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Security Official Stoned to Death for Adultery

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Yaaar waisee the Tribals shouldn't have done that anyhow & the Army should try to look into the situation without creating a mess for us in terms of alienating most of that Tribe !

No doubt about it.

My gmail chat box is flooded with messages from family members we're all debating and talking about what happened. First of all, if i knew which guys in the area had done it (and believe me, if we dont know someone's name at least we know his face) -- i would fly there myself and smash a brick mortar over there skull. Unfortunately I'm not there and I don't know who were there.

though I do know Turri graveyard well because I buried my dead pregnant aunt there in 2006 when terrorists attacked the villages from 2 sides, lined up men and shot 17 of them execution style -- i didnt see that though i was there during the sectarian riots and fighting. The same people who have been fighting the same enemy the Pak Army is fighting -- and that too despite little support from the government. And believe me, the people of Kurram who fought the enemy really did give it to them. While other agencies like Orakzai were having militants capture some areas --- they always faced a deadly stiff resistance in Kurram.

A very bad time -- people were getting displaced from their homes. The Sunnis were not innocent, nor were the Shiias believe me. Both committed grave acts of tit for tat tribal and sectarian fighting.

i could care a dog-shyt less about tribalism or traditions but that's just me...not everyone thinks the way i do. If you want to bring change to these areas -- then get the government/leaders (the crooks you either vote for or allow to come in) to invest in those areas and bring reforms. It's really not so complicated.

in this case this isnt inter-tribal case.....it's an honour killing type case and the issue is "purdah"....a tragic misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of local prevailing sub-culture.

p.s. i have never heard of people being stoned in Kurram. This is a #1 first time for me to hear. Hopefully the last.
I myself have never heard of stoning or something like that happening in tribal areas but this is indeed shocking news if it happened.....And its more like honour killing,please dont make it a secterian issue...

May the soldier Rest in peace...
Spoken like a true Member of LEJ.

Actually the first three lines made a lot of sense-
The last two can be passed as an emotional brust-

Just like you hv been having since few months with all should Leave Pakistan threads-
Exactly who should live in Pakistan then- even sunnis are being killed by talibunnies scums-

You behave like an anarchist agent ready to play the victim card whenever some specific community is being targetted-

The burning of christian homes- are you sure no shia were involved?-
How balantly you segregate and play the victim card after selected incidents-
We are here talking about exploitation of women in the west is more then in the east.
and why there are more rape and abuses of women take place if women is liberated and more educated then east under IPC
Section 375, the provision of rape in the Indian Penal Code (IPC), has echoing very archaic sentiments, mentioned as its exception clause- “Sexual intercourse by man with his own wife, the wife not being under 15 years of age, is not rape.”

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Again this moronic argument strikes again and it need to be refuted even though it would not make any effect on its professe.

Lack of reporting does not means lack of crime.A society which considers marital rape as rape and where its citizens especially women considers rape as a crime for which they are not at fault and society does not indulge in victim blaming,number of rape reported would be higher.

Jurisdictions which demand four witness for rape are going to have very low rate of reporting.

Also swiss statistics are inflated because they consider each instance of rape as discrete ie if a women goes to police and says that she has been raped by her boyfriend for a year,total number of rape registered would be 365 rather than 1.

Level of intellectual dishonesty among people who hate west is amazing.
Yaaar waisee the Tribals shouldn't have done that anyhow & the Army should try to look into the situation without creating a mess for us in terms of alienating most of that Tribe !

I can name at least 8 or 9 Majors, a handful of Lt. Colonels and a former Maj Gen (long ago retired) who hailed from the exact same tribe and exact same village --- and these are all EXCLUDING members of the service from my own immediate family.

it wont cause any alienation

but the government does need to go after the people who violate ceasefires and bring sectarian terrorism to Pakistan
The case don't seems related to Shia terrorism but its looks more like Honour killing since the guy tried to elope with the girl. And I don't think that the concept of love marriages is acceptable in places like FATA.

@Gigawatt...i think this is the first time I find myself in complete agreement with...u....:tup:
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@Abu Zolfiqar @chauvunist : I agree that its an issue of Honor Killing with them being Shias or Sunnis or anything else as being purely incidental; therefore I wasn't asking my question from a sectarian point of view !

I just found it pretty stomach churning the thought of someone being stoned to death & that too a soldier in his own country !

And whats worst I dunno what the response could be ! On one hand naturally those in the Army who had interactions with the deceased would be fuming like hell & a punishment for this extra-judicial killing would be desired by all, including ourselves, on the other hand Pakistan & more so the Pakistan Army is terrible at Public Perception management & so what if the TTP was able to use any crackdown or arrests to their advantage & recruit even more misguided youth from across the country in a typical demonization of the Army or the Security Apparatus.
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Spoken like a true Member of LEJ.

so my dear friend @Cheetah786 is a strange mixture of paradox and hypocracies

1) cheetah786 sympathises with mullahs of iran because they are shia, but wants a secular state

2) cheetah786 condemns terrorism but supports the barbarianism of shia tribe who like stone age barbarians like to stone people to death

3) cheetah786 avoids the entire thread, and just comes to be play blame game and declares some PDF member to be from LeJ

4) cheetah786 fails to criticise the shia extremist barbarianism

6) cheetah786 also ignores the BLA terrorists arrested from quetta(cause of shia deaths and not LeJ)

so what is @Cheetah786, is he full of paradox, likes to dream in the world full of paradox and creates his own utopia, i want to know what @Cheetah786 originally is :)
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Actually the first three lines made a lot of sense-
The last two can be passed as an emotional brust-

Just like you hv been having since few months with all should Leave Pakistan threads-
Exactly who should live in Pakistan then- even sunnis are being killed by talibunnies scums-

You behave like an anarchist agent ready to play the victim card whenever some specific community is being targetted-

The burning of christian homes- are you sure no shia were involved?-
How balantly you segregate and play the victim card after selected incidents-

the last two lines also made a lot of sense, my point is if these extremist barbarians dont appreciate pakistan army then pakistan army can refuse to protect them and TTP which is hunting there arses for a long time with skin them alive and roast them with bullets like they are doing with PA and beheading them

pakistan army is taking so much trouble in protecting these stone age barbarian scums and thats how they repay?

i mean if he had raped a girl then it was understandable but the way that poor guy was killed is pure barbarianism

i have said the same with TTP

spoken like a true holy warrior!

Thumbs up to you for your message of peace and moderation. You're a real patriot.

By the way, have you ever stepped foot in or near to the Tribal Areas?

the peace will come when these barbarian scums are forced some sense of civilization into them
@Abu Zolfiqar @chauvunist : I agree that its an issue of Honor Killing with them being Shias or Sunnis or anything else as being purely incidental; therefore I wasn't asking my question from a sectarian point of view !

I just found it pretty stomach churning the thought of someone being stoned to death & that too a soldier in his own country !

And whats worst I dunno what the response could be ! On one hand naturally those in the Army who had interactions with the deceased would be fuming like hell & a punishment for this extra-judicial killing would be desired by all, including ourselves, on the other hand Pakistan & more so the Pakistan Army is terrible at Public Perception management & so what if the TTP was able to use any crackdown or arrests to their advantage & recruit even more misguided youth from across the country in a typical demonization of the Army or the Security Apparatus.

family will be fuming; hell who wont be fuming. I'm fuming!

especially given the painful death sentence......and that too over a love thing, not something bad.

anywayz on subject -- yes it would have made much more sense for the Army to have intervened. However, most of the local security is delegated to the Kurram Rifles/FC and they probably weren't around that area at the time to be able to intervene. This soldier went in civilian clothes anyways so it wasnt until AFTER he was captured by these guys that it was discovered he is fauji

at the end of the day - the main enemy are those who we've been fighting for past few years - those who behead troops shamelessly and throw their bodies.

if things ever got to a point where the people of Upper Kurram did this to every soldier they came across - i would go there and kill all the villagers with my own hands. However - it's not an issue of tribe vs. army it's an issue of major misunderstanding and the existence of centuries old tribal laws that are in place right now over there in FATA region
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@Abu Zolfiqar @chauvunist : I agree that its an issue of Honor Killing with them being Shias or Sunnis or anything else as being purely incidental; therefore I wasn't asking my question from a sectarian point of view !

I just found it pretty stomach churning the thought of someone being stoned to death & that too a soldier in his own country !

And whats worst I dunno what the response could be ! On one hand naturally those in the Army who had interactions with the deceased would be fuming like hell & a punishment for this extra-judicial killing would be desired by all, including ourselves, on the other hand Pakistan & more so the Pakistan Army is terrible at Public Perception management & so what if the TTP was able to use any crackdown or arrests to their advantage & recruit even more misguided youth from across the country in a typical demonization of the Army or the Security Apparatus.

self delete...
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the last two lines also made a lot of sense, my point is if these extremist barbarians dont appreciate pakistan army then pakistan army can refuse to protect them and TTP which is hunting there arses for a long time with skin them alive and roast them with bullets like they are doing with PA and beheading them

you're an idiot and have no idea of what you're talking about so do please hear me out once before going on your next idiotic tirade

PA doesnt have any presence in Upper Kurram. It's the Turri/Bangash who have been at the forefront of fighting the TTP and their allies. And that too despite no government support. You have the Rifles/FC and they arent floating in cash either; their presence is more of a peace-keeper observer type presence than anything else

since you are so brave sitting behind your computer screen in the comfort of your home, why don't you go confront the enemy the tribals and the security forces have been confronting and go "skin them alive" too :laugh:

turn your words into actions or otherwise STFU

i mean if he had raped a girl then it was understandable but the way that poor guy was killed is pure barbarianism

fact we can agree on . . .

what i'm about to point out is totally off-topic -- but during a Muharram procession 2 years back over 20-30 men of the Kurram area were pulled off a Coaster bus by armed men.....because of their sectarian beliefs they were gunned down and their heads were cut off. Pictures of beheaded bodies were shown on internet ****** websites.

this is the kind of shyt that has been happening in certain areas of FATA; but the problem is that some of the fellow countrymen are still ignorant or just too sheltered to know about these realities.......so please dont talk to me about what is understandable and what is barbarianism when you dont know the kind of shyt conditions have been going on from time to time in that region

i know it doesnt have anything to do with this poor soldier --bless his soul and may those that brought matters into their own hands be punished....but it's important for some of you ignorant idiots out there (Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis) learn a thing or two about a region that 99.9% of you cant even point on a map

the peace will come when these barbarian scums are forced some sense of civilization into them

but a few posts ago you sounded like Malik Ishaq and now you're talking about peace and civilization :omghaha:
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