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Setback' for PDM as PPP gets prized post of Senate Opposition leader

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, PPP's goal has always been a two party system. They don't talk care what the other party is, so long as PPP is one of the two.

PDM has given Zardari a chance to eliminate PMLN from within, and humiliate Nawaz Sharif and his family.

By the time this is over, PPP will be laughing all the way to the bank, while PMLN will be relegated to the footnotes of history.

PTI, meanwhile, doesn't have much to worry about when it comes to the opposition, as proven time and time again. PTI should focus on the economy and coronavirus, instead of worrying about the walking corpse that is PDM.
Why ppp continueslly targetting RAMZAN UL MUBARAK since last year what is its agenda behind this corona is another thing...
Bilawal the free spirited Bhutto is a good stock option. You should remember that Pakistan has lot of young people.
O bhai, charas pee ke forum men ghus ata hai tun, damagh ke dahe karne.
Zardari's political game to have Gillani elected as Senate Chairman (& no confidence vote) was dangerous for PTI Gov, but PDM's inevitable internal fighting/difference made it easy with PMLN voting against Gillani - PMLN and Diesel wanted to have IK overthrown by use of street chaos and violence and Zardari was never going to play that game.

Stone was thrown by PDM and damage done to PDM as well.
What I've heard doesn't chime with this explanation, this is not what caused the recent split. It was a difference of opinion on what to do with Punjab. If PMLN had gone along with Zardari's plan of bringing a no confidence vote against Buzdar, and then a similar exercise in NA, then the whole scenario would be different. PMLN refused to go along with the plan for a variety of reasons. Otherwise Q league was ready to abandon PTI, cross the floor and vote with the opposition, the establishment already knew of the upcoming plays and didn't oppose, but N league ultimately refused. Hence the beginning of the split, this latest move on YRG is a following escalation.
What I've heard doesn't chime with this explanation, this is not what caused the recent split. It was a difference of opinion on what to do with Punjab. If PMLN had gone along with Zardari's plan of bringing a no confidence vote against Buzdar, and then a similar exercise in NA, then the whole scenario would be different. PMLN refused to go along with the plan for a variety of reasons. Otherwise Q league was ready to abandon PTI, cross the floor and vote with the opposition, the establishment already knew of the upcoming plays and didn't oppose, but N league ultimately refused. Hence the beginning of the split, this latest move on YRG is a following escalation.

You bold my sentence yet didn't understand it. And then gave the same explanation of 'differences'.

Why the short memory though? Don't you recall during jalsis drama that PPP refused to toe Nawaz's line of confrontation and he wasn't allowed to speak in Karachi and then Bilawal was absent from other jalsis!?

PDM was Zardari's proposal and Nawaz fell right in that trap. Both Maryam and Nawaz were used as toilet papers by Zardari.
When pmln cheat pdm in punjab senate then it was ok right? Because pmln getting as per share and not allowing ppp in punjab with the alliance of 3 punjab base parties pti, pmln and qleague.
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You bold my sentence yet didn't understand it. And then gave the same explanation of 'differences'.

Why the short memory though? Don't you recall during jalsis drama that PPP refused to toe Nawaz's line of confrontation and he wasn't allowed to speak in Karachi and then Bilawal was absent from other jalsis!?

PDM was Zardari's proposal and Nawaz fell right in that trap. Both Maryam and Nawaz were used as toilet papers by Zardari.

I guess that explanation of mine doesn't sit well. All you've done is dismissed it and reaffirmed your status as sage for having known the obvious, that PPP was the odd man out in PDM from the start. And they were always likely to abandon or betray when it suited them best. Brother, I'd suggest giving your adversary the benefit of the doubt once in a while and not assuming that they need to be condescended to.
When pmln cheat pdm in punjab senate then it was ok right? Because pmln getting as per share and not allowing ppp in punjab with the alliance of 3 punjab base parties pti, pmln and qleague.

You may call that uncooperative, but cheating is a bit rich. :D

Cheating would be giving your word on something in private, exchanging your word for votes in your favour, and then backing off from your word when the slightest push came to shove, that may be called opportunism, but cheating isn't so far off.

At the end of the day PDM had a two roads it could drive on, it did try to straddle both, or meander from one to another. The ideologues' road, and the politicians', the former was sidelined for the latter recently, hence all the wheeling and dealing. Unfortunately, YRG's loss put a speedy end to that, so due props given to the government.

I would also say that PTI has finally done what a lot of its saner and savvier politicians have been calling for from the start, bring PPP into the fold, or back off of them at least, and then PMLN is a lame and lone duck. Had it have been done two years ago, things may be very different.

PPP also played reasonably well IMO, they've benefited from PDM, and bailed out with a decent net gain. What it might cost them is yet to be determined. PML and Maulana probably feel salty, but that makes me quite happy, I personally like where this is all going.

I guess that explanation of mine doesn't sit well. All you've done is dismissed it and reaffirmed your status as sage for having known the obvious, that PPP was the odd man out in PDM from the start. And they were always likely to abandon or betray when it suited them best. Brother, I'd suggest giving your adversary the benefit of the doubt once in a while and not assuming that they need to be condescended to.

You said you support Nawaz & Co for being nazriyati in taking a stance against military establishment (unless there is another undisclosed reason). Did you hear what Maryam said today? If not, she said that it was all agreed between establishment and PDM to replace Buzdar. So it was PDM working with establishment yet IK took a stance against establishment. So who is standing on the side of civilian supremacy - PDM (Nawaz & Zardari) or IK? Did you not hear the demands of Nawaz for agencies to stop supporting IK - whereas constitutionally all agencies report to IK!

You should support IK, not these other lot with false claims. Also please confirm that civilian supremacy is your sole reason for supporting Nawaz & Co!
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