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Scores dead in Mumbai train bombs

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Neo said:
I'm not hinting at any military advantures a la Kargill.
Putting diplomatic pressure on the states and other major powers and link Kashmir solution to WoT!!!
The reason cited for Kargil was the same. WoT will not have a solution to Kashmir, 2 different things.

India gained here politically. LeT and other organisations were recognised as terrorist organisations as result for successful Indian compaign.
India got worlds sympathy and could affort to send upto 500.000 troops into Kashmir.
LeT was recognized a terror orgn but that has never stopped them from mounting attacks against India. Let and JeM's heads are still in Pakistan enjoying freedom. Thats not a victory for us. Compare that to what Pakistan gained from WoT.

Its a possibilty.
Thats why the majority wants to take a pound from their major supporters... Pakistan.

Depends on the grounds of provocation. Iran has ethnic ties with Balochistan but no border dispute and vice versa. If Pakistan invades Iran, takes over Chahbahar for example and illegally claims it than Iran has a case to ratalliate.
We have no beef with them so the scenario is unlikely to take place.
It was a simple scenario, and all I wanted was a Yes/No answer :)

If you catch a Pakistani terrorist linked to the blasts, I sincerely hope you hang him.
We actually have bigger heads to chop, so a lowly Pakistani terrorist is not in the main radar.

I believe we cannot launch offensives on both front, I never said we'd be unable to defend if one started by India.
Exactly, you cannot do a offensive on both fronts, while India can and India will. Its no point for Pakistan to make an ofensive in Kashmir and believe India would try to defend just in Kashmir..aka reasons for 1965 war.
We defended three fronts in 1965.
And failed to reach your Op Obj.
Asim Aquil said:
You yourself have admitted political matters played out the KEY deciding factor of this confrontation.

And in this case, the military option is a major factor. The Generals would not be doing their job if they did not present the options.

Asim Aquil said:
Ok now go back and search through my posts where I claimed the Indian army to be a castrated force. I just said that the Indians (note the Indian army doesn't make this call the Indian government does), won't EVER attack Pakistan till they are SURE they can win. This is all that I said. The only times I've mentioned military matters is when quoting History.

Unless you have a problem with English, you've just said it again. The Indian military is more than confident they can take Pakistan. It would be a poor Chief if he did not pass that confidence onward. You can be damned sure that the GoI is confident.

Asim Aquil said:
While talking about Indian army I too am talking about the lack of political will aren't I? Whereas I won't contest you on military matters, you're no politician. Infact the very opposite of one.

I will take that as a compliment. However, you're still misreading. The Indian Army is not afraid it will lose. It's afraid it will win.

Asim Aquil said:
Perhaps the reason that you're annoyed by me is affecting you take this presumptuous tangent on this thread? Anyway, keep it focussed on the subject.

The subject is focussed. You are not.These are your words, not mine.

We never had a problem with dealing India in Kashmir. Truth is there are 12 entrances (passes) to Kashmir, we control 11 out of 12. With India it's always been them threatening to cross the International borders. Over there strategy, pretty much goes out the window and its simply the numerical advantage that India has with its airforce that plays out.
Jay_ said:
LeT was recognized a terror orgn but that has never stopped them from mounting attacks against India. Let and JeM's heads are still in Pakistan enjoying freedom. Thats not a victory for us. Compare that to what Pakistan gained from WoT.
We actually have bigger heads to chop, so a lowly Pakistani terrorist is not in the main radar.

And failed to reach your Op Obj.

No i am getting annoyed of this, calling freedom fighters as terrorists. You are not linking whats heppening in Kashmir to recent bombings in delhi, because this is not goin to make any sense. Your government couldnt even resolve your own internal issues>> Hindu/Muslim crisis, and turned your brains straight against Pakistan.
Officer of Engineers said:
Why don't you wake up and smell coffee? Freedom fighters do not butcher women and children!

So you agree with that, then accept it, its an internal job. Your own politics and countymen involved in all this. Simple:smile:

Agian I am pointing towards Hindu/Muslim crisis, they are responsible for this present situation. If you cant then, you need the smell of coffee more than i do...

Again, wake up and smell the coffee

I am Lieutenant-Colonel (Ret'd) W Yu, 1st Combat Engineers Regiment,
Canadian Forces.

So in your opinion these are 'freedom fighters' ? Killing innocent girls! Takes a lot of bravery I tell you.


Insurgents killed six people, including five Hindus, in three incidents in Poonch and Doda districts in Jammu and Kashmir on Wednesday night, police said on Thursday. Police sources said terrorists struck at two houses at around 10:30 pm, one of which belonged to Mangat Ram Sharma, and shot dead two of his daughters , Priyanka Sharma (18) and Meenakshi Sharma (8). His wife Sunita Devi (40) and daughter Kamini Sharma were injured in the attack. Terrorists also shot dead Lokesh Kumar (20) and Pankaj Kumar (17).

My, and there are a few others with me, only regret is that we could'nt join the IA to hunt the pigs ourselves.
Why ru guyz taking all this issue back to Kashmir...... you're not getting my point. "Blind person only believes what he listens". And you guyz are just judging things on assumptions.
Officer of Engineers said:

Again, wake up and smell the coffee

I am Lieutenant-Colonel (Ret'd) W Yu, 1st Combat Engineers Regiment,
Canadian Forces.

I am well aware who ur Lieutenant-colonel. Having Patriotism inside is a good thing, but some times you have to see things differently, have to use the brain.
Officer of Engineers said:
And in this case, the military option is a major factor. The Generals would not be doing their job if they did not present the options.
They haven't even BEGUN THINKING about amassing troops this time. And you're terming it as a MAJOR option?

Unless you have a problem with English, you've just said it again. The Indian military is more than confident they can take Pakistan. It would be a poor Chief if he did not pass that confidence onward. You can be damned sure that the GoI is confident.
Nope, I'm just showing faith in mine. Who have till date protected the three fronts Kashmir, Lahore and the Run of Kutch.

GoI, is never confident. Have you been reading Indian papers till now? They are calling their government soft, and though they don't use the words, the underlying meaning behind their argument is GoI's a bunch of pussies.

I will take that as a compliment.
Somehow I knew you would.

However, you're still misreading. The Indian Army is not afraid it will lose. It's afraid it will win.
Yes I know, it was confident in 2002 as well. Their officers were giving out statements that within days we will capture Lahore.

The subject is focussed. You are not.These are your words, not mine.
Alright then lets just talk about the subject and not me here. EVEN if you're annoyed you should be able to suck it up.
Officer of Engineers said:
Why don't you wake up and smell coffee? Freedom fighters do not butcher women and children!
aaah, but Simi is no freedom fighting group! They have issues with the governance of India. They want to convert it into an Islamic land.

Mind you the people bombing here don't have separatist agenda. Since the train bombings don't fetch that political mileage.
Jay_ said:
LeT was recognized a terror orgn but that has never stopped them from mounting attacks against India. Let and JeM's heads are still in Pakistan enjoying freedom. Thats not a victory for us. Compare that to what Pakistan gained from WoT.
We actually have bigger heads to chop, so a lowly Pakistani terrorist is not in the main radar.

And failed to reach your Op Obj.
melb4aust said:
No i am getting annoyed of this, calling freedom fighters as terrorists. You are not linking whats heppening in Kashmir to recent bombings in delhi, because this is not goin to make any sense. Your government couldnt even resolve your own internal issues>> Hindu/Muslim crisis, and turned your brains straight against Pakistan.
Are you saying LeT is not a terrorist orgn but freedom fighters?? I wonder why Musharaff banned Le along with the State Dept.

For arguement sake, lets say I'm not linking Kashmir to Mumbai bombings, your own Foreign Minister has issued a statement linking the bombings to a solution in Kashmir. May be your FM has some info at his disposal to prove his point, he is all yours, shoot it to him.
Asim Aquil said:
aaah, but Simi is no freedom fighting group! They have issues with the governance of India. They want to convert it into an Islamic land.
But LeT is. SIMI could not have done it alone and it has links with Pakistan based terror groups.

Mind you the people bombing here don't have separatist agenda. Since the train bombings don't fetch that political mileage.
People who bombed were recruited by terror orgns who has seperatist agenda, clear?
Could not is not an argument that will hold in court. Getting bombs in India hardly sounds like a difficult thing if you have the resources. Plus RDX type bombs have been around since pre-WWI days. I'm sure terrorists would know a thing or two about them.

People who bombed were recruited by terror orgns who has seperatist agenda, clear?
The separatist agenda gains zilch from these attacks. SIMI was denied upliftment of its ban on Jul 6th. Now you're agreeing th at SIMI did it, but you're saying SIMI did it because Pakistan told it to.

Don't you think the OBVIOUS motive here is retribution for denying the upliftment of the ban by the Indian government? SIMI is an anti-establishment group. It all fits in.
SIMI is an anti-establishment group. It all fits in.

And therefore it is all right for Pakistan to aid and abet such a organisation?
And extending such a logic, do you think that Pakistan should go unpunished for aiding an terrorist organisation massacre civillians inside India?

The separatist agenda gains zilch from these attacks.

The seperatish agenda is always looking to incite Hindu-Muslims violence.
They stand to gain when Hindus and Muslims kill each other.

Don't you think the OBVIOUS motive here is retribution for denying the upliftment of the ban by the Indian government?

Dont you think the OBVIOUS motive here is to kill the maximum number of people and thereby incite Hindu-Muslim violence?
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