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Secular India: Doctors tell horrific tales of Muzaffarnagar massacre

So you are longing for your masters? I think local can handle you this time around the way things are unfolding.

We already seen what these useless locals can do ..... In 71 its Indian army who saved these locals from rape of women and killing :lol: :lol:
Thank god he is all right and what you were saying about secularism ahhh :undecided:

You cannot see facts as they are (apart from using them to score political goals). Secularism (or whatever) has blinded you to facts. No wonder you can't locate your "frnd" in Kedarnath.

But you used Pakistani Video to create tension good job:coffee:

We dont give visas to pakistanis... now run along troll...
So you are longing for your masters? I think local can handle you this time around the way things are unfolding.

Regretting some decisions made for you. ;)

You are condemned now to live with what you got. Nothing will change it.

We just have no time for you and your ilk, however much you obsess with the mother country.

Partition was final and we are glad we are rid of weaklings like you.

Good riddance I say.
Your lawmakers knew how to wipe out Hindus from Bangladesh. Hindu were even wiped out from Khulna which was Hindu majority.

Did your community get assimilated into Pakistan after migration. :wacko:

There will be payback.

Justice may take time but it will be served.
. .
It is not always served.

Have the Zoroastrians/Parsis got any justice after a millenia? No, their religion is slowly fading away.

Let's just wait for 1-2 more generations and we will have a completely different picture.
. .
How. What do you think will happen in 1-2 generations?

The same that is happening with Iranians living in the West. Supposedly 4 is 5 Iranians in the West no longer call themselves Muslims.

There are people who claim that Iran will no longer be Muslim majority in a matter of 1-2 generations.
Hindus are still not loyal to BD... :angry:

Loyalty talk!

Coming from traitors who turned on those who saved their lives from their own Islamists! ;)

You may think the treason will go unpunished...
They slaughter our indian Muslims in India and Muslims in Myanmar we should annihilate the Hindu communities in Pakistan and Bangladesh and destroy all memory that these lowlifes ever existed

Absolutely brilliant comment! You first accuse Hindus of being violent degnerates, and your solution is to commit genocide. You know, that's what all civilized people do.

And people wonder why this part of the world remains a shithole (india and pakistan included)
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