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Secular India: Doctors tell horrific tales of Muzaffarnagar massacre

Hindus are still not loyal to BD... :angry:

You are right. The funny thing is that these Low Cast Nomo Shudra aren't loyal to Brahmin dominated India also. Alas, Islam forbids conversion by force, coercion, trickery or fraud.
Hindus are still not loyal to BD... :angry:

You are right. The funny thing is that these Low Cast Nomo Shudra aren't loyal to Brahmin dominated India either. Alas, Islam forbids conversion by force, coercion, trickery or fraud.
For your kind info and record, Hindus (Schedule Cast) are far better treated in BD than in the Brahmanic Republic of India.

I know the plight of Hindus of Bangladesh and I can Imagine too, when I saw the plight of Bangla writer Taslima Nasreen, who wrote about the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus. I know that around 50% of Bangla population is secular, I know too that most of Bangla problems are due to 50% extremist fanatics. Even Burma's Arakan issue is created by Bangla-Bihari jamati extremists having birth date of 72 due to atrocities of PA, with help of Pak jehadis. Its people like you sitting in one of the worlds most democratic christian majority country, enjoying all benefits of democracy, but still preaching hatred around the world and specifically against christian majority west.
It's really sad.. Muslims in India are trying really hard to break secular roots of India, cruelty shown by them is really hard to describe in words.. Just hope all political parties should unanimously alienate them and should not make them Political Agenda..
Muslim and Hindu relation in northern India is always polarized. when I see northern Indian Hindu, he looks more similar to a Muslim to me - he displays his religion and customs everywhere. applicable to Jains and Sikhs as well. So, it is Islamic invaders that shaped the aggressive culture and the polarized nature of north Indian society. we don't see expressive Hindus(although RSS parasites are growing down south) in South India. they don't have closed societies(Mohalla) or Hindu-only/Jain-only apartments and Vegetarian enforcement.

Also, all Muslim communities are not into rioting and medieval values. Look at Shafites of Kerala, Ahmediyyas, Shias,Bohras. only the UP,Bihar,MP Muslims are infamous for this extreme intolerance. two big Islamic seminaries are also incidently in UP - Devband and Bareilvy which is forbidden for India government. fact must be a fact whether it is on internet written by any one.
I know the plight of Hindus of Bangladesh and I can Imagine too, when I saw the plight of Bangla writer Taslima Nasreen, who wrote about the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus. I know that around 50% of Bangla population is secular, I know too that most of Bangla problems are due to 50% extremist fanatics. Even Burma's Arakan issue is created by Bangla-Bihari jamati extremists having birth date of 72 due to atrocities of PA, with help of Pak jehadis. Its people like you sitting in one of the worlds most democratic christian majority country, enjoying all benefits of democracy, but still preaching hatred around the world and specifically against christian majority west.

I don't know why dumb ***** are allowed in the Forum? Taslima is a pornographic writer and a *****. Most states in India, including P/bangla, have prohibited her entry. But BD has not. However, she likes to play the martyr card to impress her RAW handlers who bear all her expenses abroad.
Can you provide the name is of the minor in delhi rape case .

Muzaffarnagar riot started because brother of girl with hie friend killed muslim youth.

Czar, both killed were brothers. I don't think that was the case, killing incident created tensions between both communities and riots actually started when Muslim mobs attacked & killed jats returning from Maha Panchayat at several locations. NDTV documentaries are good to understand the issue.
I don't know why dumb ***** are allowed in the Forum? Taslima is a pornographic writer and a *****. Most states in India, including P/bangla, have prohibited her entry. But BD has not. However, she likes to play the martyr card to impress her RAW handlers who bear all her expenses abroad.

Yes, she is pornographic writer for you, because she wrote about the plight of hindu girls being exploited & raped by extremist 'Jamatis' in Bangladesh. Dumb ***** are allowed in forum, because forum administrators are not as 'Pure Muslims' as you and don't have biased eye to see the world through your pure lens.
They slaughter our indian Muslims in India and Muslims in Myanmar we should annihilate the Hindu communities in Pakistan and Bangladesh and destroy all memory that these lowlifes ever existed
They slaughter our indian Muslims in India and Muslims in Myanmar we should annihilate the Hindu communities in Pakistan and Bangladesh and destroy all memory that these lowlifes ever existed

+1 :tup:

We should deal with them they way our ancestors dealt with them...

You know what they say...
Laatho kay bhoot baato sey nahi mantey
+1 :tup:

We should deal with them they way our ancestors dealt with them...

You know what they say...
Laatho kay bhoot baato sey nahi mantey

The wretched refugees (your ancestors running from Islamist extremists back home in Yemen) knelt at their feet and begged to be given refuge.

You won't get it, even if you repeat that. Or as you are running in overloaded boats that sink 80% of the time.

Time for Shias to leave Pakistan - DAWN.COM


I can understand why the Spaniards kicked out the last one of you desert people.

You are tempting fate again. ;)

They are "your" muslims? you have a pretty big mouth for a muslim refugee living in chiristian UK.

This is nothing but impotence. They are impotent to do anything in real life except some of them blowing up in markets.

So they try and be brave in the anonymity of the kaffir internet.
Muslim and Hindu relation in northern India is always polarized. when I see northern Indian Hindu, he looks more similar to a Muslim to me - he displays his religion and customs everywhere. applicable to Jains and Sikhs as well. So, it is Islamic invaders that shaped the aggressive culture and the polarized nature of north Indian society. we don't see expressive Hindus(although RSS parasites are growing down south) in South India. they don't have closed societies(Mohalla) or Hindu-only/Jain-only apartments and Vegetarian enforcement.

Also, all Muslim communities are not into rioting and medieval values. Look at Shafites of Kerala, Ahmediyyas, Shias,Bohras. only the UP,Bihar,MP Muslims are infamous for this extreme intolerance. two big Islamic seminaries are also incidently in UP - Devband and Bareilvy which is forbidden for India government. fact must be a fact whether it is on internet written by any one.

We do have,Muslims don't get houses due to their lack of hygiene.
There are Muslims in tamilnadu called pathani,they look and are different from the Tamil Muslims.

Even they don't get houses in many localities.
Muslim and Hindu relation in northern India is always polarized. when I see northern Indian Hindu, he looks more similar to a Muslim to me - he displays his religion and customs everywhere. applicable to Jains and Sikhs as well. So, it is Islamic invaders that shaped the aggressive culture and the polarized nature of north Indian society. we don't see expressive Hindus(although RSS parasites are growing down south) in South India. they don't have closed societies(Mohalla) or Hindu-only/Jain-only apartments and Vegetarian enforcement.

Also, all Muslim communities are not into rioting and medieval values. Look at Shafites of Kerala, Ahmediyyas, Shias,Bohras. only the UP,Bihar,MP Muslims are infamous for this extreme intolerance. two big Islamic seminaries are also incidently in UP - Devband and Bareilvy which is forbidden for India government. fact must be a fact whether it is on internet written by any one.

I have never heard of Ahmaddiyyas going to riots .Even Shias keep away from such things mostly.

Sorry misread it .I thought you were saying that all muslim communities keep rioting .I apologize.
Because of girls brother killed the muslim boy and muslim group them both the tension was very high and its very difficult to control these situation and government fail to predict and fail terribly .

some report suggest when crowd coming from mahapanchayat some anti social element took the advantage and placed with the emotion of the crowd and they took to arson start damaging the property of the minority.

Czar, both killed were brothers. I don't think that was the case, killing incident created tensions between both communities and riots actually started when Muslim mobs attacked & killed jats returning from Maha Panchayat at several locations. NDTV documentaries are good to understand the issue.
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