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Seven NATO oil tankers destroyed in bomb blast in Pakistan

A Puppet Regime comprises of an entity which becomes a scullion of another Nation such as the United States.
There is no question that NATO is the supporter of the current Afghan gov, BUT we implement our foreign and domestic policies according to our national interests as a proof of that i gave you the example of Iran which is extremely hostile to US and other NATO countries while we enjoy excellent relations with.You didn't explain the position of your gov which changed its foreign under US orders not according to their own decision and will sell anything for the right price including its own people.So if you label us as the puppets than you are nothing better than us.
On the contrary the Afghan government is rife with corruption, within the last decade it has accomplished zilch, but has exhausted the effort of the international community by playing the injured party. President Karzai has been in power since 2004, nevertheless there has been countless allegations of corruption, in particular his wayward brother, who apparently is a drug Baron. The Karzai regime has relatively been able to clutch on to power due to the American supporting the Regime, if they weren’t there the people would descend on them like a pack of wolves.
Could you discuss one point at a time? you dont make sense, jumping from one topic to another...
Corruption is an issue but you are no better, you have the biggest thief in the world as your president that says it all!

You have sold your country for the last decade; foreign troops have lodged them selves through out Afghanistan, that illustrates that your government has sold your country, but then again even you will concur that the Afghan is a dismal army that is a waste of unfortunate tax which the British Public has to face.
The NATO forces stationed in Afghanistan are directly serving the national interests of my country even if they are not there for it they have a fixed withdrawal date so i'm all for the presence of my allies on my soil which will contribute stabilization and independence of my country in the long run.What about the US presence in Pakistan? You are famous for having the will to sell anything for a few $$$ and F-16s.The US drones are bombing the hell out of your areas flying out of Pakistani bases under US control. What about the handover of control of Gwadar to the Chinese?

Furthermore your conviction in stating that you have better educated members of the cabinet is a diabolical one with a touch of fantasy that has plagued your mind, for you to make such a bold statement, the only thing that is apparently is the cave style government you have in Kabul, you can deny it, not my problem.

I think you have lost touch with reality, just do a comparision yourself.The members of your gov cabinet are selected because they belong to the ruling party.The Afghan gov cabinet might contain some former warlords given customary position but the vital ministers are experts in their fields.:)
Cabinet of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cabinet of Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We may well share the same border, however the top brass of the Pakistan Army did point out that the border should be mined, however your President was on the whining mode, which makes him look like a petulant child. Pakistan Army is doing a lot more better on its own side then what your Army is doing currently....and that is quiet shameful when you have the Nato Forces and the Americans with you...must be embarrassing.
Do you really think anything would have stopped your gov from unilaterly sealing the border? It's only a lame excuse. Its funny you are comparing an army which numbers in the million and has been around for 60 years to the fledgling ANA which is 10 years old! There might be some issues within the ANA but i can tell you one thing, Afghans are damn proud of every one of them unlike the police.They have made us proud on numerous occasions in confronting the terrorists.
Figuratively speaking your army wouldn't last if the Nato forces left Afghanistan...truth hurts, but you need a reality check. .....pathetic and this is what you lot show for the last decade...useless, but then again ungrateful people do tend to have such results....if you get my drift.
Says who? I'm confident the Afghan Army will perform even better once they start conducting operations alone without NATO help.Afghans tend to fight better when its them alone against the enemy, the performance of the then Afghan Army after soviet withdrawal even if numbering much less than the ANA performed much better without the soviets and gave the "Mujahideens" some pretty bad defeats like in the battle of Jalalabad.
Yes Pakistan has faced many blunders but we won't collapse, because we have our own instituition that does not reply on others.
What makes you feel your army will be able to stand its ground against the TTP once the US aid stops? When there is no more US in Afghanistan, Pakistan will lose the leverage it holds against the Afghan Taliban and there is no reason why the Afghan Taliban won't help its TTP brothers.Remember the aim of the Afghan Taliban is the withdrawal of US forces but that of TTP is the establishment of and Islamic emirate in Pakistan so the fight in Pakistan will continue long after US leaves the region. Well maybe thats how Allah rewards hypocrites ;)
You are so comical..if I should worry about Pakistan then what are you doing in PDF, do you need glasses to see that its a Pakistani Forum, go to specsavers in Kabul my friend.
I don't see a sign written here which says that the forum is only for pakistanis, when you question my country i have every right to hit back forcing you out of that fantasy world you live in...
India is of no importance, the fact is China will take care of that problem,
I hoped comparing yourself with India which started from zero and was doing worse than you a couple of decades back will make you see the reality at what Pakistan has become after 9/11 and where it is going...
once the Pakistani economy gets kick started the Indians will become a fallacy
:rofl: now thats a sweet word there buddy.
how was the PNS mehran a blunder by the elite group???,,,,,,,,the terrorists were cleared within an hour by the SSG jointly with the SSGN in the morning, the whole afternoon was spent in clearing the area, the kill op was started in the morning and in the night , the forces were trying to limit the damage and try to hole up the terrorists, we knew that they had NVG, hence we decided to strike in the morning. Get your FACTS RIGHT DUMBNUT

what else do you call that?within hours? it took 15 hours for the SSGN to clear them,they had to deal with 6 terrorists and afew even managed to get away alive.What if they had NVGs, it was the commandos not FC fighting them.BTW Its not the first or last blunder of your security forces.
False statements, statistics and use of out of date photos by pro-terrorists now writing on PDF. Shameful caveman mentality and a curse on the oridnary grassroots people of both Pakistan and Afghanistan who didn't ask to be put upon by such religious fanatics of an irregular anti-Islamic bent by their tactics of suicide attacks, shooting of innocent ordinary Muslims, you name it. I hear directly via e-mail from many in the areas where actual fighting does take place and the allies of late, particularly the British and ANA, are winning with very light losses over the terrorist Taliban, and the local population is jubilantly supporting the Brits and ANA and very happy to get rid of the Taliban menace.

I know the vast stats and the language used by the OP make things suspects and propagandish, but your last statement was so Taliban-ish.

In reality they are sick of both, Nato and Taliban - equally.
In reality they are sick of both, Nato and Taliban - equally.

That's because, Pakistani elites have always used terrorist elements like Taliban, LeT etc. for their regional ambitions.

Terrorist leaders are conducting public lectures on Jehad and war against non-Muslims in Pakistan and Pakistani elites and masses are silent watchers, becoming part of it as they always have since decades.

Now, Pakistan is supporting OBL's ideology openly and punishing those behind his demise. Its getting interesting day after day! :cheesy:
what else do you call that?within hours? it took 15 hours for the SSGN to clear them,they had to deal with 6 terrorists and afew even managed to get away alive.What if they had NVGs, it was the commandos not FC fighting them.BTW Its not the first or last blunder of your security forces.

It would have taken your so called "army" 15 years to clear out that base. As an afghan you have no right to be making lame shots at Pakistan :disagree:
I agree its enough trying to convince Pakistan to root out the terrorists responsible for the killing of our citizens sheltering in your territory, the time has come we send in forces to NW and fight them right in their houses.

Yeah please send your "army" (if we can even call it that) to Pakistan, they'll just get their behinds kicked back to afghanistan just like in the when you guys pathetically tried to invade Pakistan in the 50's/60's
Yeah please send your "army" (if we can even call it that) to Pakistan, they'll just get their behinds kicked back to afghanistan just like in the when you guys pathetically tried to invade Pakistan in the 50's/60's

forget ANA, you can't handle even TTP on your own, who intruded and blew up your airbase & escaped while SSG was shivering in pants. :lol: :lol:
It would have taken your so called "army" 15 years to clear out that base. As an afghan you have no right to be making lame shots at Pakistan :disagree:

Our security forces have to deal with these kind of attacks on weekly basis and they have performed extremely well till now, the terrorists are usually eleminated within 2-3 hours from the moment they strike.Perhaps the longest clearing operation was in Kandahar where the terrorists attacked multiple gov buildings in a coordinated attack consisting of atleast 50 attackers armed with suicide bombers and VBIEDs very similar to the Mumbai attacks plus the last two things.
If you see the old posts, it was your fellow pakistani member who started it pointing fingers at the Afghan gov like if the Pakistani gov is in a better situation...
There is no question that NATO is the supporter of the current Afghan gov, BUT we implement our foreign and domestic policies according to our national interests as a proof of that i gave you the example of Iran which is extremely hostile to US and other NATO countries while we enjoy excellent relations with.You didn't explain the position of your gov which changed its foreign under US orders not according to their own decision and will sell anything for the right price including its own people.So if you label us as the puppets than you are nothing better than us.

The concoction which you have insinuated is fallacious as your foreign policy cognates in line with American interest. You have fabricated that you implement your own domestic and foreign policy with the example of Iran, but I hardly regard that as rocket science, as the Taliban were not in cohorts with the Iranians, due to religious reasons, hence the Iranians will support the current regime in Kabul. Furthermore history propagates that the Northern Alliance was supported by the Iranians, and if we look at the current scenario the Afghan regime is made up of various members who came from this group. The American will not exactly mind because they would need all the help that they can get as they are trapped in Afghanistan. When it comes to business, even a bad relationship can become a good one, example is India’s relationship with Iran.
Additionally there is no real government in Afghanistan; it’s a de-facto state that is running on a life support machine, without western intervention you would collapse.
Could you discuss one point at a time? you dont make sense, jumping from one topic to another...
Corruption is an issue but you are no better, you have the biggest thief in the world as your president that says it all!

I am discussing one point at a time, if you can't understand me, then I suggest you pick up a dictionary. You asked me a question and I obliged by answering back; I believe that is the rules of engagement in this forum. Pakistan does have corruption I don't disagree with you, however don't forget your Presidents brother is a drug baron, so in essence your government is run by a cartel of thugs rather than a party of gentlemen. But I am not surprised as your nation used the begging bowl and came to Pakistan for a better life, but as an ungrateful lot you are, you turned your backs on us. But its okay, you do have some uses as a lot of your resources are sold cheap in Pakistan.
but you need to know your facts and the ground realities, which is Nato is a sitting duck in Afghanistan and its useless because it has achieved nothing in the last 10 years.
That's because of the help rendered to the Taliban by the Pakistani Establishment (read PA!). Don't kid yourself that this isn't true. The whole world knows it. Do you for a moment think that a band of bearded brigands would be able to hold on for so long without military and logistics support? Get real.
The NATO forces stationed in Afghanistan are directly serving the national interests of my country even if they are not there for it they have a fixed withdrawal date so i'm all for the presence of my allies on my soil which will contribute stabilization and independence of my country in the long run.What about the US presence in Pakistan? You are famous for having the will to sell anything for a few $$$ and F-16s.The US drones are bombing the hell out of your areas flying out of Pakistani bases under US control. What about the handover of control of Gwadar to the Chinese?

But you previously promulgated that the Afghan army was strong enough to take on the Taliban....I guess you were intrusive with your statement. Atually the point whereNato forces are serving your National interest is debatable. American only is interested in your resources, apart from that your country has nothing to offer as its a replica of a dark age country. First of all the drone attacks is a joint collabration bewten the Americans and the Pakistani's, second your country should be in the guiness world record for being an inert country that has failed to progress even with the continious help of the world power. By the way the Chinese are in Gwadar for a number of reasons, first is because it wants to have a port in Pakistan so that it can ship its products around the world and save cost, second is because Gwardar links China to the Central Asian market. This benefits Pakistan because we are getting investment and China has been are best friend since the late 50s, unlike your country which acts like a $2 tramp.
That's because of the help rendered to the Taliban by the Pakistani Establishment (read PA!). Don't kid yourself that this isn't true. The whole world knows it. Do you for a moment think that a band of bearded brigands would be able to hold on for so long without military and logistics support? Get real.

The world does not revolve around India, and there is no proof that Pakistan is helping the Taliban, otherwise sanctions would be chained on Pakistan...so don't state something which is fallcious as you will embarass your self. Second don't be a hypocrite maybe if you didn't have consulates in Kabul, Pakistan and Afghanistan would have better relations. Also based upon your assumption the TTP have survived for so long, so that must mean India is helping them miliitary and logistically with Money....so get real....any way focus on your own country this has nothing to do with India.
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