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Senate approves bill to make Arabic compulsory in educational institutions in Islamabad

A very good step and mind u, its Quranic arabic and not the usually spoken one. This will enable young generation to study Quran themselves and not be influenced by sectarian and hypocrite mullahs.
To the people objecting, its fine to study american history, European history and doznt affect math or science but the moment arabic is mentioned, u ppl start getting fits. Extremely stupid arguments presented.

As far as I know American and British history is not the core syllabus in Pakistan. If it is, it should be dropped - it's a waste of time.

There is no real benefit to teaching our children Arabic as a language. The only foreign language worth teaching is English because as a country we are too incompetent to provide higher education in our own language.

If the argument is that they will be reaching Quranic Arabic - I still think its ineffective.

1. I don't believe schools will make anyone fluent.
2. The context of Quran is gained through tafseer, not just translation or reading it literally.
3. Our religious practices are based on Hadith which documented Sunnah and this has been codified in Fiqh.

If someone wants to study Islam in detail they need to study all of these things. The Pakistani idea that knowing Arabic unlocks all Islamic understanding is based in some inferiority complex.
As far as I know American and British history is not the core syllabus in Pakistan. If it is, it should be dropped - it's a waste of time.

There is no real benefit to teaching our children Arabic as a language. The only foreign language worth teaching is English because as a country we are too incompetent to provide higher education in our own language.

If the argument is that they will be reaching Quranic Arabic - I still think its ineffective.

1. I don't believe schools will make anyone fluent.
2. The context of Quran is gained through tafseer, not just translation or reading it literally.
3. Our religious practices are based on Hadith which documented Sunnah and this has been codified in Fiqh.

If someone wants to study Islam in detail they need to study all of these things. The Pakistani idea that knowing Arabic unlocks all Islamic understanding is based in some inferiority complex.

What utter nonsense are u trying to justify? Do u think learning languages will cause harm or waste time of a kid? Do u doubt the human learning ability? This is basic education and not trying to produce a mufti. By ur logic nothing should be taught to a kid except English as later he can learn whatever he want?
If anything, atleast the kid will learn to read Quran, atleast understand translation of namaz and basic surahs. This is the start u want to give ur kid and later on he can learn all that if he wants, but without this basics, he will never even have any interest.
Behind every stupid law or bill you will find PML N.
What utter nonsense are u trying to justify? Do u think learning languages will cause harm or waste time of a kid? Do u doubt the human learning ability? This is basic education and not trying to produce a mufti. By ur logic nothing should be taught to a kid except English as later he can learn whatever he want?
If anything, atleast the kid will learn to read Quran, atleast understand translation of namaz and basic surahs. This is the start u want to give ur kid and later on he can learn all that if he wants, but without this basics, he will never even have any interest.
Genius. If you want to promote bilingualism (very must I have been crying over it) this is not the way. The way is making a 2nd language mandatory other than Urdu and English. The student should have every right to choose between Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, German, French or Russian for that matter.

And if we are so much in love with Arabic then once and for all make it the official state language. Period.

We do not even have proper qualified Arabic teachers, the ones with so-called doctorate level can barely be classified as average , before (Ummah/defenders of Arabic jump in) I am saying with ample evidence and please don't quote Tahir Ashrafi & Mufti Qavi on this one.

They will just ruin another language for the kids. The same way we have butchered English in South Asia :D

If the argument is that they will be reaching Quranic Arabic - I still think its ineffective.

1. I don't believe schools will make anyone fluent.
2. The context of Quran is gained through tafseer, not just translation or reading it literally.
3. Our religious practices are based on Hadith which documented Sunnah and this has been codified in Fiqh.

Quranic Arabic is classical arabic so I wonder which arabic are they referring to. Just for their information native arab speakers do not fully understand, comprehend Quranic Arabic. And If you ask them the answer will be "Arabic tou arabic hoti hai Quranic hou ya classical) . As always headless chickens :rofl:
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You wanna give a kid the option of French, Spanish Russian and Chinese in Pakistan for every school.
Doesn't work, you don't have those teachers available in all regions.

Pakistan is an Arab nation as of today and will join the Arab League
You wanna give a kid the option of French, Spanish Russian and Chinese in Pakistan for every school.
Doesn't work, you don't have those teachers available in all regions.

Pakistan is an Arab nation as of today and will join the Arab League
Giving an option, a right to choose is a concept from the free world, no offence but you will not understand yalla habibi :-)
I have nothing against Arabic or any other language from friendly states but it should be optional not compulsory.

With my profession being an Arabizer it's like Pakistan does my job on their own

You can still provide your Arabizing services to us if you don't wanna go back to Iraq or don't like Danish weather and want to take a break for few years. lol
What utter nonsense are u trying to justify? Do u think learning languages will cause harm or waste time of a kid? Do u doubt the human learning ability? This is basic education and not trying to produce a mufti. By ur logic nothing should be taught to a kid except English as later he can learn whatever he want?
If anything, atleast the kid will learn to read Quran, atleast understand translation of namaz and basic surahs. This is the start u want to give ur kid and later on he can learn all that if he wants, but without this basics, he will never even have any interest.

You're showing your own ignorance. In education you have core subjects and you have optional subjects.

If something is taught through all 11 grades it becomes a core subject. I think core subjects should be Urdu, Maths, Science and Computing. These are subjects children should be learning in school on a daily basis. I also think they should regularly (multiple sessions a week) be having sports, English and Islamiyat/civics.

Humanities, Arts and languages should be additional subject (1 or 2 sessions a week).

That is my opinion. I think we have no need to bundle Arabic in there as a core subject. If people want to study it, bundle it in with Islamiyat or as an optional language.

There is no great academic or economic benefit to the Arabic language being core to our education.

Even the argument for religious benefit is limited. Unless they teach Classical Arabic as intensively as they teach Urdu, students won't be able to really be fluent in it to read the Quran without a translation. Even if they could - they gain little benefit that a good translation doesn't provide.

In our religion there is reward in reciting the Quran, in understanding it, in implementing its lessons - but that is done through firstly learning Aqeedah then fiqh. You are guided through understanding the religion by teachers.

A lack of Islamic knowledge in our country comes from illiteracy and from rejecting an academic approach to our religion - not through not knowing Arabic.
Teach English, Urdu and a programming language to destroy India's IT based economy

Destroy their outsourcing market by providing better IT folk.
Thank you for bringing some sense back to this topic. Exactly, do what matters

A lack of Islamic knowledge in our country comes from illiteracy and from rejecting an academic approach to our religion - not through not knowing Arabic.
You have hit the nail on the head my friend. :victory1:
You're showing your own ignorance. In education you have core subjects and you have optional subjects.

If something is taught through all 11 grades it becomes a core subject. I think core subjects should be Urdu, Maths, Science and Computing. These are subjects children should be learning in school on a daily basis. I also think they should regularly (multiple sessions a week) be having sports, English and Islamiyat/civics.

Humanities, Arts and languages should be additional subject (1 or 2 sessions a week).

That is my opinion. I think we have no need to bundle Arabic in there as a core subject. If people want to study it, bundle it in with Islamiyat or as an optional language.

There is no great academic or economic benefit to the Arabic language being core to our education.

Even the argument for religious benefit is limited. Unless they teach Classical Arabic as intensively as they teach Urdu, students won't be able to really be fluent in it to read the Quran without a translation. Even if they could - they gain little benefit that a good translation doesn't provide.

In our religion there is reward in reciting the Quran, in understanding it, in implementing its lessons - but that is done through firstly learning Aqeedah then fiqh. You are guided through understanding the religion by teachers.

A lack of Islamic knowledge in our country comes from illiteracy and from rejecting an academic approach to our religion - not through not knowing Arabic.

Mostly all subjects in Pakistan at middle school level are compulsory, including islamiyat, urdu, urdu grammar, English. There is nothing wrong in adding arabic, be it in islamiyat. You are completely devoid of the concept of building base and building interest. Shows u have no idea about education and training.
but that is done through firstly learning Aqeedah then fiqh. You are guided through understanding the religion by teachers.

A lack of Islamic knowledge in our country comes from illiteracy and from rejecting an academic approach to our religion - not through not knowing Arabic.

Do u see the irony here? U first suggest religion is learned through guidance of teachers (mullahs) and then u complain of lack of academic approach lolz. When u leave it to mullah, they will tell u not to read Quran urself and only follow my interpretation, which would be of a sect. If u want academic approach then make arabic common so kids study and get a base for it and will develop interest in academic approach to religion, instead of relying on what mullah says.
Doesn’t do diddly squat unless you actually teach it from a conversational perspective. Trying to teach it from the basis of the Quran wont work unless the classical metaphors are also taught and that is generally university level education. At the end it will only add to the confused, overburdened and directionless lot that are young Pakistanis.
Masha'Allah. This is good news.

Considering 6 million out of 9 million Pakistanis are working/living in the Arab World, this should benefit the future generations.

Please note, most Pakistanis in Westen countries are born and bred there, not migrate there. Not many Pakistanis travel to the West for work as much as they do to the Arab World.

90% of Pakistanis in Arab world are cheap labor force and the remaining 10% do white collar jobs where English is used.
Economically Chinese would benefit Pakistan more then Arabic language.
The reason why PMLN is making Arabic mandatory is to please their Arab masters and to misuse jahil awam sentiments who believe with 30K rupee monthly income having 10 kids is a service to Islam and memorizing Arabic textures without understanding a single word is even a better thing.
Pakistan is giant emotional idiotic mess.
The same society will treat pregnancy as a government's top secret project while Quran describes it in detail.

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