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Serum has no right to halt vaccine supply as payment made in advance: Papon

You know what I was one of those people who were most tolerant and forgiving to BAL despite their Indian dalai, until it cost human lives.

More people will be fed up to this govt from now. If people like me hate BNP for destroying the electricity system ,why shouldn't we hate BAL for such filthy decision that is causing us suffering and costing lives? Having no electricity is better than having no livelihood. In those so called tughloki lockdown many poor lost their everything, remain hungry; if we signed for other vaccines, I don't think situation was worse like this.

We afterall paid in advance in the entire process, so shouldn't we get the honor as equal partner?

But what we get in return? Stopper first dose of vaccine from tomorrow.

This is the development I understand.
My criticism is that the policymakers lack vision and planning. Short sighted and full of hot air. The economy will depend on vaccination efforts.
Gov should have known better and kept a backup plan.

Keu dekhe shikhe are Keu tekhe shike. Mone hocche kisui shikhe nai
Translation: (some people learn from their own mistakes, some people learn from other's mistakes, It seems gov hasn't learnt anything)
Until they have supplied us all the vaccine doses per contractual agreement, those "gifts" are effectively paid with our own money.

Nothing new here, all countries are doing the same thing with blocking exports of vaccines if they have a desperate emergency in their own country.

BD will get its vaccines probably restarting in late May/Early June as estimated by SII.

Indians are jabbing at 2.5 million a day and so that is 80 million a month and AstraZeneca can be given 12 weeks apart, with high immunity like I say from just one shot and so SII estimate seems about right. India by late May/early June should have reached the most vulnerable 20% of their population with at least one shot of the vaccine.
Nothing new here, all countries are doing the same thing with blocking exports of vaccines if they have a desperate emergency in their own country.

BD will get its vaccines probably restarting in late May/Early June as estimated by SII.

Indians are jabbing at 2.5 million a day and so that is 80 million a month and AstraZeneca can be given 12 weeks apart, with high immunity like I say from just one shot and so SII estimate seems about right. India by late May/early June should have reached the most vulnerable 20% of their population with at least one shot of the vaccine.

I understand the situation in India. And don't particularly blame them given their emergency situation.

I blame our incompetent govt. for putting all their trust in one source of vaccine. They simply didn't anticipate any of this. And now frantically running around to source vaccine from somewhere else, but it's too late now as other countries have already made commitments elsewhere. How stupid does one have to be?
My criticism is that the policymakers lack vision and planning. Short sighted and full of hot air. The economy will depend on vaccination efforts.
Gov should have known better and kept a backup plan.

Keu dekhe shikhe are Keu tekhe shike. Mone hocche kisui shikhe nai
Translation: (some people learn from their own mistakes, some people learn from other's mistakes, It seems gov hasn't learnt anything)
It looks you are right. Although finally closed the border with India for 2 weeks. Now let's see if they really learn or keep licking Indian balls.

If thye decide to keep licking Indian balls , consequence will be worse than ever.
So you are saying Indian are human and Bangladeshi are not? Nobody forced Indian to sign that agreement to supply Bangladesh vaccine. If you signed and even tusnami happened. Everybody expect you to honor it since they have already made advance payment.
Don't twist my words I never said that. We will send the vaccines, we have just suspended supplies for the time being.
Don't twist my words I never said that. We will send the vaccines, we have just suspended supplies for the time being.

India gifted BD 3.2 million vaccines and has already supplied around 7-8 million of the 25 million purchased as per contract. I am sure that once the most 20% of vulnerable in India get at least one dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine by late May/early June India will resume exports to BD as estimated by SII.

In contrast China has offered 600,000 of their less effective Sinopharm vaccine as a gift and even if BD was to order now they cannot spare any till December!

PS - Even China's greated ally Pakistan has been given only 1 million Sinopharm vaccines till now.LOL
A question for any expert here, is US the only source of raw materials for making vaccines can't we get it from somewhere else?
Is there really a shortage of RMs for Covishield?
PS - Even China's greated ally Pakistan has been given only 1 million Sinopharm vaccines till now.LOL

I think more than 2 million already received, 5 million are in pipeline.. the vaccination program is on track. This is other than the private imports, Cansino and other vaccines being imported.

Registration for 50+ people already open... My elderly family members have already completed their 2 doses.
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I understand the situation in India. And don't particularly blame them given their emergency situation.

I blame our incompetent govt. for putting all their trust in one source of vaccine. They simply didn't anticipate any of this. And now frantically running around to source vaccine from somewhere else, but it's too late now as other countries have already made commitments elsewhere. How stupid does one have to be?

true to that, need diversify the vaccine source, can not rely on India only
i have never seen dead modi/ jindal and yogi /amit shah :lol:

I think once there was a conspiracy theory...that polio vaccines were made killing monkeys in India and Chimpanzees in Africa..and that's how AIDS virus jumped from ape to man
Bangladesh can sue India’s Serum: legal experts

Bangladesh can sue the Serum Institute of India Private Limited on the charge of breaching the contract by not supplying the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine as per a contract it signed with Bangladesh, according to legal experts.

On April 25, Bangladesh suspended its first dose of Covid vaccination for an indefinite period after the Serum Institute broke the deal of supplying three crore of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. The suspension came after Serum supplied only 70 lakh doses in two months against the purchase deal for supplying three crore doses in six months.

The legal experts cited the example of the European Union which launched legal action against the coronavirus vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca to sue the company for not respecting its vaccine supply contract, and for not having a ‘reliable’ plan to ensure timely deliveries.

‘A breach of contract has definitely occurred by not providing the dose,’ arbitration expert and Supreme Court Moin Gani told New Age.

He said that the type of legal remedy for the damage can be determined after examining the terms and conditions of the contract.

He added that there are different legal remedies for different types of contracts.

A contract between Bangladesh’s government and that of India would follow one procedure while the contract between two private entities of the two countries would follow another procedure, he said.

Under the agreement, the Serum Institute of India should provide Bangladesh with 50 lakh doses each month starting from January 2021 but supplied 50 lakh doses in January and then 20 lakh doses in February before suspending the supply in March.

According to Finance Division officials, Bangladesh has already paid Tk 1,455.08 crore to the Serum Institute in two instalments for the procurement of 1.5 crore vaccine doses in advance.

Another arbitration expert and SC lawyer Md Asaduzzaman said that Serum must be sued for breaching the contract.

He said that the cause of action of the case would depend on the arbitration clauses of the tripartite agreement.

He said that a commercial arbitration case could be lodged with the International Arbitration Court by the government for breaching a commercial contract.

He said that if the deal does not contain any arbitration clause, then the course of action would be different and in that case, Bangladesh would have to file a case either in India or in Bangladesh.

Asaduzzaman said that everything will depend on how the deal was signed.

Dhaka University’s law professor Asif Nazrul said that the government should prosecute the Serum Institute to pressurise India for getting the dose as per the deal.

He also suggested that the government should hire a good lawyer to fight the case.

He said that under the contract law, Serum could only be excused from supplying the remaining doses in case of the collapse of its lab because of the natural disaster.

Arbitration expert and SC lawyer Md Mustafizur Rahman Khan said that it would be unwise to make any comment without going through the contract papers.

In a press release, the Directorate General of Health Services on April 25 said that the first-dose Covid vaccination would remain suspended until further order.

‘The Serum has failed to supply promised vaccines due to its export ban,’ DGHS line director Robed Amin told New Age after the virtual press conference in which he appealed for more supply from the Serum Institute.

‘We have asked Beximco Pharmaceuticals, the company responsible for bringing the vaccine doses from the Serum Institute under a tripartite agreement involving the Bangladesh government, to arrange for at least 20 lakh doses at the earliest possible time,’ Robed said in the press conference.

Bangladesh does not have in store enough vaccine doses to administer the second shot of the double-dose vaccine on more than 14 lakh people while another 14 lakh who registered for the vaccination but are yet to receive the jab.

The health agency data showed that until Sunday 5,818,400 people had received the first jab of the vaccine and 2,326,866 of them had their second dose.

Bangladesh has now over 20 lakh doses in store out of the 32 lakh doses it received as a gift from India in addition to the 70 lakh doses supplied by the Serum Institute.

The Indian High Commission in Dhaka issued the diplomatic note in response to a request from Bangladesh’s foreign ministry to expedite the supply of Serum’s Covid vaccine as per the deal.

A total of 72,24,307 people have registered online for inoculation until April 25, just before the government decided to suspend the first dose of the Covid vaccine.


Yes India broke the terms and conditions but BD kind of can do without its vaccine share for a couple of months - 10 thousand or more Indians are day are dying now and this will sadly increase over the coming weeks.

In BD deaths are starting to fall after cases had have been falling for the last 2 -3 weeks:

"Covid-19: Daily deaths below 80 for 2 days in a row"

I feel this is the wrong time for BD people to be complaing about not getting vaccine doses from India.

Let India jab its 20% most vulnerable, get the raging pandemic under control that is now the worst in the world so far, and then BD should get its supplies restarted end May/early June as estimated by the Serum Institute of India.

Ps - We need to remember that India has supplied around 11 million doses so far - 3.2 million for free.
"Time has come for Bangladeshis to consider what India means when they say they are a friend of Bangladesh" - Papon

I am just perturbed at the callous attitude of Indian leaders in Delhi. When a person or trader receives the agreed amount of advance payment, it becomes a deal written or not. In Bengali this is called (বায়না নেওয়া). Once taken, it is mandatory that the trader supplies the promised goods.

India must be complained against in an international criminal court.
The EU is suing astra zeneca for precisely this. It is a simple business transaction that one party has reneged on. More crucially, the lives of the purchaser's citizens depend on fulfilment of the contract.

All the Indian fanboys of Modi government's bijjness deals, vaccine diplomacy and forex reserves have gone very quiet on this matter I have noticed.

Yes India broke the terms and conditions but BD kind of can do without its vaccine share for a couple of months - 10 thousand or more Indians are day are dying now and this will sadly increase over the coming weeks.

In BD deaths are starting to fall after cases had have been falling for the last 2 -3 weeks:

"Covid-19: Daily deaths below 80 for 2 days in a row"

I feel this is the wrong time for BD people to be complaing about not getting vaccine doses from India.

Let India jab its 20% most vulnerable, get the raging pandemic under control that is now the worst in the world so far, and then BD should get its supplies restarted end May/early June as estimated by the Serum Institute of India.

Ps - We need to remember that India has supplied around 11 million doses so far - 3.2 million for free.
Sorry this is nonsense. Why should Bangladesh be placed into a risky situation over Indian mismanagement? If Bangladesh wants its vaccines, India should deliver. If Bangladesh donates some or all of them back to India, that's a different matter, but in reality, India's neighbours are all terrified by what they're seeing in India and don't want it to happen to them. Vaccination on a massive scale is actually a critical component of averting a similar fate.
Sorry this is nonsense. Why should Bangladesh be placed into a risky situation over Indian mismanagement? If Bangladesh wants its vaccines, India should deliver. If Bangladesh donates some or all of them back to India, that's a different matter, but in reality, India's neighbours are all terrified by what they're seeing in India and don't want it to happen to them. Vaccination on a massive scale is actually a critical component of averting a similar fate.
This is the best and most rational comment related this topic. Exactly my words.

We are not begging from them , we aren't dependant bon their good will , we were in business deal ,doesn't matter how worse their condition are, we must get the job done Timely.

Bangladesh isn't Indian colony ( like once British ruled here as colonial lords) that when citizens ( Indians) will get vaccinated then subjects (Bangladeshi or other colonial subjects) will be vaccinated. We aren't subjects of India, but we are citizens of India. So now slightly defending India ( by saying that they are in huge trouble) for any Bangladeshi should be considered self disgrace. If you can't respect yourself ,if you have no dignity, then others aren't going to respect you ever

Respect to you brother, for this comment.

"Time has come for Bangladeshis to consider what India means when they say they are a friend of Bangladesh" - Papon

@Bilal9 bhai , asole esob bole ar lav nei, now ektai kotha do or die. Vaccination and water er fair share ek jinis na.

If now Indian variants spread in Bangladesh,there will be massacre in Bangladesh.

We have no good medical infrastructure, we have very few ICU outside Dhaka or maybe some other cities ( Although negligible compared to Dhaka) , so now big talk from them will not help.

When Indian hospitals can't manage Indian variant , how can we control it?

So now the border should be remained shut as long as we get vaccine.

Still i am in doubt that how long you con control every movement in such huge border?

I am expecting a big mess for us, please Allah save us.

India deadly variant can't be controlled by lip service to Hasina by saying that, "Where Hasina if prime minister, we have no tension of coronavirus" .

Now it's time to take action rather than lip service.

These guys acted as mistress/concubine/harem girl of India ,and now paying big price.

Papon ze prothrom video te misti misti kothar somoy na boltese, oitao asole oder misti kothar e ongsho.
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