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Security Official Stoned to Death for Adultery

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oh yes lets start with your sisters first. Can we have her number?

Hi, can i have your mum ? If too old though, your wife or siblings would do.

How did that feel ? Comfy ?

Sometimes, its best to spend sometime "thinking" about what you wanted to say and "if" it is prudent.
********Pardon me, as I'll draw-up some conclusion about members here, these are purely speculative on the basis of my time here on the forum, no disrespect is intended to the valued members**********

Categories of Fundamentalism:

GROUP 1. Borderline:

* Premise * It's not the fault of the law, it's the implementation that is wrong, where they fail to see the whole historical perspective.

* Historical wrongs were done to us, that's why we had to create these fundo-monsters as hedges against *choose anything here*

* It can all be fixed, the situation isn't THAT bad.

( @Armstrong @Abu Zolfiqar & My dad "sort of" )

GROUP 2. Sneaky Monkeys:

* Only counterpoint to an argument, "this is how our society is, don't like it leave it!" < you morons, the society was never like this... only after Arabization of Zia it became like this.

*If they can't understand any argument, well, REACT immediately by attacking their moms and sisters.... sell them... rape them...however...limited to comments only..... you can call them the "aag laganay walay tamashbeen"

(too many people to name here, obviously can't write 10,000 names here)

GROUP 3. Virulent:

Likes of LeJ/SSP/LeXYZ.... *Kill the infidels *Burn the blasphemers *Kill Shias *Kill Ahmadis *Kill Barelvis *Kill Deobandis *Kill the Christians *Rape and loot the Hindus before killing them *Burn the place of worship of others *Declare Jehad on rest of the world *Get butt-***** by Arab masters and kiss their hand for sending their blessings.

Many political parties of Pakistan, who shelter them... limited to couple hundred thousand... these people take cue from Group 2.

I think Myth_Buster and others, and we all know that it is these people who claim to be more "righteous" and more whatever, are the first to go "mother, sister, family" - they simply have weak arguments and think this tactic will work - perhaps we can give them a reason to think otherwise and to focus on creating better arguments than going "mother sister and family".

GROUP 1 are followers... who will follow / swim with the flow... who in time will become GROUP TWO after one decade of further brainwashing and indoctrination, and will eventually believe anything.

@muse @Armstrong @Irfan Baloch @Abu Zolfiqar @Aeronaut @Dillinger
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man you have only around 600 posts but 7357 thanks.Incredible mate.

Somebozo suggested his opinion not on me but on Pakistan's ENTIRE Muslim sisters which is a bigger insult!

A person like you who thinks countering someone directly on "INTERNET" is like a real man Has NO LIFE and is a LOSER. Please tattoo a BIG letter L on your forehead.

That is why one should never marry with in the family, leads to IQ retardation!
"Choice", yes i familiar with this western oriented word which was injected into our community to degrade it at level where they want to make another hit. Divorce increase ratio, abortion, HIV, GF/BF scenario all products of this magical word CHOICE.

Actually "Choice" is more of an "Islamic" notion - "Dawaa" or invitation to accept Islam, is a choice, is this not so?? And you are suggesting that it is "Western"?? All the things you mention, increase in Divorce rates (and for super Muzloums increase in the number of wives), HIV, abortion and many other ills and tragedies, are outcomes of unhealthy interactions.

But I will grant that "Choice" is an evil for you, why must you deny this to others who do not share your unique outlook?
@Hyperion - Shut Up you....! :lol:

Which law are we talking about ? :what:
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@samebozo, if you believe me on not, most pakistani brits are shameful breed of pakistanis, they dont want to get educated, they dont want to do respectful jobs, they are drug dealers, they are rapists, their women are more sex hungry that would put the original white brits to shame, and they are so nymphomaniacs, you got my drift?

they wear hijab but still sleep with men infact more than one at the same time, they have many boyfriends at the same time, and the priority of these women is not education

the entire community has gone to the dogs

perhaps its more to do with their background, as you know most of these people who came from pakistan were village people, total dehatis as you say, with slave mentality, they had no background of self respect before

The second and third generations born in UK have never been exposed to their "dehati" culture as you say. Many of these still lead primitive and backward lives in UK due to strong family influence. Religion plays a important part in this social suppression and providing legitimacy to abusive parents.

Killed for eyeing boy: It was her destiny says Pakistani parents who killed their daughter | Mail Online
The other sample size which I cannot represent on PDF is my own personal experience/research but deniers will never agree!

Personal experience will not hold any value i agree- research/ case studies will yeild mixed results- depending on the biased preconcieved nature of the researcher effecting the outcome-

So legally where are we standing on this issue?- the segregation is the problem or such illegal jirgas?-
I will say the gf/bf idea of yours was based on far cry- not applicable in this context at all-
The other sample size which I cannot represent on PDF is my own personal experience/research but deniers will never agree!

****** please!
First explain who gets to interpret and decide Islamic laws and why!

Care to comment and think twice before writing on such sensitive matter will not delevel you.
You talk about marriage ,a true marriage is a trust and commitment two indivisual put on each other.and they both have equal responsibility to maintain that trust.So you are also same category so take that advice i gave it to your mantor and stick to your indoctinated belief system.

Take some lesson about marolity from your parent and ask them why they where faithfull to each other.

I wasn't aware that marriage made one person the property of another, what business is it of yours to adjudicate on what is moral and what is not- it is a sure sign of daftness when people begin to think that their notions of morality supersede the law. Here's a better advise, don't impose those "medieval" standards on the more enlightened. You have the unique luck of being an Indian fundoo in a forum where the likes of @Hyperion and @muse are far too busy countering their own fundoos. Take a seat in the corner and wait for your turn.
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