He will keep beating around the bush, its a method that works for them so leave him in his condition, his ego will never allow him to see reason, i have debated with a lot of goora athiests and liberals online and they offer real arguments and one enjoys debating with them, they raise valid questions and accept reason when answer is given because they really believe their ideologies to be right hence are not hypocrittes and can be made to see reason with a little effort but these desi liberals are hypocritted, remember the hypcrittes of medina were more dangerous than the kuffar of makkah, these desi liberals are born out of half inferiority complex, quater wanabe gora, quater pleasing the current powerful, they have no original thought process of thier own, they just follow which ever light discos more...
Allahs word is a mere suggestion to them yet the word of a human body of parliment must be enforced according to them...