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Security forces outnumber voters in Kashmir elections


Mar 30, 2010
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As noon struck on Wednesday, Altaf Hussein Bhatt, the presiding officer for poll booth 18 in the old city of Srinagar smiled, shrugged and stated the obvious. "It is not very busy," he said.

Outside, in the dusty streets of Kashmir's summer capital, there were many heavily armed police officers and members of the paramilitaries – but few voters. Only 25 of the 747 local residents registered at booth 18, set up in a classroom of a local college, had cast their ballot. A long tedious afternoon loomed for Bhatt and his team.

Farooq Abdullah, the incumbent member of parliament for Srinagar, had voted earlier with his son, daughter and son-in-law at a booth on the other side of the city. Collectively, the family's visit had increased the turn out at polling station by a third.

"The vote is going very well. I feel good," Abdullah told the Guardian.

But the contrast with scenes elsewhere across India – where about 100 million people voted amid customary colour, crowds and chaos in the latest phase of the six-week long election – was striking. Turnout in the rest of the country has generally been high, sometimes 70 percent or more. But when the polls closed in Srinagar, only a quarter of its 1.2 million eligible voters had cast their ballots. By nightfall, a 17-year-old, wounded during running clashes between protestors and police during the afternoon, had died.

The violence underlined the special status of Kashmir, where decades of conflict have left layers of scars some fear may be reopened in coming months if – as widely predicted – the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) form a government when national results are announced in 15 days time.

Time is now running out for Rahul Gandhi, the scion of India's foremost political dynasty and the face of the campaign of the Congress party, to counter the momentum generated by Narendra Modi, the chief minister of Gujarat state and the BJP prime ministerial candidate. Modi's promise to bring honest government, efficient services and renewed economic growth has struck a chord with voters tired of endemic corruption, intractable bureaucracy and rising prices.

But critics accuse the 63-year-old of sectarian prejudice and failing to stop, or even encouraging, mob violence in Gujarat in 2002 which left more than 1,000 people, largely Muslims, dead. He denies the claims but for many Kashmiris the prospect of his premiership raises deep concerns.

India's only Muslim majority state has been disputed by Pakistan and India since the two won independence from Britain in 1947. For the last 25 years, tens of thousands have died here as separatists and Islamic extremists have battled Indian national security forces and local police. Even if violence has ebbed in recent years, demands for autonomy or even independence remain strong. "Kashmir has become significant because the BJP is in the ascendant," said Samir Saran of the Observer Research Foundation, a Delhi-based thinktank .

One indicator of the relative strength of local militants and separatists, who have called for a boycott of the polls, is the turnout, in particular Srinagar. Separatist leaders said the boycott was justified by the heavy security presence in Kashmir.

"Voting is the soul of any democratic process but when cultural, social, political and religious rights are being trampled under the boots of 600,000 security personnel then elections mean nothing," said Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, head of the Awami Action Committee.

But Gul Mohammed Wani, professor of political science at Kashmir University, attributed the low turnout to disappointment with local government's ability to provide jobs and services, the lack of any progress in the peace process and a "fear psychosis" created by a series of shootings and grenade attacks blamed on militants in recent weeks. "Kashmir will turn out to be important [under a BJP government] because politically it remains very unstable," he said.

The BJP has a negligible presence in Srinagar and surrounding areas and, though they fielded candidates, were not expected to receive much support. Dynasty plays its role at local level as for the nation as a whole. The Abdullah family have dominated Kashmiri politics for decades, and their party has won the Srinagar seat in nine of the past 11 elections.

One key local concern is the prospect that a BJP government might implement a manifesto pledge and move to end the constitutional provisions which grant a degree of autonomy to Kashmir and special legal privileges to the country's Muslim population. This, said Farooq, could increase the risk of a return to widespread violence.

Modi's campaign rhetoric in recent weeks has also worried many. Though he has consistently promised "development for all", the he pledged to deport Muslim refugees from Bangladesh at a rally last weekend and an aide called on Hindu communities to take revenge through the ballot box for deaths in recent communal violence – which has spiked across India in the last ten months. A handful of Hindu extremists have gone further and, though disowned by Modi and his party, appear emboldened by his predicted success.

Senior BJP officials regularly accuse the Congress party of a "false secularism" and favouritism towards India's 150 million Muslims. "The BJP is a nationalist party and one of the key elements of that nationalism is an idea of 'India First' which means no exceptions for specific communities. One of the BJP's demands ever since its foundation [in 1980] has been no special treatment for Kashmir," said Saran. This, he added, ran counter to the idea that India was a "clever composition of rules that have given something to everyone if not everything to everyone".

But most voters in and around Srinagar said they were more concerned with local issues such as roads, clinics, schools and jobs than broader principles.

"We want a safe government which will help poor people like us," said Sunana Kaul, a school teacher whose father disappeared five years ago – one of the thousands of missing left by the conflict. Many spoke of their distrust of all politicians.

But 70-year-old Ghulam Qadir, who has voted in every election in Srinagar for more than four decades, was adamant that his duty was to "chose a government".

"Anyone who tells you not to vote is just jealous because they are not in power," he said, before walking carefully and slowly into polling booth 18 to become the 26th voter of the day.

Few and far between: security forces outnumber voters in Kashmir elections | World news | theguardian.com

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And they wet dream about Balochistan. What a joke.

Nothing wrong with dreaming. The so called 'Modinomics' literally means corporates eating flesh out of the bones of the poorest Indians. It will bite every real Indian who has a shred of humanity left in his/her heart for the fellow citizen.
Voters had queued up to exercise their democratic right in Kashmir despite several separatist groups calling for a boycott of the vote and threatening to attack if their orders are not followed.And jammu recorded about 68% and Udhampur had 61% population turning up to cast their vote which was so conveniently skipped by the report.
Some even had to fight off attacks from militants and we lost 2 of our brave soldiers in return.
To try and provide a more secure environment for the vote.. security and election officials've been deployed at polling booths.So whats the big deal??
Kudos to the voters who 've defied the threat of attacks for the ballot.To these kashmiris the right to vote is worth the risk to their security, and they are hoping that through the ballot box they can help move the province towards peace and security.

But then some part of the media for their own selfish motives loves giving a skewed view of the situation in Kashmir.
And then there're some who read such reports and turn Nostradamuses :coffee:

I hope Modi turns our next PM and brings about the hawkish laws that he has promised to.UCC and his economic reforms would take India forward at a lightening speed which others can only dream of.

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Need is to reduce the number of security forces, a better trained and equipped militia for the right and security of the people.
India's future is to be a fascist run corporate state where the caste system is institutionalized into economic levels in which poor subsidize the rich as it always has been.

Know what for a second I seriously thought you were Kejirival :rofl:

And they wet dream about Balochistan. What a joke.

Dreamer are those people who seriously after innumerable failed attempts in the past still think of separating kashmir from India on the contrary most Indians don't even know where Balochistan is :lol:
India's future is to be a fascist run corporate state where the caste system is institutionalized into economic levels in which poor subsidize the rich as it always has been.

Nothing wrong with dreaming. The so called 'Modinomics' literally means corporates eating flesh out of the bones of the poorest Indians. It will bite every real Indian who has a shred of humanity left in his/her heart for the fellow citizen.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha thats some really big fatwas you are issuing mod. The source is your own prejudice and hatred, hence does not count, except for LOLs!

At topic - Sri Nagar has strong separatists hurriyat grip. Nothing new here. If you go against the separatists, you are going to get killed. Who will vote? However there has been decent turnout in rest of J&K considering terrorist threats.
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India has lost the hearts and minds of Kashmiri People. In this day and age you can only occupy land by force for so long. Time is certainly on Kashmiri People's side.
At least they vote! How about Kashmiris in Pak administered Kashmir? The people of the Northern Areas - Gilgit-Baltistan - DO NOT even have basic democratic rights. :P Gilgit-Baltistan was given province-like status without actually being conferred such a status constitutionally!

So much for democracy and human rights in Pakistan Administered Kashmir! People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones, what?
India has lost the hearts and minds of Kashmiri People. In this day and age you can only occupy land by force for so long. Time is certainly on Kashmiri People's side.
Au contraire Kashmiris love thier special status inside India.They enjoy special student quota and economic reforms package.
And frankly Kashmiris 're smart enough not to step in a sinking TITANIC. :P
At least they vote! How about Kashmiris in Pak administered Kashmir? The people of the Northern Areas - Gilgit-Baltistan - DO NOT even have basic democratic rights. :P Gilgit-Baltistan was given province-like status without actually being conferred such a status constitutionally!

So much for democracy and human rights in Pakistan Administered Kashmir! People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones, what?

they also regularly die at the hands of security forces which doesn't happen in AJK and GB. What about that haan?

GB and AJK people are far better than any right to vote where you are supposed to die and live under siege every other day.

By the way they have enough liberty to vote.

Voters had queued up to exercise their democratic right in Kashmir despite several separatist groups calling for a boycott of the vote and threatening to attack if their orders are not followed.And jammu recorded about 68% and Udhampur had 61% population turning up to cast their vote which was so conveniently skipped by the report.
Some even had to fight off attacks from militants and we lost 2 of our brave soldiers in return.
To try and provide a more secure environment for the vote.. security and election officials've been deployed at polling booths.So whats the big deal??
Kudos to the voters who 've defied the threat of attacks for the ballot.To these kashmiris the right to vote is worth the risk to their security, and they are hoping that through the ballot box they can help move the province towards peace and security.

But then some part of the media for their own selfish motives loves giving a skewed view of the situation in Kashmir.
And then there're some who read such reports and turn Nostradamuses :coffee:

I hope Modi turns our next PM and brings about the hawkish laws that he has promised to.UCC and his economic reforms would take India forward at a lightening speed which others can only dream of.

Lies, bullshit, bakwas, jhoot, deceit.

That's what you have said in the bold Have some share.
India has lost the hearts and minds of Kashmiri People. In this day and age you can only occupy land by force for so long. Time is certainly on Kashmiri People's side.

Talking of Kashmiri leaders who do not take orders from ''boss'' did Pakistan capture the killers of Sardar Arif Shahid? Because Indians did capture the killers of Moulana Shoukat Ahmad Shah.
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