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Security Official Stoned to Death for Adultery

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We are here talking about exploitation of women in the west is more then in the east.
and why there are more rape and abuses of women take place if women is liberated and more educated then east under IPC
Section 375, the provision of rape in the Indian Penal Code (IPC), has echoing very archaic sentiments, mentioned as its exception clause- “Sexual intercourse by man with his own wife, the wife not being under 15 years of age, is not rape.”

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Probably you should seek treatment for your dyslexia instead of calling others stupid.

It is because you are talking about the fact that women in west are more exploited in east based on flimsy statistical evidences used by intellectually dishonest person that i have written what i had in last post.

Again this moronic argument strikes again and it need to be refuted even though it would not make any effect on its professe.

Lack of reporting does not means lack of crime.A society which considers marital rape as rape and where its citizens especially women considers rape as a crime for which they are not at fault and society does not indulge in victim blaming,number of rape reported would be higher.

Jurisdictions which demand four witness for rape are going to have very low rate of reporting.

Also swiss statistics are inflated because they consider each instance of rape as discrete ie if a women goes to police and says that she has been raped by her boyfriend for a year,total number of rape registered would be 365 rather than 1.

Level of intellectual dishonesty among people who hate west is amazing.
you're an idiot and have no idea of what you're talking about so do please hear me out once before going on your next idiotic tirade

PA doesnt have any presence in Upper Kurram. It's the Turri/Bangash who have been at the forefront of fighting the TTP and their allies. And that too despite no government support.

since you are so brave sitting behind your computer screen in the comfort of your home, why don't you go "skin them alive" too :laugh:

fact we can agree on . . .

but a few posts ago you sounded like Malik Ishaq and now you're talking about peace and civilization

kya baat

you talking about me living comfortably? dude who is living comfortably in the states? it is not me bro, its you

huh, did you actually have a brain to comprehend my posts?

my point about pakistan army was, they protect the borders which is often getting TTP raids and who come and behead our soldiers, if PA wasnt protecting these ninanderthal tribals then it was surely TTP and there heads

i wonder he has already posted two threads on shia should leave pakistan and he stills lives in pakistan

about malik ishaq, i have no sympatheis with any scum, but the real terrorists who just got arrested were not from LeJ but from BLA and dear mullah @Cheetah786 is no where to be seen there either
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Guys I am warning you, don't discuss religion...it is contrary to forum rules.....or I will complain to PDF authorities..

On what basis were the stoned....doesn't religion govern every aspect of your life....even the laws (Shariya)....so if you speak of stoning as a punishment...which is based on religious beliefs...people would surely point t out....you can't stop t bro...
you talking about me living comfortably? dude who is living comfortably in the states? it is not me bro, its you

well im not settled here; im just here studying - and that too on a subsidy and a student visa.

living comfortably? i live in a depressing, poorly lit basement den and it's a shyt-hole :laugh:

huh, did you actually have a brain to comprehend my posts?

my point about pakistan army was, they protect the borders which is often getting TTP raids and who come and behead our soldiers, if PA wasnt protecting these ninanderthal tribals then it was surely TTP and there heads

i wonder he has already posted two threads on shia should leave pakistan and he stills lives in pakistan

Those who do leave Pakistan --whoever they are -- can go to hell for all i care. I dont concern myself with those types of people (deserters)

as for TTP raids --- you don't have a good grasp of knowledge on the conflict, that's my impression. I reiterate again, PA has about zero presence in Kurram --especially the areas close to the border. It's the Rifles/FC.

Every time the TTP or other off-shoot branches of the talebs or their allies such as LeJ tried to capture Upper Kurram and expel the Bangash/Turri tribesmen -- they got the living shyt kicked out of them. I don't want to sound defiant or sound like I'm bragging -- but the people of that area are some of the best fighters in the entire tribal agency.

and the girls of the villages of Kurram are most literate and best educated in the entire tribal agency too....because they arent imprisoned all day in burqas the way they are in Waziri/Mehsud turf.

Purdah is SOOO strict; but at least people arent illiterate

about malik ishaq, i have no sympatheis with any scum, but the real terrorists who just got arrested were not from LeJ but from BLA and dear mullah @Cheetah786 is no where to be seen there either

good to know, choose your words a little more wisely next time instead of getting mouthy
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On what basis were the stoned....doesn't religion govern every aspect of your life....even the laws (Shariya)....so if you speak of stoning as a punishment...which is based on religious beliefs...people would surely point t out....you can't stop t bro...

religion doesnt allow to make tribes and stone age mentality, how you perform the capital punishment, ie by beheading and stoning or lethal injection or electic chair is open for discussion but since the early age of islam it has given authority to the central body like khalifa and not to the tribals, but these barbarians are so devoid of basic human nature, they cant be called humans, let alone muslims, its civilisation we are talking about
Lo karr lo baat... pooray FORUM KO DHAMKI.... :omghaha:

@Abu Zolfiqar, now tell me something, under Pakistan's which penal code would you solve this zealot? :no:

@muse : A live, eating breathing fundo (yes, I can call them this, as supposedly I am secular fascist) on PDF, how many of these vermin are there on this forum, any idea? :what:

@Armstrong: This is Zia's legacy. :agree:

@Dillinger: Mate here you go, the guy who will be coming to "liberate" Kashmir or die trying to meet 72,000 virgins (who do I thank for correction of "not" 72 virgins but 72,000 virgins?) :P

@Developereo, what say you now? :blink:

I have always wondered...a male who dies for the cause (JIHAD get 72 hoors aka Virgins)....what if a female does it...what if she dies for the cause (higher Jihad) what does she get in Jannat.


religion doesnt allow to make tribes and stone age mentality, how you perform the capital punishment, ie by beheading and stoning or lethal injection or electic chair is open for discussion but since the early age of islam it has given authority to the central body like khalifa and not to the tribals, but these barbarians are so devoid of basic human nature, they cant be called humans, let alone muslims, its civilisation we are talking about

Ok got....so according to your definition these tribals aren't Muslims. My bad...I thought they were Muslims.
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You talk about marriage ,a true marriage is a trust and commitment two indivisual put on each other.and they both have equal responsibility to maintain that trust.So you are also same category so take that advice i gave it to your mantor and stick to your indoctinated belief system.

i think you are a muslim.....is not polygamey allowed in islam...so hw it can be two individuals ?..isnt it 5 individuals theoretically....

im not looking to offend anyone here....just asking if the polygamey rule is limited to sects or is in whole islam ?
Ok got....so according to your definition these tribals aren't Muslims. My bad...I thought they were Muslims.

does hinduism allow this?


because if he is working for true hinduism, it means hinduism is truely a terror religion?
I have always wondered...a male who dies for the cause (JIHAD get 72 hoors aka Virgins)....what if a female does it...what if she dies for the cause (higher Jihad) what does she get in Jannat.

why are you so much against the concept of 72 virgins?, i fail to get the idea, and yes if a women dies, she will be granted 72 or even more virgins if she desires, or if wants to be with her husband in the heaven

when the western army invades lets say america or russia, dont they rape women? do they believe in 72 virgin in jannah theory? i dont think so

better beliueve you will get 72 virgins in heaven then rape 72 virgins in the world

but lets face it, those terrorists who kill innocent people, who behead innocent people like these tribals, or bomb mosques, they wont be dreaming of 72 virgins because they know its not allowed in islam at all
why are you so much against the concept of 72 virgins?, i fail to get the idea, and yes if a women dies, she will be granted 72 or even more virgins if she desires, or if wants to be with her husband in the heaven

when the western army invades lets say america or russia, dont they rape women? do they believe in 72 virgin in jannah theory? i dont think so

better beliueve you will get 72 virgins in heaven then rape 72 virgins in the world

but lets face it, those terrorists who kill innocent people, who behead innocent people like these tribals, or bomb mosques, they wont be dreaming of 72 virgins because they know its not allowed in islam at all

Do not get offended... was just curious to know whether females get 72 male virgins too....that's it.
Do not get offended... was just curious to know whether females get 72 male virgins too....that's it.

if she is not getting it in heaven then whats the use of heaven in the first place :omghaha:

infact 72 virgins is very less, lets imagine the limitless time in heaven and only 72 virgins :omghaha:
does hinduism allow this?


because if he is working for true hinduism, it means hinduism is truely a terror religion?
I don't know how many Hindus have gone and blown up / attempted to blow up civilians in the US, UK and elsewhere. But cases like these





are the reasons why Islamic terrorism poses a global threat and not Hinduism ; They know that Hindus arm only as a backlash of Islamic fundamentalism.
I don't know how many Hindus have gone and blown up / attempted to blow up civilians in the US, UK and elsewhere. But cases like these





are the reasons why Islamic terrorism poses a global threat and not Hinduism ; They know that Hindus arm only as a backlash of Islamic fundamentalism.

in the latter 2 cases - assault rifles were used not bombs

uniformed/official personnel were targetted - not civilians

just pointing out that distinction for you, before you peddle more half-truths here
I don't know how many Hindus have gone and blown up / attempted to blow up civilians in the US, UK and elsewhere. But cases like these.

and who was osama? wasnt he supported by america, look bro, US is not facing fraction what pakistan is facing today, and pakistan merely played in US hands of supporting jihadis from saudiarabia to fight against evil soviets(army of unbeliever atheist infidel devil according to US)

i still believe me made a mistake and making it again and again

it was US and not pakistan who incited islamic belief on muslims just to achieve its sole super power status and muslims helped US?
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