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Self immolation in China proved to be false hoax staged by the Chinese CCP



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Watch Video Online: Hi | Low"Self-Immolation" - Clearwisdom.Net

Analysis of Video Footage of the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation"

After July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's faction launched a far-reaching campaign of disinformation to justify its persecution of Falun Gong and to escape world condemnation. Since the persecution started, state-run media have flooded the printing presses and airwaves with fabrications about Mr. Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong.

In early 2001, desperate to turn the tide against Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party attempted an outrageous stunt: a staged self-immolation of five people on Tiananmen Square. The state-run media then blamed it on Falun Gong. As with all lies, the propaganda fails miserably in the details. This staged self-immolation has been analyzed by neutral reporters and by careful observers of the same videotape that was broadcasted by the Chinese government:

1. An investigative story published by the Washington Post on February 4, 2001, revealed that Ms. Liu Chunling, one of the immolators, had never practiced Falun Gong; (See Washington Post: Human Fire Ignites Chinese Mystery Motive for Public Burning Intensifies Fight Over Falun Gong)

2. Police were mysteriously patrolling Tiananmen Square with dozens of pieces of firefighting equipment that day;

3. Liu Siying, the 12-year-old girl who was allegedly burned badly, was purported to have had a tracheotomy, but spoke and sang clearly in a TV interview, a medical impossibility;

4. Mr. Wang Jindong was shown to have been badly burned; while hair burns and plactic melts extremely quickly, his hair and the plastic Sprite bottle that he had used to dowse gasoline remained miraculously intact.

5. A slow motion analysis of the videotape reveals that a blunt object hit Ms. Liu Chunling on the head.

These holes prompted International Education Development, an NGO affiliated with the United Nations , to issue the following statement during the 2001 session of the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: "The regime points to a supposed self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square on January 23, 2001 ... However, we have obtained a video of that incident that in our view proves that this event was staged by the government."

Immediately after the event, the Falun Dafa Information Center in New York published a press release condemning the Xinhua News Agency for spreading unfounded, defamatory claims about Falun Gong. It also called on the PRC regime to allow the world media and international human rights groups to investigate this case to clarify the facts. No independent investigation has ever been allowed.

Clearwisdom.net Articles:

Trying to Draw Public Attention Away from Zhao Ziyang's Death, Xinhua News Agency Publishes Hate Inciting Propaganda - [1/29/2005]
From the Staged "Self-immolation" to the CCP's Two-Faced Attitude Toward Western Media (Photos) - [1/29/2005]
An Open Letter to the Associated Press from the Eastern U.S. Buddha's Study Falun Dafa Association - [1/28/2005]
A letter to the Ottawa Citizen from Falun Dafa Association of Canada Regarding the Inaccurate AP Article - [1/28/2005]
Analyzing the Differences Between the Staged and the Real Self-Immolations on Tiananmen Square - [12/27/2003]
Report from the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" Reveals Chinese Government Lies -- Official Government Media Seriously Violate Basic Reporting Principles and Professional Ethics - [9/5/2003]
Self-Immolation or Deception? - [4/28/2001]
The Puzzling Elements Surrounding the "Self Immolation Incident" (02/06/01)

Chinese Communist Party Controlling the Media

Zooming in on the Staged "Self-immolation" Case Reported by Xinhua News Agency: Who Directed These People to Set Themselves on Fire? - [1/28/2005]
A Phony News Report in the Making: A Director Smashes Tomatoes - [2/17/2002]
Analysing Another Deceptive Story from CCTV's "News Report" - [12/22/2001]
More Puzzling Scenes, Presented by CCTV's "Focal Point" on the "Self-Immolation Incident" (03/15/01)
Xinhua News Agency Brings More Shame to Itself With Its Latest Report On The Self-Immolation (02/16/01)
Employee of Xinhua New Agency talks about the Self-Immolation (at Home) (02/14/01)
How much False Evidence has Been Fabricated by The Government; From the "Suppression of the Student Uprising" to the "Self-Immolation in Tiananmen"? (02/08/01)
From Tiananmen Massacre to Self-immolation - Another Swindling Propaganda? (02/04/01)

Insights on "Self-Immolation"

Analysis of the Deceptive Logic Used by the CCP with the "Self-immolation" Fabrication - [1/29/2005]
Chinese Central Television (CCTV) Rehashing the Staged Self-Immolation Incident -- The Last Struggle of the Old Forces Before Their Destruction - [1/29/2005]
A Look at the CCP's Efforts to Promote the Staged "Self Immolation" All Over Again - [1/24/2005]
The Chinese Communist Party Pulls the Same Old Tricks in Rehashing the Staged Self-Immolation Incident - [1/24/2005]
Revealing the Truth of the Tiananmen "Self-Immolation" Incident from My Personal Experience - [11/8/2003]
The Way I See the Renewed Attention to the "Tiananmen Immolation Incident" - [4/12/2002]
Some Thoughts on the Abrupt Appearance and Disappearance of the Chinese Anthrax Bacteria - [10/30/2001]
Practitioners' Comments on China's Attempt To Frame Falun Gong Over the "Anthrax Mail" - [10/25/2001]
Comments From an Outsider: My View on the Self-Immolation and Mind-Control (03/10/01)
Self-Immolation Event from a Cultivator's Point of View (02/13/01)
Evil's Last Resort (02/09/01)

Eyewitness Accounts

An Eyewitness Recalls the "Self-Immolation" Incident on Tiananmen Square - [11/21/2004 ]
Eyewitness Reports Seeing Tiananmen Self-Immolation Performers in Hospital - [7/29/2004]
A Non-Practitioner Eyewitness Gives An Account of the Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation - [9/17/2003]
Self-Immolation In Tiananmen Square: A Staged Event Witnessed By Falun Gong Practitioners (03/22/01)

Insiders Reveal the Truth

Tiananmen Police Substation Insider Reveals How the "Self-Immolation" Was Staged - [6/29/2004]
Political and Legal Committee Chief Reveals the Truth Behind the "Self Immolation" Incident - Ministry of Public Security Issued Notice of a Big Event on Tiananmen Square Before It Even Happened - [4/7/2004]
A Police Station Division Head Acknowledges the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident" Was Staged by the Public Security Bureau - [1/6/2004]
China National Security Bureau Involved in Self-Immolation Incident (04/25/01)
The Head of the Dalian City Labor Camp Reveals the Truth Behind the "Self-Immolation" Episode (03/22/01)

Falun Gong Practitioners Around the World Expose the Staged "Self-Immolation"

Falun Dafa Practitioners in New York Call upon the Associated Press to Correct Its Misleading Report - [1/27/2005]
San Francisco: Falun Gong Practitioners Call on the Associated Press to Follow Professional Ethics and Correct False Report (Photos) - [1/27/2005]
"Immolation or Deception?" - A News Conference Brings Truth to Russian TV Audience - [8/22/2001]
Toronto Practitioners Call A Press Conference and Show the Video, "Uncovering the Truth of the Self-Immolation" (04/10/01)
Standing Up to the Chinese Embassy's Propaganda in Singapore (03/07/01)
Houston Falun Gong Practitioners Hold A Press Conference In Front of Chinese Consulate to Clarify the Truth of the Self-Immolation (02/16/01)
Bay Area Practitioners Request Investigation of Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation Incident (02/10/01)

Other articles related to the Self-Immolation Incident

Additional Facts About the Staged "Self-Immolation" on Tiananmen Square and the "Fu Yibin Murder Case"
Jiang Zemin Needs to Explain the Incongruities of the "Tiananmen Self-immolation" at the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Chinese Ruling Party Committee (Photos)
A Beijing Doctor Talks about the Inconsistencies Surrounding the Staged Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident
"Self-Immolation Or Deception?" Is One of the Three Most Visited Minghui Postings Each Month for 14 Months
San Francisco Talk Show Editorial: The Ever-Weakening Defamation
Striking Similarities between the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident" and Predictions in the Novel Yellow Peril Written Ten Years Ago
Doubts Exposed by Scrutiny of Self-Immolation Video
Latest News from China [04/27/01]
News From China [04/03/01]
Political Intrigue: The Connection Between Jiang Zemin's Self-Immolation Farce and the Two Conferences
From the Chinese Public's Perspective
Jiang Zemin Staged Self-Immolation on Tiananmen Square to pave the Way for Armed Suppression
What is the Self-immolation Incident Telling the World
Two Facts Tell the Whole Story
Unintentional Truth

Media reports

Epoch Times: Tiananmen Square "Self-Immolation" Actually a Hoax
World Journal: Golden Mountain Forum Salutes Falun Gong Practitioners
You cited an Epoch Times article. Did you know Jews control Hollywood? I got that from Mien Kampf.
nope, don't buy it. especially since every article has Falun Dafa in the banner.

Watch Video Online: Hi | Low"Self-Immolation" - Clearwisdom.Net

Analysis of Video Footage of the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation"

After July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's faction launched a far-reaching campaign of disinformation to justify its persecution of Falun Gong and to escape world condemnation. Since the persecution started, state-run media have flooded the printing presses and airwaves with fabrications about Mr. Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong.

In early 2001, desperate to turn the tide against Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party attempted an outrageous stunt: a staged self-immolation of five people on Tiananmen Square. The state-run media then blamed it on Falun Gong. As with all lies, the propaganda fails miserably in the details. This staged self-immolation has been analyzed by neutral reporters and by careful observers of the same videotape that was broadcasted by the Chinese government:

1. An investigative story published by the Washington Post on February 4, 2001, revealed that Ms. Liu Chunling, one of the immolators, had never practiced Falun Gong; (See Washington Post: Human Fire Ignites Chinese Mystery Motive for Public Burning Intensifies Fight Over Falun Gong)

2. Police were mysteriously patrolling Tiananmen Square with dozens of pieces of firefighting equipment that day;

3. Liu Siying, the 12-year-old girl who was allegedly burned badly, was purported to have had a tracheotomy, but spoke and sang clearly in a TV interview, a medical impossibility;

4. Mr. Wang Jindong was shown to have been badly burned; while hair burns and plactic melts extremely quickly, his hair and the plastic Sprite bottle that he had used to dowse gasoline remained miraculously intact.

5. A slow motion analysis of the videotape reveals that a blunt object hit Ms. Liu Chunling on the head.

These holes prompted International Education Development, an NGO affiliated with the United Nations , to issue the following statement during the 2001 session of the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: "The regime points to a supposed self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square on January 23, 2001 ... However, we have obtained a video of that incident that in our view proves that this event was staged by the government."

Immediately after the event, the Falun Dafa Information Center in New York published a press release condemning the Xinhua News Agency for spreading unfounded, defamatory claims about Falun Gong. It also called on the PRC regime to allow the world media and international human rights groups to investigate this case to clarify the facts. No independent investigation has ever been allowed.

Clearwisdom.net Articles:

Trying to Draw Public Attention Away from Zhao Ziyang's Death, Xinhua News Agency Publishes Hate Inciting Propaganda - [1/29/2005]
From the Staged "Self-immolation" to the CCP's Two-Faced Attitude Toward Western Media (Photos) - [1/29/2005]
An Open Letter to the Associated Press from the Eastern U.S. Buddha's Study Falun Dafa Association - [1/28/2005]
A letter to the Ottawa Citizen from Falun Dafa Association of Canada Regarding the Inaccurate AP Article - [1/28/2005]
Analyzing the Differences Between the Staged and the Real Self-Immolations on Tiananmen Square - [12/27/2003]
Report from the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" Reveals Chinese Government Lies -- Official Government Media Seriously Violate Basic Reporting Principles and Professional Ethics - [9/5/2003]
Self-Immolation or Deception? - [4/28/2001]
The Puzzling Elements Surrounding the "Self Immolation Incident" (02/06/01)

Chinese Communist Party Controlling the Media

Zooming in on the Staged "Self-immolation" Case Reported by Xinhua News Agency: Who Directed These People to Set Themselves on Fire? - [1/28/2005]
A Phony News Report in the Making: A Director Smashes Tomatoes - [2/17/2002]
Analysing Another Deceptive Story from CCTV's "News Report" - [12/22/2001]
More Puzzling Scenes, Presented by CCTV's "Focal Point" on the "Self-Immolation Incident" (03/15/01)
Xinhua News Agency Brings More Shame to Itself With Its Latest Report On The Self-Immolation (02/16/01)
Employee of Xinhua New Agency talks about the Self-Immolation (at Home) (02/14/01)
How much False Evidence has Been Fabricated by The Government; From the "Suppression of the Student Uprising" to the "Self-Immolation in Tiananmen"? (02/08/01)
From Tiananmen Massacre to Self-immolation - Another Swindling Propaganda? (02/04/01)

Insights on "Self-Immolation"

Analysis of the Deceptive Logic Used by the CCP with the "Self-immolation" Fabrication - [1/29/2005]
Chinese Central Television (CCTV) Rehashing the Staged Self-Immolation Incident -- The Last Struggle of the Old Forces Before Their Destruction - [1/29/2005]
A Look at the CCP's Efforts to Promote the Staged "Self Immolation" All Over Again - [1/24/2005]
The Chinese Communist Party Pulls the Same Old Tricks in Rehashing the Staged Self-Immolation Incident - [1/24/2005]
Revealing the Truth of the Tiananmen "Self-Immolation" Incident from My Personal Experience - [11/8/2003]
The Way I See the Renewed Attention to the "Tiananmen Immolation Incident" - [4/12/2002]
Some Thoughts on the Abrupt Appearance and Disappearance of the Chinese Anthrax Bacteria - [10/30/2001]
Practitioners' Comments on China's Attempt To Frame Falun Gong Over the "Anthrax Mail" - [10/25/2001]
Comments From an Outsider: My View on the Self-Immolation and Mind-Control (03/10/01)
Self-Immolation Event from a Cultivator's Point of View (02/13/01)
Evil's Last Resort (02/09/01)

Eyewitness Accounts

An Eyewitness Recalls the "Self-Immolation" Incident on Tiananmen Square - [11/21/2004 ]
Eyewitness Reports Seeing Tiananmen Self-Immolation Performers in Hospital - [7/29/2004]
A Non-Practitioner Eyewitness Gives An Account of the Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation - [9/17/2003]
Self-Immolation In Tiananmen Square: A Staged Event Witnessed By Falun Gong Practitioners (03/22/01)

Insiders Reveal the Truth

Tiananmen Police Substation Insider Reveals How the "Self-Immolation" Was Staged - [6/29/2004]
Political and Legal Committee Chief Reveals the Truth Behind the "Self Immolation" Incident - Ministry of Public Security Issued Notice of a Big Event on Tiananmen Square Before It Even Happened - [4/7/2004]
A Police Station Division Head Acknowledges the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident" Was Staged by the Public Security Bureau - [1/6/2004]
China National Security Bureau Involved in Self-Immolation Incident (04/25/01)
The Head of the Dalian City Labor Camp Reveals the Truth Behind the "Self-Immolation" Episode (03/22/01)

Falun Gong Practitioners Around the World Expose the Staged "Self-Immolation"

Falun Dafa Practitioners in New York Call upon the Associated Press to Correct Its Misleading Report - [1/27/2005]
San Francisco: Falun Gong Practitioners Call on the Associated Press to Follow Professional Ethics and Correct False Report (Photos) - [1/27/2005]
"Immolation or Deception?" - A News Conference Brings Truth to Russian TV Audience - [8/22/2001]
Toronto Practitioners Call A Press Conference and Show the Video, "Uncovering the Truth of the Self-Immolation" (04/10/01)
Standing Up to the Chinese Embassy's Propaganda in Singapore (03/07/01)
Houston Falun Gong Practitioners Hold A Press Conference In Front of Chinese Consulate to Clarify the Truth of the Self-Immolation (02/16/01)
Bay Area Practitioners Request Investigation of Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation Incident (02/10/01)

Other articles related to the Self-Immolation Incident

Additional Facts About the Staged "Self-Immolation" on Tiananmen Square and the "Fu Yibin Murder Case"
Jiang Zemin Needs to Explain the Incongruities of the "Tiananmen Self-immolation" at the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Chinese Ruling Party Committee (Photos)
A Beijing Doctor Talks about the Inconsistencies Surrounding the Staged Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident
"Self-Immolation Or Deception?" Is One of the Three Most Visited Minghui Postings Each Month for 14 Months
San Francisco Talk Show Editorial: The Ever-Weakening Defamation
Striking Similarities between the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident" and Predictions in the Novel Yellow Peril Written Ten Years Ago
Doubts Exposed by Scrutiny of Self-Immolation Video
Latest News from China [04/27/01]
News From China [04/03/01]
Political Intrigue: The Connection Between Jiang Zemin's Self-Immolation Farce and the Two Conferences
From the Chinese Public's Perspective
Jiang Zemin Staged Self-Immolation on Tiananmen Square to pave the Way for Armed Suppression
What is the Self-immolation Incident Telling the World
Two Facts Tell the Whole Story
Unintentional Truth

Media reports

Epoch Times: Tiananmen Square "Self-Immolation" Actually a Hoax
World Journal: Golden Mountain Forum Salutes Falun Gong Practitioners

Jana Shearer ?

Jana got married to Joe Shearer ?
On topic: if true, then can china continue to fool all its people for all the time? Would be interesting!
Can not. This is information times. How can 1.3 billion people be fooled?
You mean the imformation times in which everything on the internet or the local press that is against the communist party is censored on the internet and xinhua speaks the truth. Right? Or did you mean some other information times?
You mean the imformation times in which everything on the internet or the local press that is against the communist party is censored on the internet and xinhua speaks the truth. Right? Or did you mean some other information times?

People in China can visit the website like this one, people here can go abroad and communicate with others outside China. and people outside china can come to china and communicate with our people. During the communication, informations are shared. so nobody can prevent the Chinese from the outside world, we can hear more and more different voices.
You mean the imformation times in which everything on the internet or the local press that is against the communist party is censored on the internet and xinhua speaks the truth. Right? Or did you mean some other information times?

6,000 news agencies in mainland china alone, not to mention millions of private blogs``these old news of censorship in China is really out of date``tell me which country doesnt have censorship?
6,000 news agencies in mainland china alone, not to mention millions of private blogs``these old news of censorship in China is really out of date``tell me which country doesnt have censorship?

in terms of bad things about the current chinese government from internet, you will be happy to dig that out in china, coz its gold mine there, much more than those China bashing members here have, only if they could read mandarin
6,000 news agencies in mainland china alone, not to mention millions of private blogs``these old news of censorship in China is really out of date``tell me which country doesnt have censorship?

Anyway, This Indian a san is trying to insult China, but I am big supporter of non-censorship.
6,000 news agencies in mainland china alone, not to mention millions of private blogs``these old news of censorship in China is really out of date``tell me which country doesnt have censorship?

Ideal republic of democracy.
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