and he's deeply unpopular
This is only because Pakistan offers some strategic benefits for the West, they can't afford to call you a "rogue" state, it doesn't mean this isn't the general opinion of the leadership and intel communities.

Did they tell you Indians personally what they think. Unless their thinking is exhibited by their policies towards Pakistan it means zilch.

And apparently they are doing exact opposite of what you Indians think about what they think. :lol:

Threatened the world with a gun to their own head.

It has worked like a charm. ;)

Only the inevitable is happening whether they pulled the trigger or not.

Don't confuse our convoluted and confusing messed up domestic politics with our foreign policy matters

And yes even on foreign policy we've made mistakes - some correctable and some that would take time to correct. Has your foreign policy been genuinely successful? Yeah you got those marines back and they'll go home when Indian prisoners are swapped and instead languish in your prisons at state expense. Great deal. What about Sri Lanka?

I think india should learn to live at peace with her neighbours rather than engage in jingoistic banter. Don't you agree?
This is only because Pakistan offers some strategic benefits for the West, they can't afford to call you a "rogue" state, it doesn't mean this isn't the general opinion of the leadership and intel communities.

Seems almost no different in India's case which is being used and as a "check" of sorts against China. Or so it's perceived at least.

In fact india won a few handsome concessions itself too in order for this function to work no?

Eg civilian nuclear deal under previous admin, etc

with regards to karzai what reciprocity - is a hard question

The man sings a different tune every day. One day we are brothers and conjoined twin next day we are meddling.

NATO he visits their wounded soldiers at Walter Reed and thanks NATOS for their support of afghan people next day he accuse them of working/supporting with taleban and calls their invasion unjust etc

You Indians should be prepared to deal with a post Karzai Afghanistan because his mental abilities and stability are in question and he's deeply unpopular

Not many know this but real foriegn and mil policies in Afghanistan actually go through Gen Fahim, and his bunch, I dont think there is any way post 2014, there can be any consolidation where the inner circle of Late Ahmed Shah Massoud will loose any significance. Those are our guys in kabul, and Indeed you are correct that we need to find and better relations with Pashtun leaders, India had started developing good relations with Abdul Haq, but too bad he didn't survive.

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