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Scientists to US Congress: We Have the Technology to Find Alien Life

Big bang never really made any sense to me but then now I know why it exists.
I must confess I didnt know about the steady state theory.
And so I hope your "half a brain cell" comment was not for me.
:no: Nope! That was a general statement!! :D
Time! Its taken them years to map what they have. It'll take them many more years of observations to map the remainder. And even then, this could just be the tip of the iceberg!!
Its the inverted V shape of the blank region on both sides of out universe that intrigued me,as if some thing was blocking the view on both sides.

OrionHunter said:
That's in the realm of possibility. We are at this very moment making plans for terraforming Mars! So, if we can do it in a thousand years from now, terraforming Mars into a habitable planet for mankind, it is possible that very advanced alien cultures or Type III civilizations with extremely advanced technology, billions of years more advanced than us, may have done the same to Earth tens of millions of years ago!
True.I believe in that possibility.
OrionHunter said:
1. Moon’s Age: The moon is far older than previously expected. Maybe even older than the Earth or the Sun. The oldest age for the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old; moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years old, and the dust upon which they were resting was at least another billion years older.

2. Rock’s Origin: The chemical composition of the dust upon which the rocks sat differed remarkably from the rocks themselves, contrary to accepted theories that the dust resulted from weathering and breakup of the rocks themselves. The rocks had to have come from somewhere else.

3. Heavier Elements on Surface: Normal planetary composition results in heavier elements in the core and lighter materials at the surface; not so with the moon.

4. Magnetic Rocks: Moon rocks are magnetized. This is odd because there is no magnetic field on the moon itself.

5. Hollow Moon: The moon’s mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 whereas the Earth’s is 5.5. What does this mean? In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated, "If the astronomical data are deduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere." MIT’s Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote,"the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow." In Carl Sagan’s treatise, Intelligent Life in the Universe, the famous astronomer stated, "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object."

6. Moon Echoes: On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon. The LM’s impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics—the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour.

This phenomenon was repeated with Apollo 13 (intentionally commanding the third stage to impact the moon), with even more startling results. Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled to a depth of twenty-five miles, leading to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light—or even no—core.

7. Unusual Metals:
The moon’s crust is much harder than presumed. The maria is composed primarily illeminite, a mineral containing large amounts of titanium, the same metal used to fabricate the hulls of deep-diving submarines and the skin of the SR-71 "Blackbird". Uranium 236 and neptunium 237 (elements not found in nature on Earth) were discovered in lunar rocks, as were rustproof iron particles.

8. Moon Diameter: How does one explain the "coincidence" that the moon is just the right distance, coupled with just the right diameter, to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? Again, Isaac Asimov responds, "There is no astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion."

As outrageous as the Moon-Is-a-Spaceship Theory is, all of the above items are resolved if one assumes that the moon is a gigantic extraterrestrial craft, brought here eons ago by intelligent beings. This is the only theory that is supported by all of the data, and there are no data that contradicts this theory.
Another confession I knew only of hollow moon and moon echo,rest of it was news to me.
About moon placed at just the right distance I want some more explanation.I mean assuming moon was put at its present position by some ETs,the question arises why would they do it???to terraform earth??is it?

OrionHunter said:
I have hundreds of theories posted on many websites across the internet including on YouTube too with almost a million hits! For starters, read my theories and images of the Moon, Mars and Cassini's images of Saturn where I have discovered what look like space craft in the rings of Saturn from Cassini's raw images.

Many of my discoveries have been posted by others on YouTube etc (Without my permission, and that sucks!) Here's one for starters:


Discovered from studying the raw data from Cassini.

So what does it look like to you? A moon of Saturn? Space debris? Or an alien spaceship?

Have a peek here to get an idea of one of my web pages on ThelivingMoon ...The Spaceships of Saturn

There's much more but that's enough for now!


Definitely a disc shaped and most probably a spaceship.
I could not find a "like" tab on that site otherwise you could expect some 10-20likes on that page.If it really were you who had posted all that mind blowing stuff about saturn with proof then please accept this


And thank you so much for all the info,it just pushed my suppressed inquisitiveness a lil more.

:no: Nope! That was a general statement!! :D
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