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Secularism in the Indian Army

In Pakistan you too will see many, many examples of religious harmony among the common people of Pakistan.

There is immense consideration for the religion of the minorities in the hearts and minds of the Pakistani Muslim majority. We have extremists who do things just because they feel they can, no differently than their ilk in India. The point of the poster is exactly to point out that while all the hate goes on in the mainstream, the IA accepts religious diversity and does a good job of it...which is indeed commendable. However, I do feel that there is another message here and this is one that I do not subscribe to because it tries to reinforce the point that diversity in religion strengthens, whereas homogeneity weakens a nation or a country.

I appreciate such narratives and have quite a few about diversity in Pakistan and the Pakistani armed forces, but will leave it here.

Nicely put, but then where does it say or even imply that homogeneity weakens a nation? On the contrary the author clearly mentions that the army believes in oneness of God and has tried to merge all the shrines into one complex to that end.

So to quote your point, its quite the contrary, heterogeneity weakens if there aren't many a common threads holding together, while homogeneity usually strengthens unless there are many variables which are trying to pull you apart.
Nicely put, but then where does it say or even imply that homogeneity weakens a nation? On the contrary the author clearly mentions that the army believes in oneness of God and has tried to merge all the shrines into one complex to that end.

So to quote your point, its quite the contrary, heterogeneity weakens if there aren't many a common threads holding together, while homogeneity usually strengthens unless there are many variables which are trying to pull you apart.

My point was not based on that one single post because I have heard/read of opinions insinuating the same elsewhere as well. Sometimes many differences but a common ground pulls you together and sometimes singularity breaks you apart and vice versa.

As you have said, there are variables at play and I think when people miss out on these variables, they make simplistic assumptions.
I have been to Bangalore and Dehradoon for SSB (Army entrance exam).. and I was amazed to see that there was only one room and all religions's symbols were hanging there.. Me and my assigned roomie was Muslim from Bhopal and doing early morning's namaz with me while I was praying to get selected into that... and as you all know, there no "Rishwat/Ghoos" works ..:(
My father too worked in IAF.

I love Indian Forces for Secularism.Bravo Keep it up


Jai Hind
This is a case of typical superiority complex ridden mentality, no doubt being all muslims, muslims kill muslim calling each other munafiqs, kafirs and what not in Pakistan. Integration in any foreign country is such a problem, we can clearly see where Europe is going these days in this regard!

my frien once told me that there is nothing like superiority complex defined in psychology-->actually disguised as some false sense of superiority it is a presentation of inferiority complex itself....
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We really frown upon posting the name of this particular forum, a forum synonymous with bigotry, racism and hatred, on this site.

Of late many members have been doing so - please refrain from this from now on.

I can use the abbreviations if that's fine with the mods. Personally I think the abbreviation or the full name wont matter, as long as the content is not of the nature that you have mentioned above.
I remember the first Sikh festival days after the event -- the number of
army personnel of every religious denomination that thronged the regimental
gurudwara of the nearest Sikh battalion was the largest I had seen. I distinctly
remember each officer and soldier who put his forehead to the ground to pay
obeisance appeared to linger just a wee bit longer than usual. Was I imagining
this? I do not think so. There was that empathy and caring implicit in the quality of the
gesture that appeared to say, "You are hurt and we all

Heart Warming. :agree:

Even though this article is heart warming and puts tears in happiness reading it, we Indians should also remember this is a Pakistani defence forum and we should respect their rules and their views. Please refrain from posting things which hurt them. After all this place is to understand each other not to chest-thump our virtues. Peace.
Heart Warming. :agree:

Even though this article is heart warming and puts tears in happiness reading it, we Indians should also remember this is a Pakistani defence forum and we should respect their rules and their views. Please refrain from posting things which hurt them. After all this place is to understand each other not to chest-thump our virtues. Peace.

Chest thumping is hardly my nature. My objective was to share instances of communal harmony and understanding in the Indian Armed Forces. And I dont think I have flouted any written rules, not that I am aware of.

Regarding hurting any Pakistani member, I dont think that's the case. There are plenty of balanced Pakistanis on this forum who know how to take things in the right perspective and not get 'hurt' by just reading something positive about the opponent. Peace.
Godse's War

The Abhinav Bharat, with its alleged army links, sets a dangerous precedent. The fight against terror takes another dimension.

Saikat Datta

Exclusive Interview

'If We Can Have Bullet For Bullet, Why Not Blast For Blast?'
The niece of Nathuram Godse, married to Veer Savarkar's nephew, is the president of the Abhinav Bharat...

Pune, once a shy retreat for pensioners, is now a booming business city—a second Mumbai just four hours by road from India's commercial capital. Traditionally, it also has the reputation of being Maharashtra's cultural and educational hub. But Pune has yet another side, being home to militant and 'nationalistic' Hindu ideologies for decades. Marathi Brahmin families scattered across the towns of western India suffered a backlash of sorts at the hands of pro-Congress Marathas and others after the Mahatma's assassination.
The students or ‘Ramdandees’ prayed to a Ram idol made out of spent cartridges.

They mostly came and settled in Pune, an old Brahmin centre, carrying a deep resentment that runs through generations. This animus sporadically manifests itself, resonating with India's politics of suspicion and hate.
In recent weeks, Pune has been in the news after the Maharashtra anti-terrorist squad (ATS) turned its attention here in the investigations into the September 29 Malegaon blasts. The blast killed six and injured 90 and the terror trail led investigators to Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur and then later to Sameer Kulkarni, Major (retd) Ramesh Upadhyay, Abhay Rahirkar, Rakesh Dhawde and Lt Col Shrikant Prasad Purohit, a serving officer in Military Intelligence. All of them are from Pune and associated with Abhinav Bharat, modelled on an organisation founded several decades ago by Veer Savarkar. Himani Savarkar, married to Veer Savarkar's nephew, has been the Abhinav Bharat national president since 2006 (see 'If We Can Have Bullet For Bullet, Why Not Blast For Blast?').

Slug for slug: Bhonsala Military School

What Abhinav Bharat Does

Though registered in Mumbai, Abhinav Bharat's association is more with Pune since key members are from the city.
"I have over 1,000 of my boys in the forces. Each one has been brainwashed by me...."

The organisation's activities clearly reveal its virulent character. In one pamphlet, it even exhorts members to seek revenge for the "killing of millions of Hindus over several centuries". It has also organised several "conventions" in Bhopal, Raisen and Vidisha districts of MP, where it is particularly active. At these conventions, it has described Muslims as "dharma shatrus (enemies of the faith)". More in tune with its militant character, one of the outfit's slogans reads, "Kshama yachna nahin, ab to ran hoga, sangharsh bada bhishan hoga (No mercy or apology, now it will be war; the battle will be extremely intense)." Major (retd) Ramesh Upadhyay, arrested in connection with the Malegaon blasts, is the outfit's working president.

The new Abhinav Bharat took shape over several meetings held by senior members from Maharashtra and MP in 2006. It was at this point that Himani Savarkar was approached to head the organisation. According to her, at last count, Abhinav Bharat had nearly 500 members across the country. While the outfit was supposed to "fight injustice and combat terrorism", its presence began to be felt more through sporadic, suo motu acts of violence.

Where Has It Struck

According to reports, the group has been named in an attack on a Christian family in Jabalpur on August 3. Pastor Sam Oomen and his family were beaten up by a mob allegedly led by a vice-president of Abhinav Bharat. The ATS is also looking for Ramchandra Kalsangra—the brother of Shivnarayan Singh Kalsangra, who is already under arrest in the Malegaon blast case. On November 3, the ATS produced the transcript of an alleged conversation between Pragya Thakur and Ramchandra discussing details of the Malegaon blast. However, the authenticity of the transcripts has been contested by defence lawyers.

On September 16, Abhinav Bharat members held a meeting at the Bhonsala Military School, Nasik, a few kilometres south of Malegaon where the blasts later took place. Interestingly enough, the request for using the school premises came from Lt Col Purohit. D.K. Kulkarni, secretary of the governing council which oversees the school's overall functioning, says, "Purohit had served with the new commandant of the school, Col S.S. Raikar and so requested him to let the Abhinav Bharat hold its meeting in the school. While we didn't know much about the organisation, I remember that its constitution did state that its primary aim was to fight against injustice."

School council secretary D.K. Kulkarni

Spread over 160 acres, the Bhonsala Military School is different from other institutions of its ilk in that the curriculum stresses on religious instruction too. It seeks to instil "Bharatiya values" and the virtues of Lord Ram among its students. The school campus has been named Rambhoomi and its students Ramdandees. The symbolism blends the religious and the martial: they pray to an idol of Ram sculpted out of used cartridges. Kulkarni explains: "We created it out of the spent bullets fired by our students at the firing ranges."

Purohit, who was posted with the local Army Liaison Unit (ALU) in Nasik before he moved to Panchmarhi to attend a language course recently, was a well-known figure at the school. Kulkarni says he "remembers that Purohit was posted here in Nasik. We had invited him to deliver talks to the students for some of the four annual lectures we organise every year". It was the Purohit connection to the blasts that led the ATS to the school and to its commandant, Col Raikar, who has also served with Military Intelligence.

Did The Army Ignore Warning Signs?

Raikar's appointment in the school raises several questions. The officer had sought premature retirement from the army at a time when the official policy was to discourage officers from leaving, except under exceptional circumstances. These, according to the army's official policy, were on compassionate grounds or on being overlooked for promotion. In Raikar's case, there was no such pressing reason for a premature release. On the contrary, he had been sent by the army to attend a course in counter-intelligence in the United States, a reason adequate enough to deny him premature retirement. Strangely enough, Raikar appeared for the selection interview for the school's new commandant while still serving in the army. While agreeing to his release, army HQ seems to have ignored the fact that the officer was joining a school that had strong ideological leanings with the rss.

Brain wash: MMF chief Lt Col Chitale

Cut to Lt Col Jayant Chitale, a retired air defence artillery officer who runs the Maharashtra Military Foundation (MMF). Chitale lives and operates out of a bungalow a few blocks from Purohit's home off Law College Road, Pune. He says with some pride, "I have over 1,000 of my boys serving in the three services today. Each one has been brainwashed by me. They are motivated, determined and will do anything for the nation."

Interestingly, a visitor's book that Chitale has carefully preserved for nearly two decades lists the names of all the young men who trained under him. An entry on February 20, 1993, lists a young Shrikant Prasad Purohit, residing on Law College Road, Pune. "He was a brilliant boy," says Chitale, "This Malegaon blast could be the reaction of years of frustration within the army over denial of their rights and prestige. The politicians and the bureaucrats continue to ignore the military at their own peril and these acts could just be the beginning."

Chitale, whose MMF is now floundering for lack of funds, had several ideas that upset the military establishment. In 2002, he raised a "suicide commando squad" of "dedicated Maharashtrian youth" to be covertly deployed "inside Pakistan". As news of this reached officialdom, the military brass rushed and requested him to desist from such activities. "There are several kinds of terrorism and these range from petty acts like chain-snatching to terrorism sponsored by foreign countries like Pakistan. If they blow up one bus in India, we must have the capability to blow up five of theirs. That is the only way we can tackle this kind of terror," says Chitale.

His words echo Himani Savarkar's credo: "I don't believe in the philosophy of turning the other cheek if someone slaps you. We must strike back...why can't we have a blast for a blast?"

www.outlookindia.com | Godse's War
Hindu extremist group are actively preparing people to get into indian defense forces and other institutions. Those sources has greater political and local and foreign backing to florish. So indiand army is absorbing these people and just representing whats going on in civil society.

I know it is tough to educate you but....none of these belonged to Indian armed forces.

You dont have to educate me, just educate Outlook india and other indian media report that I have posted.
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