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Serial Killer Molvi Serwer is dead.

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Then I must have carried over prejudices about you from that other thread.

Reading your post again somehow doesn't validate it. But I'll just give you benefit of the doubt and accept thus t'was!

Another Hypothesis :rofl:

"Be a Molvi Effects on Women Health Negative Be Stay as human can effect positively on Man Women Relationships"
So basically you are ok with anyone having the right to murder anyone in Pakistan?
You are willing to murder your neighbors wife or daughter because you suspect she may be of dubious character?
Human life has no value for you?
And the idea of "He who kills one human has killed all of humanity" is just arabic bound in a book?

If Salman Taseer committed blasphemy (which his personal guard, mumtaz taseer said he did), then yes, Killing him is right.
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) was the most merciful, rehmat-ul-lil alameen! He forgave people who threw garbage at him etc etc.. BUT
Show me ONE example, JUST ONE, where a person killed a blasphemer (12+ cases) DURING the prophets time, OR During the time of Abu Bakar, or Omer, Or USman, Or Hazrat Ali or Imam Hussain and the Prophet or Sahabas punished that person? EVEN WHEN THE PERSON did NOT SEEK THE RULER/COURTS permission to KILL THE BLASPHEMER!

Infact, many a times, our Beloved Prophet ORDERED to kill the blasphemer.


Now for the "anyone having the right" to kill.. I would advise the mods to NOT be hypocrites. If our ARMY/Police/Agencies kill/torture a person without due legal process, they are praised and supported. When the "religious fanatics or taliban" do the same, they are barbarians, don't respect the law etc etc.
Zil-e-Huma was the biggest lose, if I may say... she was such a nice and key minister... honest and hardworking...

AGreeeeee.... Rot in Hell !! :angry:

One name in lady Killer who struggle waste several innocent Girls Through Brain Washing...

As i say as one Quotation :smokin:

Too much Exceed in Women Right And Too Worth in Women Right Both Effecting On Society Negatively....
Another Hypothesis :rofl:

"Be a Molvi Effects on Women Health Negative Be Stay as human can effect positively on Man Women Relationships"


What the huck?
If Salman Taseer committed blasphemy (which his personal guard, mumtaz taseer said he did), then yes, Killing him is right.
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) was the most merciful, rehmat-ul-lil alameen! He forgave people who threw garbage at him etc etc.. BUT
Show me ONE example, JUST ONE, where a person killed a blasphemer (12+ cases) DURING the prophets time, OR During the time of Abu Bakar, or Omer, Or USman, Or Hazrat Ali or Imam Hussain and the Prophet or Sahabas punished that person? EVEN WHEN THE PERSON did NOT SEEK THE RULER/COURTS permission to KILL THE BLASPHEMER!

Infact, many a times, our Beloved Prophet ORDERED to kill the blasphemer.


Now for the "anyone having the right" to kill.. I would advise the mods to NOT be hypocrites. If our ARMY/Police/Agencies kill/torture a person without due legal process, they are praised and supported. When the "religious fanatics or taliban" do the same, they are barbarians, don't respect the law etc etc.

The person who forgave the woman that threw trash on him everyday.. forgave hind.. forgave the whole of Quraish..
i refuse to believe it..
Give me one proof of it..and from a mustanid hadiath.

When our agencies do it.. at least 20% of the time they do it to the man who deserves it...and even that is not supported by me, I dont condone it.. but I also do not condemn the killing of evil men where they are reputed by multiple sources to be so.Religious fanatics however.. have killed.. murdered.. sometimes even raped only..and ONLY innocent people.

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

One name in lady Killer who struggle waste several innocent Girls Through Brain Washing...

As i say as one Quotation :smokin:

Too much Exceed in Women Right And Too Worth in Women Right Both Effecting On Society Negatively....

Too little education.. or too much trust in dubious "scholars of Islam" effecting the whole world negatively.
The person who forgave the woman that threw trash on him everyday.. forgave hind.. forgave the whole of Quraish..
i refuse to believe it..
Give me one proof of it..and from a mustanid hadiath.

When our agencies do it.. at least 20% of the time they do it to the man who deserves it...and even that is not supported by me, I dont condone it.. but I also do not condemn the killing of evil men where they are reputed by multiple sources to be so.Religious fanatics however.. have killed.. murdered.. sometimes even raped only..and ONLY innocent people.

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

Too little education.. or too much trust in dubious "scholars of Islam" effecting the whole world negatively.

Yes, He who forgave all of them, did not forgive SOME people.. amongst them were Blasphemers.

On killing a BLASPHEMER, all FIQHs are united.. Hanfi, Maliki, Shafi, Hambali.. even Imam Jaffer (and thus Shias) are united on this matter.

There are various hadees regarding this. This thread would deviate from the original topic.. I can message you if you want.. Or I think there was already a thread regarding Qadri/Blasphemy..


The fanatics, they ONLY kill innocents? So the americans getting killed in afghanistan, their allies who help them, those getting killed are innocent? I don't think so.

Yes, the fanatics do kill innocents, which is TOTALLY wrong. The ones who kill innocents, bomb mazaars and mosques are wrong (including taliban/our armed forces/americans etc etc).
We've discussed this a hundred times before.. but lets put it this way.
Do I take offense to Mr Taseer's comments on my religion and prophet.. Yes I do.
But I would not kill him...because killing him means I was the one with the inferior mind.. I had doubts in my mind about the Prophet.
And that made me insecure enough to kill Salman taseer.

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 PM ----------

Yes, He who forgave all of them, did not forgive SOME people.. amongst them were Blasphemers.

On killing a BLASPHEMER, all FIQHs are united.. Hanfi, Maliki, Shafi, Hambali.. even Imam Jaffer (and thus Shias) are united on this matter.

There are various hadees regarding this. This thread would deviate from the original topic.. I can message you if you want.. Or I think there was already a thread regarding Qadri/Blasphemy..
Please use the PM.. as I too have proofs against killing people.
PM sent. Hadeeth are not only in Bukhari, but all 6 sahi books (sunni) and books of shias (I don't have the exact sources. sorry). Do read up in detail regarding blasphemy. I too was initially very sceptical.


Btw, I was banned for posting this NEWS item (SC orders verification of military claim about Swat ‘terrorist’ | Newspaper | DAWN.COM). I got your (Oscar's) message regarding the infraction.
In follow up to this news, the Supreme court has ordered the army to release the land of person forcefully captured in swat.(http://www.dawn.com/2012/01/24/auth...t-orders-return-of-land-to-swat-resident.html)

I am sure If I had said anything regarding the news: http://www.dawn.com/2012/01/21/ghq-isi-camp-attacks-fourth-detainee-found-dead.html, and http://www.omantribune.com/index.php?page=news&id=110883&heading=Pakistan i would have been banned for a longer period of time.. Double standards?
PM sent. Hadeeth are not only in Bukhari, but all 6 sahi books (sunni) and books of shias (I don't have the exact sources. sorry). Do read up in detail regarding blasphemy. I too was initially very sceptical.


Btw, I was banned for posting this NEWS item (SC orders verification of military claim about Swat ‘terrorist’ | Newspaper | DAWN.COM). I got your (Oscar's) message regarding the infraction.
In follow up to this news, the Supreme court has ordered the army to release the land of person forcefully captured in swat.(Apex court orders return of land to Swat resident | Newspaper | DAWN.COM)

I am sure If I had said anything regarding the news: GHQ, ISI camp attacks: Fourth detainee found dead | Newspaper | DAWN.COM, and Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge i would have been banned for a longer period of time.. Double standards?

If your news was off topic.. or against the rules which do not allow inappropriately insulting Pakistanis...then you would recieve an infraction without question.
The rules and guidelines are there.. their interpretation is upto the administration.
getting insulted, swore at, spat at and threatened to be killed comes with the job description to do the Gods bidding and spread the message of Truth to the world and the Prophets and Messnegers accept that undertaking.
their first teaching is that of tolerance and forgiveness.

I refuse to accept the Mullah insistence killing in the name of Islamic honour. This habit has made us a butt of a joke for others who say just because you react so violently for any offence we will do it whenever we feel like.

Just like Oscar pointed out, Prophet PBUH was one who not only forgave but went to see the ill woman who used to throw trash at him on regular bases he also showed tolerance and didn’t ask any of his followers to punish the people who used to mock him and put trash on him while he prayed in Mecca need I say anything about the incident of Taif?. If Muslim of that time had the same mindset of the fanatics of today then I don’t think some of our ancestors would have had the chance to convert to Islam, they would have been killed for being the “wrong religion” just like the Muslims of today kill Ahmedis and Shias as a matter of faith.

Best of all, I don’t think Hazrat Umer would ahev got the chance to accept Islam when he initially beat up his sister and brother in-law for reciting Quran and converting to Islam and set foot to kill the Prophet with his sword. It is the teaching of tolerance which meant that he not only got the chance to let the Muslims know that his entire world had changed after his encounter with his sister and brother in Law but only turned out to be one of the most celebrated Sahabi and Caliph of the Muslims. It is this similar teaching that stopped Hazrat Ali from killing an enemy during battle who spat at him when he saw that Ali was about to kill him. But he was spared and told that his act would have made it look like that Ali was killing him for personal insult.

Muslims of today go a lot about Hurmat e Rasool and are prepared to kill other people but the teachings of the rasool seem to be relegated and ignored by the same Muslims. It is this mindset that has spawned the kind of characters like the masked Al Qaeda and Taliban butchers who feel its an Islamic dutity to record their brutality and then we have utterly sick people like Serwer and Qadri. Their actions only bring further negative reaction towards the very name of the Prophet they claim to protect.

Suddenly the discussion switched to this blasphemy because I compared the stone cold smile of Serwer with Mumtaz Qadri. I don’t think discussing any further will help and be relevant to this thread.
As far as rot in hell comment is concerned its not a declaration no a fatwa but a wish and a prayer for someone who showed no mercy to the innocent, weak and unarmed human beings who the Prophet PBUH specially mentions to spare even at the time of war. Now it doesn’t matter to me if he died of torture, mistreatment, aliment, guilt or anything else. Like I said earlier I cant care less I just posted the news and let you comment on that.

Now the issue of hypocrisy, the PDF doesn’t condone violence and mistreatment of the innocent and unarmed. The deaths of the civilians from military operations are never intentional but that is the case with the Al Qeda , Taliban and the fanatics who on purpose target the weak and vulnerable.

Watch this video and allow yourself to think for a while.

Data Darbar Attack - Dr Raheeq Abbasi's Exclusive Talk in Geo's 50Mint on Deadly Blasts - YouTube
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