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Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir

the catalyst for this incident is on you tube but i cant post it on the forum as Mr T-Faz gives me infriction and will ban me if i do it its hurts when people suppress the truth as we did in bangladesh and today we accept it if we did in 1971 we would be much more well off with greater pakistan
What about the Justice for people who have been murdered by these terrorists?

Why do you support them, why do they kill innocent Pakistani's?

Why are you blaming an entire institute for the ills of the few, don't divert the topic here, you might belong to Hizbut Tahrir but that does not mean we should allow you to malign our leaders and our institutes.

I am answerable for my own actions, you should pray to God that he brings you on the right path, supporting people who use violence and then cry when they are acted against are called hypocrites.
All the best to PA for cleaning the Army.
This incident is truly horrifying for any body who has sympathy for Pakistan and the unfortunate people of Pakistan who all those days have heard there leader blaming outside forces for every thing happening in Pakistan . todays arrest has prove that all the allegation comming against Pakistani arm forces is not totally baseless there must be someone inside Pakistani authority maintaining some kind of sympathy for militants . just couple of days back we heard few navy personal were behind the mehran incident and today we are hearing the GSQ attack also had inside hand .
i am against every action carried out by the army which is agaist the code of conduct of jihad in islam i mean fighting.if its advisable to beat and tourture 80 and 90 year old men and say they were supporting taliban then is it for the benifit of the army or benifit of the enemy?i am not hizbutahrir i am not shia sunni or anyrthing i am just a muslim.
and how were these videos propaganda? was some one else in pakistan army uniform who were beating the old age people?or they were PA soliders?propaganda video is something which gives you a wrong impression of what goes on.
how did i try to intentionally divert the topic?
and by the way do you have any idea about hizb u tahrir?what kind of a organization they are?do you want me to post their mission statement to you?

and my own older brother is in ssw airforce group captain risalpur acadamy we are pushtuns and i do get really upset by the double standereds of the govt.

who gives army the right to tourture and kill children of swat?execution style?they get away with it in swat becasue the population is pushtun but when a urdu speaker shot by paramilitary a brach of army they are taken to custudy?you should call that video shot by the journalist in karachi of killing of the youth by soliders as propaganda as well.whats the difference in the videos?apart from the victims one is urdu speaker and others are pashto speakers
Nonsense, stick to the topic at hand.

What is this 'code of conduct' of Jihad?

Just because some army men have abused their rights, it does not mean that the entire institute is rotten.

The people who cross limits are and should be punished.

I know that you are a HT member, HT helps terrorist, it does not care for Pakistan as it wants to establish Caliphate and engage in warfare with the west.

We care for Pakistan, we do not want to see it die at the hands of extremist tyrants. We also want peace, peace within and without, your Hizbut Tahrir wants war with everyone.

Now stop your propaganda and stick to topic we are discussing.

HT is a terrorist organization, it has helped terrorists and its doctrine is one of danger and a violent future.
brother it happens when you apply double standereds to different etnicities just like east and west pakistan i cant link the video but if you type in youtube ''pakistan army beating'' you will see why do i say another bangladesh is in making someone should stop it before its too late.who are the militants?they are pakistanis we should talk to pakistanis not treat every1 like foreigners or most will become foreigners to pakistan
i am against every action carried out by the army which is agaist the code of conduct of jihad in islam i mean fighting.if its advisable to beat and tourture 80 and 90 year old men and say they were supporting taliban then is it for the benifit of the army or benifit of the enemy?i am not hizbutahrir i am not shia sunni or anyrthing i am just a muslim.
and how were these videos propaganda? was some one else in pakistan army uniform who were beating the old age people?or they were PA soliders?propaganda video is something which gives you a wrong impression of what goes on.
how did i try to intentionally divert the topic?
and by the way do you have any idea about hizb u tahrir?what kind of a organization they are?do you want me to post their mission statement to you?

and my own older brother is in ssw airforce group captain risalpur acadamy we are pushtuns and i do get really upset by the double standereds of the govt.

who gives army the right to tourture and kill children of swat?execution style?they get away with it in swat becasue the population is pushtun but when a urdu speaker shot by paramilitary a brach of army they are taken to custudy?you should call that video shot by the journalist in karachi of killing of the youth by soliders as propaganda as well.whats the difference in the videos?apart from the victims one is urdu speaker and others are pashto speakers

Seeing how you post with all the radical stuff ..now i think sir ur brother should be chckd out by the army too!! [no offense to your brother]
That's pretty alarming! How many more moles are there in Pakistan's Defence Forces? The need of the hour is a comprehensive cleanup operation within the Forces. Thanks to Zia who had encouraged religious fundamentalism not only in Pakistan but also in the Armed Forces.
Nonsense, stick to the topic at hand.

What is this 'code of conduct' of Jihad?

Just because some army men have abused their rights, it does not mean that the entire institute is rotten.

The people who cross limits are and should be punished.

I know that you are a HT member, HT helps terrorist, it does not care for Pakistan as it wants to establish Caliphate and engage in warfare with the west.

We care for Pakistan, we do not want to see it die at the hands of extremist tyrants. We also want peace, peace within and without, your Hizbut Tahrir wants war with everyone.

Now stop your propaganda and stick to topic we are discussing.

HT is a terrorist organization, it has helped terrorists and its doctrine is one of danger and a violent future.

i will tel u again that i am Not HT .
pakistan is more dearer to you then the whole islamic world?
you say people who cross limits should be punished but what about the soliders didnt they cross the limits or they are children who should be forgiven?
PA is something if it follows Allah commands but is nothing if it follows america commands.

The conduct of war

Islam bans the killing of non-combatants (Quran 2:190 above), or of a combatant who has been captured.

Muslims are forbidden from attacking wounded soldiers (unless the wounded person is still fighting).

The Prophet's (pbuh) view of non-combatants is shown by a Hadith in which Muhammad (pbuh) sees a woman killed in the battlefield and condemns the action.

When an enemy is defeated he should be made prisoner rather than be killed:

"So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favour or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates." Quran 47:

Abu Bakr (the First Caliph) gave these rules to an army he was sending to battle:

"Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path.
"You must not mutilate dead bodies.
"Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man.
"Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful.
"Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food.
"You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone"

Is it the way in islam to do what our army did in swat with elders and civilians?i am not against pakistan army as a whole but i am against those whose are dividing us on ethnic lines like the one in swat and this one with hizb u tharir. and before calling some one terrorist you should first listen to what he says not making him terrorist like that and about hizb u tharir i will post their mission statement and show me where they said what u explained about them.

Hizb ut-Tahrir

Hizb ut-Tahrir is a political party whose ideology is Islam. Its objective is to resume the Islamic way of life by establishing an Islamic State that executes the systems of Islam and carries its call to the world. Hizb ut-Tahrir has prepared a party culture that includes a host of Islamic rules about life’s matters. The party calls for Islam in its quality as an intellectual leadership from which emanates the systems that deals with all man’s problems, political, economic, cultural and social among others. Hizb ut-Tahrir is a political party that admits to its membership men and women, and calls all people to Islam and to adopt its concepts and systems. It views people according to the viewpoint of Islam no matter how diverse their nationalities and their schools of thought were. Hizb ut-Tahrir adopts the interaction with the Ummah in order to reach its objective and it struggles against colonialism in all its forms and attributes in order to liberate the Ummah from its intellectual leadership and to deracinate its cultural, political, military and economic roots from the soil of the Islamic lands. Hizb ut-Tahrir endeavours to change the erroneous thoughts which colonialism has propagated, such as confining Islam to rituals and morals.

Hence, Hizb ut-Tahrir was founded in 1952 in Al-Quds in order to resume the Islamic way of life and carry the Islamic call to the world. As for the resumption of the Islamic way of life, the reality of all the Islamic lands is currently a Kufr household, for Islam is no longer implemented over them; thus Hizb ut-Tahrir adopted the transformation of this household into a household of Islam. With regard to deeming the household as being Islamic does not depend on whether its inhabitants are Muslims or not, but rather in what is implemented in terms of rules and in whether the security of the household is in the hands of the Muslims, not the Kuffar.

These two conditions determine whether the household is a household of Islam, even if most of its inhabitants were non Muslims. The fact that the current existing states in the Islamic world are states of Kufr is evident and does not require explanation, for all of their constitutions do not consider the sins as crimes that entail punishment, and they adopt the systems and the rules of the capitalist democratic system and they effectively implement them in economy, education and all the aspects of life. These constitutions deem the sovereignty to belong to the people, not to Allah (swt), they recognise the international treaties that totally contradict Islam and they do not Islam as a intellectual leadership to the world.

With regard to Hizb ut-Tahrir being a political party, this is because politics in Islam is looking after the affairs of the Ummah domestically and externally and Allah (swt) has commanded the governing of the Ummah’s affairs by Islam and nothing else. This command is discharged by looking after the Ummah’s domestic and foreign interests and by conducting them exclusively according to Islam; this is performed by the State and by the Ummah who accounts the State. In order for this to be achieved practically, Hizb ut-Tahrir must be a political party that undertakes within the Ummah this task and works towards seizing the reins of power through her; thus Hizb ut-Tahrir is not a spiritual bloc, nor is it a moralistic or a scientific bloc, but rather a political bloc that works towards the management of the Ummah’s affairs as a whole according to Islam.

The rise of Hizb ut-Tahrir was in response to Allah (swt)’s saying: T.M.Q. “And let there arise from amongst you a band that calls to the good and commands what is right and forbids what is evil and those are the ones who will attain felicity.” in order to revive the Islamic Ummah after the severe decline to which she has sunk, to liberate her from the thoughts, systems and rules of Kufr, its systems and from the hegemony and influence of the Kufr states, and in order to work towards establishing the Islamic Khilafah State so that the rules by what Allah (swt) has revealed returns to the realm of life.

In order for the bloc to be founded on a sound basis that achieves the objective, it is imperative to fulfil four matters:

It must be built upon a clear and defined idea, not upon a vague and ambiguous idea.
The method of executing the idea must be clear and crystallised.
The bloc must be built upon individuals who are mature in terms of awareness and who have the sound will to establish the idea in the realm of life deeply embedded.
The bond that binds the members of this bloc must be the ideological bond. One is affiliated to the bloc once he embraces the Aqeedah and once he matures in the party culture.
As for Hizb ut-Tahrir, it has been founded upon the Islamic ideology in its idea and method. The party carries a clear and defined idea, that is the Islamic idea, in view of the fact that it is the only idea that achieves the sound revival, because the Islamic Aqeedah is the only Aqeedah that convinces the mind and conforms with human nature, thus filling the heart with tranquillity and achieving happiness to man, contrary to the capitalist Aqeedah which is built upon the separation of religion from life; it is without doubt not built upon reason, but rather upon compromise and it contradicts human nature, thus it fills the heart with anxiety and brings nothing but misery to mankind.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has adopted the Islamic idea in an elaborate manner according to what it requires in order to establish Islam in the realm of life, in view of the fact that the Islamic Aqeedah is political and spiritual, not just a spiritual Aqeedah; in other words, the Islamic Aqeedah has a relationship with life as well as a relationship with the Hereafter, for Allah (swt) has ordered the Muslims to refer to Islam and to implement it in all their affairs, thus it is a Aqeedah that has come into being so that people proceed according to it.

Hence, Hizb ut-Tahrir has adopted a host of thoughts in the Aqeedah in order to restore to the Muslims the sound perception of their Aqeedah and in order to restore its vitality and warmth in their hearts. It has also adopted a host of Shari'ah rules pertaining to the Islamic systems in ruling, economic and social matters inasmuch as they are Islamic rules and nothing else, and they contain not one single rule that is non Islamic or a rule influenced by reality. The party has rather adopted these rules according to the strength of the Shari'ah evidence, so that they are as Allah (swt) revealed them, clear and pure.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is an ideological party that makes sovereignty exclusively to the ideology; it does not allow reality to be the source of the solution, but rather the subject of the solution, i.e. it treats the corrupt reality with Islam. it does not alter nor distort the rules of Islam to suit reality, because the ideologist nature necessitates steadfastness and adherence to the ideology, without the slightest deviation from it despite the temptations or the intimidation, for the Messenger of Allah (saw) rejected all the temptations and proposals of Quraysh and endured all the trials and tribulations without retracting from the work towards establishing the ideology as it is. He (saw) even said despite the immense need for his uncle’s support: “O uncle, by Allah, if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I relinquished this matter, until Allah has made it triumphant or I perish therein I would not relinquish it.”

Hizb ut-Tahrir has also determined its method of progress in view of the fact that Islam is an idea and a method, i.e. a host of tangible rules that preserve the idea and bring it into existence. Its method of progress is in fact the method of the Messenger of Allah (saw), for it is a group of clear and defined Shari'ah rules. The party proceeds in the three periods, which the Messenger of Allah (saw) proceeded in order to achieve his objective:

The period of study and culture in order to generate the party culture and incorporate the ideology in a groups of individuals, i.e. in order to form the bloc.
The period of interaction with the Ummah and the struggle for the sake of making her adopt the ideology of the party as her own, make it her raison d'être and work towards establishing it.
The period of attaining and seizing the reins of power through the Ummah in order to implement the ideology in a comprehensive manner, because it is forbidden to seize partial power. Hence, the arrival at the ruling must be total and the implementation of Islam must be comprehensive.
Hizb ut-Tahrir has proceeded in the realm of life according to these periods; thus it completed the period of culture by achieving the objective of the period, which is the incorporation of the ideology in individuals, and whose method is culturing. Hence, the party achieved its intellectual formation and it became incumbent upon it to achieve its political formation; thus it moved towards the "Interactive Period" via the "Support Point" and it set about challenging the prevalent relationships with the aim of destroying them. At the same time, the party worked towards implanting the thoughts and the emotions of Islam in society and it fought a host of political battles in society in its quality as specific political party; thus it moved towards motivating the masses openly, courageously and repeatedly, which enabled it to address society in order to bring the Ummah out of her old situation and steer her towards gathering on the basis of a new format and according to the thoughts that the party has spread and which have generated an effect amongst people. Hizb ut-Tahrir has also criticised the plan of political struggle that politician and the Ummah had been pursuing at the time, and it has dealt a catalogue of severe blows to the non Islamic thoughts and opinions that were prevalent in society, be it those that emanated from the champions of nationalism, communism and the like, or those that emanated from the individuals and groups who allowed the Islamic call to be carried in parts and selectively, or from those who carried the political views of alignment to the West or the East or non-alignment or similar.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has also challenged the projects of protectorates and colonial alliances which Eisenhower imposed upon the Islamic world, by exposing them to the Ummah and incite her to account the ruler for accepting them; it also exposed the entente between the USA and the USSR in Vienna whose outcome was confining the supervision of international issues to the two superpowers. The party explained the effects of such an entente on international politics and on the movements of the agents in the Islamic lands. Hizb ut-Tahrir has also monitored the policies and the political plans of the unbelieving states in the Islamic lands and it exposed many of the political conspiracies concocted against the region and its peoples, such the project of internationalising Al-Quds which America and her agents endeavoured to implement it in the early sixties. The party has also exposed the conspiracy of surrendering Al-Quds and the West Bank one year before they fell in the hands of the enemy and it exposed the reality of the fedayyeen organisations which the British had established in order to settle the issue of Palestine. Hizb ut-Tahrir has also watched the plans and styles of the United States which were aimed at spreading her hegemony over the lands of the Muslims, as well as the successive actions that led her to have total control over the oil, in addition to other conspiracies against the Ummah and the region.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has been throughout all these events working as a political party, in touch with the world, aware of its conditions, perceptive of its problems, acquainted with the motives of its states and peoples, pursuing the political actions that occur in the world and monitoring the political plans of the various states with regard to the styles of execution, the nature of the relationships between them and the political manoeuvres which these states perform. In addition to all of this, Hizb ut-Tahrir continued throughout its progress to work within the Ummah as a political party with a specific cause, which he carries, defends and endeavours to make the Ummah embrace it and to gather support for itself and its cause. Hence, the party has been a movement that struggles in order to establish the State to implement Islam in a radical and comprehensive manner. The party has had a major effect upon society and upon the political life of the Muslims, and upon the various thoughts and emotions, such as socialism, secularism, nationalism and priesthood. Consequently, Islam has gathered a public opinion in society that emanates from a general awareness. With regard to the political life of the Muslims, the idea of establishing Islam in the realm of life is gathering momentum among the Muslims and this idea has started to turn from a spiritual force within the Ummah into a material force, and the current of Islam has started to stand up to the other belligerent forces, and Islam has become to the Muslims a Deen with the State as part of it. Moreover, the Islamic Aqeedah in the hearts of the Muslims has become linked to thoughts about life and to the systems of legislation, i.e. the Islamic Aqeedah in the hearts of the Muslims has become a spiritual and a political Aqeedah. Hence, the party is very serious and eager to complete this transformation so that the Islamic idea is effectively implemented in the realm of life.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has made the method of affiliation in its structure subject to the suitability of the individual himself to structure in the Party, by embracing and perceiving the Islamic Aqeedah, maturing in the Party culture once the Da'awah interacts with him. This suitability is determined by four matters: The individual's understanding of the Islamic Aqeedah, his awareness of the Party culture, undertaking the Islamic commitments and adopting the opinions and constitution of the Party.

Hizb ut-Tahrir undertakes the following actions:

Culturing people about Islam in a concentrated manner in study circles with the culture of the Party.
Culturing people in a collective manner with all the possible means.
Adopting the real interests of the Ummah.
Exposing the plans and the conspiracies of the Kuffar.
Hizb ut-Tahrir has adopted in its method to establish the State a host of Shari'ah rules, one of which is that it does not undertake any physical actions nor any violent acts, thus emulating the Messenger of Allah (saw), because the actual reality is the very reality of the Messenger of Allah (saw) in Makkah with regard to the absence of Islam’s implementation and with regard to the work towards establishing it.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is determined to work within the Ummah in order to implement Islam and achieve its objective by endeavouring to gain the leadership of the Islamic Ummah so that she could accept it as her leader, to implement Islam upon her and proceed with it in her struggle against the Kuffar and in the work towards the return of the Islamic State as it was before, the leading superpower in the world.
Islam bans the killing of non-combatants (Quran 2:190 above), or of a combatant who has been captured.

Muslims are forbidden from attacking wounded soldiers (unless the wounded person is still fighting).

The Prophet's (pbuh) view of non-combatants is shown by a Hadith in which Muhammad (pbuh) sees a woman killed in the battlefield and condemns the action.

When an enemy is defeated he should be made prisoner rather than be killed:

"So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favour or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates." Quran 47:

Abu Bakr (the First Caliph) gave these rules to an army he was sending to battle:

"Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path.
"You must not mutilate dead bodies.
"Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man.
"Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful.
"Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food.
"You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone"

Sorry but could not resits myself after reading the above.
Can you list any country that is following all the that you have listed? Or is it possible to follow it?
If the answer is no then what is the point talking about what your religion says when in practice all you guys do is lip-service.

I do not know how many people realize, that all that is written in religion sounds good but so far I have not seen a single person who can implement 50% of what is said. It's good to talk, difficult to implement. (Here I am referring religion means any religion not a specific religion)
Copy/pasting articles from Ht's website wont change my views on them.

You are, according to you anyway, not a member of the said organization but you want to promote it and use religion as a blackmailing tool to recruit more people.

Let me tell you, it won't work on me.

What you are doing here is classic Islamist tactic of coming across as a Saint while you follow a violent ideology for the sake of power.

If the people who have committed crimes and have not been prosecuted, there is higher justice in the after life, there has to be, too many people have gone away too easily without any punishment.

Leave it to God, work for betterment of this nation and achieve piece, not further wars for the sake of some 'Ummah'.

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