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Secular India: Doctors tell horrific tales of Muzaffarnagar massacre

They got one. They broke it into two. Next if they want another, they will get it in Jannat :devil:

Pakistan is for pskistanis

They are Indian Muslims they shouldn't have to live with monkey worshippers and pagans, they are at risk from the Hindus

Indian Muslims must demand a separate homeland

They must support Pakistan in our war against Hindu infis
:cuckoo: before, helping Indian Muslims, go and think of welfare of Muslims in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Somalia etc if you are able to do something for them come and Preach us. PERIOD :girl_wacko:

but according to islamic scholar ,80% muslims are unemployed and dependent on welfare checks and begging... Exceptions are shia and ahmaddiyas
Looking at how muslims are unemployed , I think they will sell their women in Delhi,mumbai,kolkata,bangalore like the Bangladeshis do. Its a win win.Muslims will be even more unemployed and will sell their women to us..

Instead of replying to his Rants, Report his posts, so that he can trun Pink. ;)
Looking at how muslims are unemployed , I think they will sell their women in Delhi,mumbai,kolkata,bangalore like the Bangladeshis do. Its a win win.Muslims will be even more unemployed and will sell their women to us..

Your too ugly and black for Muslim women, this is why rundi Hindu girls fsll head over heels for Muslim boys,
What a pathetic troll :pissed:
Pakistan is for pskistanis

They are Indian Muslims they shouldn't have to live with monkey worshippers and pagans, they are at risk from the Hindus

Indian Muslims must demand a separate homeland

They must support Pakistan in our war against Hindu infis
Pakistan supports its muslim brothers and sisters in India, stay strong remember we are with you

The Hindus are your enemies and the Indian state stands to one side as you are attacked

Trust in Pakistan wr will support you with training and help if needs be in the meantime prepare to defend your communities

The indisn Muslims deserve to have a independent state in India free of Hindus

The state doesn't help them so they must help themselves and defend themselves

If push comes to shove Pakistan will help them create a separate home land in India

Who the hell asked for your support? We are fine with our country,and we know how to solve our problems in our country. Don't be the self proclaimed saviours of muslims as Islam isn't your personal property.
If ever,Pakistan or any other country or an entity dare to attack our country,we too will stand by our brothers to defend our country till death.
Pakistan is for pskistanis

They are Indian Muslims they shouldn't have to live with monkey worshippers and pagans, they are at risk from the Hindus

Indian Muslims must demand a separate homeland

They must support Pakistan in our war against Hindu infis

Thanks for your concern mate but Indian muslims aren't interested in a separate homeland...
It's true Pakistan is for Pakistanis

India has 180 million Muslims, these people are at risk from the Hindus and a hindu biased state and government, the ONLY way to protect themselves is to

Support Pakistan
Prepare to defend their homes and community from hindu mobs because the state won't
Demand a separate home land

Who the hell asked for your support? We are fine with our country,and we know how to solve our problems in our country. Don't be the self proclaimed saviours of muslims as Islam isn't your personal property.
If ever,Pakistan or any other country or an entity dare to attack our country,we too will stand by our brothers to defend our country till death.

Brother you need our help

The Hindus will try to do to you every where what they did in Gujrat, don't expect the government or state to help you either

Go look at the comments on e.g times of India for your own benefit

You need to train, obtain weapons because it's only a matter of time before hindu mobs attack you

Pakistan Can Help You
It's true Pakistan is for Pakistanis

India has 180 million Muslims, these people are at risk from the Hindus and a hindu biased state and government, the ONLY way to protect themselves is to

Support Pakistan
Prepare to defend their homes and community from hindu mobs because the state won't
Demand a separate home land

Brother you need our help

The Hindus will try to do to you every where what they did in Gujrat, don't expect the government or state to help you either

Go look at the comments on e.g times of India for your own benefit

You need to train, obtain weapons because it's only a matter of time before hindu mobs attack you

Pakistan Can Help You

Oh really? Mind Your Own Business,pathetic troll.
Oh really? Mind Your Own Business,pathetic troll.

We could have helped you in gujraat and given you the weapons to fight back and kill your enemy

Don't wait for the next time, Pakistan is waiting and willing to help you against infian Hindus
We could have helped you in gujraat and given you the weapons to fight back and kill your enemy

Don't wait for the next time, Pakistan is waiting and willing to help you against infian Hindus

Why do you waste your time?? Its no use trolling around... Have a look in your own backyard and then offer help to others...:wave:
One has to be incredibly stupid to mess with the jattas in muzzafarnagar,which is right next to saga rampur,Delhi,Haryana,Rajasthan and even Punjab.

Muslims are in almost equal number in muzzafarnagar..the population is 49% hindu jats vs 47% muslims..since the numbers are almost the same, the muslims exercise more power in lieu of the state administration fully backing them..infact at the Aug 30 shahhed chowk gathering the SP mla reportedly declared, "sarkar tumhari, police tumhari"...And people like Azam Khan have distributed a huge amount of firearms amongst the muslims in that area..

Murmurs are that this riot was a started as a retaliation to the previous year kosi kalan riot which too started with the killing of a hindu who drank water from a mosque..that time allegedly the hindu jats went apeshit on the muslims..so this time preparations were done to stock weapons, stones in minarets in order to attack the people returning from the mahapanchayat..but this time too after the initial attacks, the muslims ended up having the short end of the stick..

This is just a taste of things to come under the so called "secular" parties..
Banias im warning you, dont insult indian muslims. Or tomorrow im going to kick hindu next door and when he asks why then i will say blame banias on pdf.
Most crimes in India are commited by muslims, and illegal bangladeshi muslims that invade our country like cockroaches have a major role in crimes/rapes/***** of india (UN has officially recongnised 3.2 million bdeshis in india, actual number is much more at 20 million). If we can get rid of illegal bangladeshi muslims, 50% of our problems will be solved... but you bangladeshis dont want your own countrymen back...

Every crime in India is done by outsiders. Indians themselves are so peaceful.
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