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Seven NATO oil tankers destroyed in bomb blast in Pakistan

Fact is your government is a puppet regime
How do you define a "puppet" regime? The one which changes its foreign policy 180 degrees after getting threatened or the one selling the blood and soul of its own citizens for $$$ and F-16s? We might be a weak country but will never accept dictation from US in our foreign affairs and our relations with Iran is a testament to that.
Karzai's brother is a known druglord, many Afghan ministers are corrupt within your government
Karzai's brother is not our president, you have Mr.10 % as the president.:woot: Which minister are you talking about? I bet we have better educated members of cabinet than you if we do a side by side comparison.
you can't even control your border
We share the border, what achievements did you have in sealing the border? Let alone the border you can't even control a whole agency(NW)!
did you remember the incident where 300 prisoners escaped, what was your army doing sleeping.
I admit it was a failure but did you already forget PNS mehran? where your elite SSGN were held for hours by 6 terrorists! Your army has done so many blunders there is no need to even list them all.
Pathetic even with 10 years of help from America and the world your country is still in a in a bad situation.
We might be in a bad situation but much better than we could have expected under the Talibans, suggest you worry about your own situation.Look at what Pakistan has become post 9/11 perhaps looking at your arch rival will help, they are well on their way to be a regional super power while you are on your way to become the next Norht Korea!
Only good thing Afghan people do is whine on a constant basis that Pakistan does not do much....however did you ever look at your own country, who loves playing the victim card, but eventually the world will one day get bored of this whining that Karzai is famous for.
I agree its enough trying to convince Pakistan to root out the terrorists responsible for the killing of our citizens sheltering in your territory, the time has come we send in forces to NW and fight them right in their houses.
What an ungrateful President you have who stayed in Pakistan during the 80s where we sheltered him, and this is how he repays back are hospitality, shameful behavior.
He has been the most Pakistan friendly presidents in years even after being under pressure from the opposition to be take aggressive steps in order to handle the issue he prefers negotiations and talks like he did in his recent visit BUT if you expect us to be your eternal slave for the hospitality we enjoyed in KP then you will be disappointed.You can never buy an Afghan :)
How do you define a "puppet" regime

A Puppet Regime comprises of an entity which becomes a scullion of another Nation such as the United States. On the contrary the Afghan government is rife with corruption, within the last decade it has accomplished zilch, but has exhausted the effort of the international community by playing the injured party. President Karzai has been in power since 2004, nevertheless there has been countless allegations of corruption, in particular his wayward brother, who apparently is a drug Baron. The Karzai regime has relatively been able to clutch on to power due to the American supporting the Regime, if they weren’t there the people would descend on them like a pack of wolves. Do you very think that the Karzai regime has any deep compassion towards the ordinary people, I don’t think so. Not to mention if we add the connotation from Mr Gates Afghanistan is abundant with natural resources , with an estimation of $2 trillion, it makes one wonder that the current regime is catering the need of the United States.

The one which changes its foreign policy 180 degrees after getting threatened or the one selling the blood and soul of its own citizens for $$$ and F-16s?

Your implication that the Pakistani Regime adjusts it’s foreign policy by being threatened is partly true, however at least we don’t whine which is obviously a recessive behaviour within the Afghan government. It’s true that the civilian government is corrupt, but not much of a brute compare to its afghan counter part. You have sold your country for the last decade; foreign troops have lodged them selves through out Afghanistan, that illustrates that your government has sold your country, but then again even you will concur that the Afghan is a dismal army that is a waste of unfortunate tax which the British Public has to face.

Karzai's brother is not our president, you have Mr.10 % as the president. Which minister are you talking about? I bet we have better educated members of cabinet than you if we do a side by side comparison.

Karzai’s brother may not be the President, however it should be your esteem President’s duty to safe guard your country, hence why your regime is a puppet, its existence has only survived because it is benefiting the Americans. Furthermore your conviction in stating that you have better educated members of the cabinet is a diabolical one with a touch of fantasy that has plagued your mind, for you to make such a bold statement, the only thing that is apparently is the cave style government you have in Kabul, you can deny it, not my problem.

We share the border, what achievements did you have in sealing the border? Let alone the border you can't even control a whole agency(NW)!

We may well share the same border, however the top brass of the Pakistan Army did point out that the border should be mined, however your President was on the whining mode, which makes him look like a petulant child. Pakistan Army is doing a lot more better on its own side then what your Army is doing currently....and that is quiet shameful when you have the Nato Forces and the Americans with you...must be embarrassing.
I admit it was a failure but did you already forget PNS mehran? where your elite SSGN were held for hours by 6 terrorists! Your army has done so many blunders there is no need to even list them all.

Figuratively speaking your army wouldn't last if the Nato forces left Afghanistan...truth hurts, but you need a reality check. Yes Pakistan has faced many blunders but we won't collapse, because we have our own instituition that does not reply on others. Such as in the case of your country, with out the American's your country would simply disintegrate with the Taliban destroying what ever is left of your poor excuse of an army. Furthermore you don't even control Afghnaistan in fact your just a defacto state that just resides in the cites, which is trapped from all sides.....pathetic and this is what you lot show for the last decade...useless, but then again ungrateful people do tend to have such results....if you get my drift.
We might be in a bad situation but much better than we could have expected under the Talibans, suggest you worry about your own situation.Look at what Pakistan has become post 9/11 perhaps looking at your arch rival will help, they are well on their way to be a regional super power while you are on your way to become the next Norht Korea!

You are so comical..if I should worry about Pakistan then what are you doing in PDF, do you need glasses to see that its a Pakistani Forum, go to specsavers in Kabul my friend. India is of no importance, the fact is China will take care of that problem, once the Pakistani economy gets kick started the Indians will become a fallacy. We may become a North Korea but what does that make you, a Nation that is not even fit to be classifield in the ice age, because thats what a disgraceful Nation you are.
You are mistaken. Birts and ANA wins and successes just this week featured in various objective world news medai. London TIMES, SUN, BBC, etc.

I don't deal in wishful thinking.

What ever floats your boat Eagle...but try not to stay in your illusion world too long, its you who is a wishful thinker, didn't your government claim WMD in Iraq.....what happened.....its seems your government was BS as usual, just like in this case.
You are mistaken. Birts and ANA wins and successes just this week featured in various objective world news medai. London TIMES, SUN, BBC, etc.

I don't deal in wishful thinking.
Focus on post withdrawal scenario here. Without ISAF in the picture, ANA is doomed. Afghanistan would need a functioning economy to maintain a professional army.

Hopefully situation may get better by 2014 but we will have to wait and see.
How do you define a "puppet" regime? The one which changes its foreign policy 180 degrees after getting threatened or the one selling the blood and soul of its own citizens for $$$ and F-16s? We might be a weak country but will never accept dictation from US in our foreign affairs and our relations with Iran is a testament to that.

Karzai's brother is not our president, you have Mr.10 % as the president.:woot: Which minister are you talking about? I bet we have better educated members of cabinet than you if we do a side by side comparison.

We share the border, what achievements did you have in sealing the border? Let alone the border you can't even control a whole agency(NW)!

I admit it was a failure but did you already forget PNS mehran? where your elite SSGN were held for hours by 6 terrorists! Your army has done so many blunders there is no need to even list them all.

We might be in a bad situation but much better than we could have expected under the Talibans, suggest you worry about your own situation.Look at what Pakistan has become post 9/11 perhaps looking at your arch rival will help, they are well on their way to be a regional super power while you are on your way to become the next Norht Korea!

I agree its enough trying to convince Pakistan to root out the terrorists responsible for the killing of our citizens sheltering in your territory, the time has come we send in forces to NW and fight them right in their houses.

He has been the most Pakistan friendly presidents in years even after being under pressure from the opposition to be take aggressive steps in order to handle the issue he prefers negotiations and talks like he did in his recent visit BUT if you expect us to be your eternal slave for the hospitality we enjoyed in KP then you will be disappointed.You can never buy an Afghan :)

how was the PNS mehran a blunder by the elite group???,,,,,,,,the terrorists were cleared within an hour by the SSG jointly with the SSGN in the morning, the whole afternoon was spent in clearing the area, the kill op was started in the morning and in the night , the forces were trying to limit the damage and try to hole up the terrorists, we knew that they had NVG, hence we decided to strike in the morning. Get your FACTS RIGHT DUMBNUT
Americans/nato don't provide security for supplies. Its the stooge ANA puppets.

But in any other circumstance, usually, NATO casualties are vastly understated. That's why we can see so less NATO/ISAF dead on official media.

Just know that: On average, there are 20+ attacks everyday on US/NATO/ISAF/ANA invaders on different provinces. In the form of ambush, IED, roadside bombs, surprise attack etc. And in any attack, usually at least one enemy soldier is killed. Anybody who lives in afghanistan will know what I'm talking about.

Reports from Taliban sources from different provinces are shared on alemarah-iea.net

Our casualties are very understated. We have lost millions but our commie government has understated it in our state news. When I look around, my town is empty. Kill 10 more Americans and we will cease to exist. Then Pakistan can take her rightful place.
how was the PNS mehran a blunder by the elite group???,,,,,,,,the terrorists were cleared within an hour by the SSG jointly with the SSGN in the morning, the whole afternoon was spent in clearing the area, the kill op was started in the morning and in the night , the forces were trying to limit the damage and try to hole up the terrorists, we knew that they had NVG, hence we decided to strike in the morning. Get your FACTS RIGHT DUMBNUT

Mehran is a military base and still Al-qaeda intruded into it so easily and took hostages, blew up 4 aircrafts. I think it was an inside job. Without help from Pak-Army, ISI, such huge operation is not possible. Also, most of attackers escaped too. That's a poor job by SSGN.
Dear Stylish Executive,

When your neighbors in Afghanistan refer to the Taliban as the enemy of Afghanistan, as a terrorist group that daily attacks them, as a tyrannical regime that wants to control Afghanistan, why do you refer to them as Mujahideen?
It is the same as if one refers to the TTP as Mujahideen and to the Pakistani army as stooges. Would your same sentiment still apply?
It is jihad by these so called Mujahideen’s when they kill innocent Afghan children, women and men with suicide attacks and IEDs? What these Mujahideen’s jihad once involved was the fight to expel the Soviets from Afghanistan, and the fight against the Taliban during the 1990s Afghan civil war?

Today Afghans are increasingly gaining control of their country, working to form a united Afghan government and National army. We at CENTCOM fully support Afghans in their efforts to establish self determination. Extremist propaganda attempts to recruit and brainwash naïve, innocent and the misinformed into believing that the US is an invader force which must be expelled by declaring jihad. In truth, the US far from being occupiers, are helping Afghans envision an Afghanistan with freedom and prosperity. We continually ensure Afghans who worry, not that we will stay too long, but that we will leave too early. In unison Afghan and international forces fight hand in hand to eradicate terrorists from Afghanistan.

CDR Bill Speaks
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Dear Stylish Executive,

When your neighbors in Afghanistan refer to the Taliban as the enemy of Afghanistan, as a terrorist group that daily attacks them, as a tyrannical regime that wants to control Afghanistan, why do you refer to them as Mujahideen?
It is the same as if one refers to the TTP as Mujahideen and to the Pakistani army as stooges. Would your same sentiment still apply?
It is jihad by these so called Mujahideen’s when they kill innocent Afghan children, women and men with suicide attacks and IEDs? What these Mujahideen’s jihad once involved was the fight to expel the Soviets from Afghanistan, and the fight against the Taliban during the 1990s Afghan civil war?

Today Afghans are increasingly gaining control of their country, working to form a united Afghan government and National army. We at CENTCOM fully support Afghans in their efforts to establish self determination. Extremist propaganda attempts to recruit and brainwash naïve, innocent and the misinformed into believing that the US is an invader force which must be expelled by declaring jihad. In truth, the US far from being occupiers, are helping Afghans envision an Afghanistan with freedom and prosperity. We continually ensure Afghans who worry, not that we will stay too long, but that we will leave too early. In unison Afghan and international forces fight hand in hand to eradicate terrorists from Afghanistan.

CDR Bill Speaks
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command


well said. :tup:
Dear Stylish Executive,

When your neighbors in Afghanistan refer to the Taliban as the enemy of Afghanistan, as a terrorist group that daily attacks them, as a tyrannical regime that wants to control Afghanistan, why do you refer to them as Mujahideen?
It is the same as if one refers to the TTP as Mujahideen and to the Pakistani army as stooges. Would your same sentiment still apply?
It is jihad by these so called Mujahideen’s when they kill innocent Afghan children, women and men with suicide attacks and IEDs? What these Mujahideen’s jihad once involved was the fight to expel the Soviets from Afghanistan, and the fight against the Taliban during the 1990s Afghan civil war?

Today Afghans are increasingly gaining control of their country, working to form a united Afghan government and National army. We at CENTCOM fully support Afghans in their efforts to establish self determination. Extremist propaganda attempts to recruit and brainwash naïve, innocent and the misinformed into believing that the US is an invader force which must be expelled by declaring jihad. In truth, the US far from being occupiers, are helping Afghans envision an Afghanistan with freedom and prosperity. We continually ensure Afghans who worry, not that we will stay too long, but that we will leave too early. In unison Afghan and international forces fight hand in hand to eradicate terrorists from Afghanistan.

CDR Bill Speaks
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command

is this supposed to be stylish propoganda?
Dear Stylish Executive,

When your neighbors in Afghanistan refer to the Taliban as the enemy of Afghanistan, as a terrorist group that daily attacks them, as a tyrannical regime that wants to control Afghanistan, why do you refer to them as Mujahideen?
It is the same as if one refers to the TTP as Mujahideen and to the Pakistani army as stooges. Would your same sentiment still apply?
It is jihad by these so called Mujahideen’s when they kill innocent Afghan children, women and men with suicide attacks and IEDs? What these Mujahideen’s jihad once involved was the fight to expel the Soviets from Afghanistan, and the fight against the Taliban during the 1990s Afghan civil war?

Today Afghans are increasingly gaining control of their country, working to form a united Afghan government and National army. We at CENTCOM fully support Afghans in their efforts to establish self determination. Extremist propaganda attempts to recruit and brainwash naïve, innocent and the misinformed into believing that the US is an invader force which must be expelled by declaring jihad. In truth, the US far from being occupiers, are helping Afghans envision an Afghanistan with freedom and prosperity. We continually ensure Afghans who worry, not that we will stay too long, but that we will leave too early. In unison Afghan and international forces fight hand in hand to eradicate terrorists from Afghanistan.

CDR Bill Speaks
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command

This is what one NATO official said recently, he thinks the afghans will be perpetually fighting

It’s the last place we will be fighting,” a senior U.S. military official said, speaking on the condition that he not be identified by name. “And the Afghans will be fighting there in perpetuity. It’s a bad neighborhood.”

One of you is a lier for sure :lol:
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