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Seven NATO oil tankers destroyed in bomb blast in Pakistan

Says who? I'm confident the Afghan Army will perform even better once they start conducting operations alone without NATO help.Afghans tend to fight better when its them alone against the enemy, the performance of the then Afghan Army after soviet withdrawal even if numbering much less than the ANA performed much better without the soviets and gave the "Mujahideens" some pretty bad defeats like in the battle of Jalalabad.

Haha this is bravado talk..not logical sense, if that is the case why is Nato still in Afghanistan....furthermore why is it a common trait for Afghan troops to defect in a number of cases. Yes you did give the Mujahideens a good beating....but you still lost...lol.
Haha this is bravado talk..not logical sense, if that is the case why is Nato still in Afghanistan....furthermore why is it a common trait for Afghan troops to defect in a number of cases. Yes you did give the Mujahideens a good beating....but you still lost...lol.

Mate, they've been undergoing hell for the last 30+ years. After Afghan war, they still had the option to change again but your elites continued using Taliban as a second military to create a backyard out of their country. What were they supposed to do other than civil war after civil war? A country torn apart by two superpowers and one's sidekick, destroyed to the core with nothing left but ruins; it is impressive that Afghans are fighting hard against the still alive Taliban that recently got out of your control.

Now who's fault is that? US created Taliban agreed. But who fostered it? Who nurtured it in the hope of "bleeding with a thousand cuts"? It was your military elite. Why are you blaming Afghans for that? See the thing is, this creating group insurgents like USA was a little too big fish for you guys at that juncture. See what it did to your country and what it is continuing to do. What you call as a strategic weapon is actually like black magic; one miscalculation (which has happened here) and it backfires.

Despite repeated advises, you continue doing all the things you're not supposed to do. Zardari is just a part of the problem. He's not the source. The source is the mindset of a society. If that doesn't change, situation would get even worse and nothing can be done about it.
Yeah please send your "army" (if we can even call it that) to Pakistan, they'll just get their behinds kicked back to afghanistan just like in the when you guys pathetically tried to invade Pakistan in the 50's/60's
We have already done that!
U.S. Troops Crossed Border, Pakistan Says - washingtonpost.com :azn:
And that was almost 3 years ago. Keep underestimating our armed forces, it will only help us ;)

The excuse of not having enough forces to take back your land from the terrorist while at the same time boasting how you will deal with a possible incursion is ironic in itself.:disagree:
The concoction which you have insinuated is fallacious as your foreign policy cognates in line with American interest. You have fabricated that you implement your own domestic and foreign policy with the example of Iran, but I hardly regard that as rocket science, as the Taliban were not in cohorts with the Iranians, due to religious reasons, hence the Iranians will support the current regime in Kabul. Furthermore history propagates that the Northern Alliance was supported by the Iranians, and if we look at the current scenario the Afghan regime is made up of various members who came from this group. The American will not exactly mind because they would need all the help that they can get as they are trapped in Afghanistan. When it comes to business, even a bad relationship can become a good one, example is India’s relationship with Iran.
You are a like parrot keep repeating the same thing over and over again! The fact that we have friendly ties with the Iranians is bothering greatly NATO in general and US in particular.They have tried time and time again to create mistrust between the two countries by openly accusing Iranians of supporting the Taliban.Your claim that NA is the cause of good relations between the two countries is based on the false opinion that the NA is the one in control of the current Afghan gov, the fact is that NA doesn't have any major role in the gov and they actually form the Opposition party.
I am discussing one point at a time, if you can't understand me, then I suggest you pick up a dictionary. You asked me a question and I obliged by answering back; I believe that is the rules of engagement in this forum. Pakistan does have corruption I don't disagree with you, however don't forget your Presidents brother is a drug baron, so in essence your government is run by a cartel of thugs rather than a party of gentlemen. .

This is not the first time i'm discussing with a Pakistani, i have discussed with senior members here BUT the way you answer not staying on one point at a time makes me feel that i'm only talking with a small kid!

I already presented you the list of people who are running the current Afghan gov, it's up to you to see the difference between the people running your country. The president's brother doesn't hold any major post in the gov. The fact is that President Karzai has problems with his own brothers, who are actually opposing him and regret for having helped his election campaign.So you can't call every member of the afghan cabinet a drug baron only because the brother of the president is a controversial figure.

On the other hand you prefer not to talk about 10% and his cabinet of thiefs who are holding the positions because of party membership, i mean atleast look at your foreign minister!! Do you really think she is qualified to be a foreign minister of a country?
But you previously promulgated that the Afghan army was strong enough to take on the Taliban....I guess you were intrusive with your statement. Atually the point whereNato forces are serving your National interest is debatable. American only is interested in your resources, apart from that your country has nothing to offer as its a replica of a dark age country. First of all the drone attacks is a joint collabration bewten the Americans and the Pakistani's, second your country should be in the guiness world record for being an inert country that has failed to progress even with the continious help of the world power. By the way the Chinese are in Gwadar for a number of reasons, first is because it wants to have a port in Pakistan so that it can ship its products around the world and save cost, second is because Gwardar links China to the Central Asian market. This benefits Pakistan because we are getting investment and China has been are best friend since the late 50s, unlike your country which acts like a $2 tramp.

And then you claim you can stick to one point at a time :disagree:

We consider the US as our ally as you may consider china to be so, their presence to root out the terrorists who are hell bent on attacking them and us is perfectly fine us with as long as our national interests are preserved.This is the case right now we are getting unprecedented amount of aid both Military and Civilian, so if they need our bases to bomb the hell out of AQ in NW and other areas then its a fair deal!
The mere presence of Chinese troops for whatever reason on your soil nullifies you previous claim that only Afghanistan was hosting foreign troops, they are foreign troops whether its Chinese or US doesn't make a difference.
Haha this is bravado talk..not logical sense, if that is the case why is Nato still in Afghanistan....furthermore why is it a common trait for Afghan troops to defect in a number of cases. Yes you did give the Mujahideens a good beating....but you still lost...lol.

Well you can laugh as much as you want, ANA will take charge of all operations from 2014, the process of recruiting,training and equipping the forces is going ahead even better than expected.We will see how they perform i only gave you an example of the past.
I can happily share with you videos where your mighty army is surrendering in dozens to the evil TTP or maybe you don't need that you guys set a record by surrendering in tens of thousands to the "Hindu" Indian Army :P

Maybe you need to read more before posting something you have no idea about! The communist regime of Dr.Najib didn't fall due to military reasons the "mujahideens" were in no position to conduct major operations in order to gain ground.The conflicts inside the gov were the main reason for the collapse of the said regime.
Our security forces have to deal with these kind of attacks on weekly basis and they have performed extremely well till now, the terrorists are usually eleminated within 2-3 hours from the moment they strike.Perhaps the longest clearing operation was in Kandahar where the terrorists attacked multiple gov buildings in a coordinated attack consisting of atleast 50 attackers armed with suicide bombers and VBIEDs very similar to the Mumbai attacks plus the last two things.
If you see the old posts, it was your fellow pakistani member who started it pointing fingers at the Afghan gov like if the Pakistani gov is in a better situation...

any time our govt is in a better situation, i mean seriously man, do you think we are afghanistanis??
We have already done that!
U.S. Troops Crossed Border, Pakistan Says - washingtonpost.com :azn:
And that was almost 3 years ago. Keep underestimating our armed forces, it will only help us ;)

The excuse of not having enough forces to take back your land from the terrorist while at the same time boasting how you will deal with a possible incursion is ironic in itself.:disagree:

Try again it says mostly US troops. I wonder where your so called "army" was when the taliban were attacking Pakistani check posts at the border. Wait they probably were a part of that attack

Drug Use, Poor Discipline Afflict Afghanistan's Army

We're shaking in our boots :rolleyes:
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This benefits Pakistan because we are getting investment and China has been are best friend since the late 50s.
Please don't kid yourself! Every country does what it does to further its own national interests. China is molly coddling Pakistan for this reason alone and not because Pakistan is a great 'friend' in emotional terms. China has acknowledged that Gwadar’s ( not Gwardar as you mentioned) strategic value is no less than that of the Karakoram Highway.

Beijing is also interested in turning Gwadar into an energy-transport hub by building an oil pipeline from Gwadar into China's Xinjiang region. The planned pipeline will carry crude oil sourced from Arab and African states. Such transport by pipeline will cut freight costs and also help insulate the Chinese imports from interdiction by hostile naval forces in case of any major war.

And all those missiles, nuclear reactors and aircraft that China is gifting Pakistan is basically to hem India in from the South so that the latter is kept engaged and doesn't pose a serious threat to China economically and militarily. They are using Pakistan as a stooge!

Remember there are no permanent friends in geopolitics, only permanent interests. The day China feels that Pakistan has lost its utility, it will be dropped like a hot potato! So don't get too sentimental about such relationships. What you need to do is to learn to stand on your own feet which unfortunately is not the case. Billions of dollars as American aid and toys like the 50 JF-17 fighter aircraft at concessional rates! And you guys can't stop begging for American aid because if you do....well nuff said!

The world does not revolve around India, and there is no proof that Pakistan is helping the Taliban, otherwise sanctions would be chained on Pakistan...so don't state something which is fallcious as you will embarass your self.
:rofl: Typical denial mode! Oh yes, Kasab too ain't a Pakistani but a RAW agent drafted from the Shiv Sena!! That's what you Pakistanis say. But then, the whole world knows the truth! And you know it too! But denial is the latest buzzword for people like you!

Second don't be a hypocrite maybe if you didn't have consulates in Kabul, Pakistan and Afghanistan would have better relations.
Oh? So Afghanistan is a part of Pakistan? Or is it a sovereign independent country? Or since when has Pakistan taken over Afghanistan that we have to take Pakistan's permission to do anything in Afghanistan? Is only Pakistan allowed to have consulates in Afghanistan? What the heck are you talking about? This non sense is getting tiring!
Also based upon your assumption the TTP have survived for so long
How long? In case you didn't know, the existence of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan was officially announced in December 2007 under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud. And to educate you a little more, ALL militant groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan (Taliban) are intertwined. They may have differing aims and perceptions but have close coordination in military and logistics terms. I thought you knew that?
any way focus on your own country this has nothing to do with India.
Oh really? Pakistan is imploding and this will have a cascading effect for all of South Asia. So yes, India should be concerned and therefore it needs to focus on what's happening in Pakistan as well.

I guess you start reading some books and papers on the geopolitics of South Asia to get a rudimentary understanding of what's actually going on instead of just shooting from the hip based on rumors and coffee table discussions with the ignorant!

Typical denial mode! Oh yes, Kasab too ain't a Pakistani but a RAW agent drafted from the Shiv Sena!! That's what you Pakistanis say. But then, the whole world knows the truth! And you know it too! But denial is the latest buzzword for people like you!

On the contrary this thread is about Pakistan and Afghanistan, so please don't cognate Kasab with this topic in question which is being discussed. Like I said before the world does not revolve around India, so you can't speak for the world as there are 203 countries comprising 6 billion people. At the moment the world needs Pakistan without us the Allies will be sitting ducks where the vultures will descend upon them.
Oh? So Afghanistan is a part of Pakistan? Or is it a sovereign independent country? Or since when has Pakistan taken over Afghanistan that we have to take Pakistan's permission to do anything in Afghanistan?

What a hypocrite, hasn't the Indian foreign Minister on a number occasions spoken on the fact that Chinese troops are in Gilgit. So clearly it demonstrates that you love using double standards. Before you question Pakistan, look at your own country.
This non sense is getting tiring!

This statement its self shows your inert diabolical mind, because if you are tired then why are you writing, its not my problem that you have no comprehension.
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