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School van targeted by TTP in Swat

Only driver was killed . Only one child received a non life threatening injury

Terrorist would have shot through whole van especially after killing driver
Doesn't look like terrorist related but needs further investigation for sure
Dude why are you questioning the enemy for playing its role? Question the ones who claim to be the defenders of this country and have sabotaged the lives of 200 million people for their egos.

You didn't read between the lines of my comments. Connect the dots, my friend.

Pakistan does not need external enemies, hum khud hi kafi hain.

Only driver was killed . Only one child received a non life threatening injury

Terrorist would have shot through whole van especially after killing driver
Doesn't look like terrorist related but needs further investigation for sure

That's how NATO drone attacks were downplayed from Musharraf to Zardari and then Nawaz era.

First deny, then downplay.. and then finally admit, cycle repeats.
So who was stopping PA from doing all that against TTP before? I disagree that this is the cause, secondly, yanks are the ones who created this TTP and terrorism problem for us, they made PA attack these people and created a war for us, the yanks in 2006 bombed a madrassa in Pakistan and killed 80 children there, and then ordered PA to take the blame, what do you think would have happened after that?

1) Pakistani General: Good Taliban, Bad Taliban
>> Good Taliban do not want to eliminate Bad Taliban

2) Pakistani Public: Afghan Taliban are real mujaheddin, TTP are US proxy/agent
>> Afghan Taliban real mujaheddin do not want to eliminate US proxy TTP

3) Pakistani Generals: Afghan Taliban are Good Taliban, TTP is Indian proxy
>> Now, Pakistani Generals wants to negotiate with Indian proxy, Good Taliban not eliminating Indian proxy

4) Pakistani Generals: When US will left Afghanistan, peace will be in Pakistan, Terrorism is due to US war on terror, as Pakistan gave Bases and Routes to NATO Supply, Drone Attacks
>> US left Pakistan, Drone Attacks stopped, but terrorism not Left Pakistan

5) Imran Khan: Terrorism in Pakistan due to War on Terror in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden is my Hero
>> Sufi Mohammad was active in Pakistan from 90s era, Osama's Al Qaeda was already spreading terrorism in Somalia, Algeria

6) Drone Attacks were killing children in Madrasahs
>> All leadership of TTP were killed in Drone Attacks, All local commanders of TTP were Madarsahs teachers, even Maharasahs students (Talib) of agen 8, 12 and 14 years of age were slaughtering Pakistani soldiers, and people from Shia, and Barelvis. Terrorist like Sufi Mohammad released from court and Ehsan ullah Ehsan released by Generals.

7) TTP Supporters: TTP activities are response of US drone attacks
>> Pakistani public/civilions not give permission for drone attacks, now drone attacks stopped, US left, but still TTP targeting civilians and soldiers

So, Stop your nonsense in PDF
For the security of Pakistan, every top General of Pakistan Army must be apprehended and hanged for Treason.
The OP should be B team of pak army. Whobket these baboons in? Who is ignoring their presence?
1) Pakistani General: Good Taliban, Bad Taliban
>> Good Taliban do not want to eliminate Bad Taliban

2) Pakistani Public: Afghan Taliban are real mujaheddin, TTP are US proxy/agent
>> Afghan Taliban real mujaheddin do not want to eliminate US proxy TTP

3) Pakistani Generals: Afghan Taliban are Good Taliban, TTP is Indian proxy
>> Now, Pakistani Generals wants to negotiate with Indian proxy, Good Taliban not eliminating Indian proxy

4) Pakistani Generals: When US will left Afghanistan, peace will be in Pakistan, Terrorism is due to US war on terror, as Pakistan gave Bases and Routes to NATO Supply, Drone Attacks
>> US left Pakistan, Drone Attacks stopped, but terrorism not Left Pakistan

5) Imran Khan: Terrorism in Pakistan due to War on Terror in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden is my Hero
>> Sufi Mohammad was active in Pakistan from 90s era, Osama's Al Qaeda was already spreading terrorism in Somalia, Algeria

6) Drone Attacks were killing children in Madrasahs
>> All leadership of TTP were killed in Drone Attacks, All local commanders of TTP were Madarsahs teachers, even Maharasahs students (Talib) of agen 8, 12 and 14 years of age were slaughtering Pakistani soldiers, and people from Shia, and Barelvis. Terrorist like Sufi Mohammad released from court and Ehsan ullah Ehsan released by Generals.

7) TTP Supporters: TTP activities are response of US drone attacks
>> Pakistani public/civilions not give permission for drone attacks, now drone attacks stopped, US left, but still TTP targeting civilians and soldiers

So, Stop your nonsense in PDF
All of this is nonsense.
The OP should be B team of pak army. Whobket these baboons in? Who is ignoring their presence?
OP covered them with the traitor label
TTP is the Pakistani franchise of the afghan Taliban like Mcdonald's thus their B team targeting Pak for geopolitical goals of TTA
and those supposed to be protecting us are turning a blind eye- thus traitors
OP covered them with the traitor label
TTP is the Pakistani franchise of the afghan Taliban like Mcdonald's thus their B team targeting Pak for geopolitical goals of TTA
and those supposed to be protecting us are turning a blind eye- thus traitors

TTP has nothing to do with Pakistan. They have sympathizers in Pakistan but its an Afghan creation.
some tribal districts have sympathizers with TTP...

In those areas Afghans have moved in and married Pakistani women. Also many Afghans have purchased ID cards during the NADRA free for all since 2002. Has Pakistan ever done a census there? How long has the border remained fully open? No way of verifying if people living there are even Pakistanis.

Going by their baboon like behavior I would say majority are Afghan or children of Afghan fathers.
No doubt anymore. There are only 2 ways to see it, 1) they are utterly incompetent, 2) they are in on it. Neither of these are good for our country.
they didnt wait long
I was expecting them to start a bit later.

looks like they wanted to make a mark to show that they were not kidding when they blocked the roads to GB.
these guys want to be taken seriously

some tribal districts have sympathizers with TTP...
not just ribals but in settled areas as well. right in the heart of islamabad as well.
Stop spreading propaganda and deceive people, TTP is a separate group which has nothing to do with Afghan Taliban. Infact it was US and previous Afghan regime which gave safe havens and support to TTP in Afghanistan.
Secondly let the officials investigate to check who attacked the van.
They have reformed after US exit from Afghanistan under Taliban umbrella.
Also ID check everyone in KPK, FATA and Karachi because there are many Afghans who purchased id cards or have fake ones.

ID check everyone in Lahore and Rawalpindi

They were always in Swat. They have too many facilitators.

They were wiped out after 2008/2009 ops which was supported by ANP.

so its been 5 years atleast since Zarb-e-azb

We still have sleeper cells powerful enough that they can create checkpoints, kidnap ministers, kill our kids

while we have the 9th most powerful army on the planet - yet they cant do shit cause men at the top are useless POS's- you know how bad this looks ?

I think our Pak army needs liberation from some of the bad apples first and foremost before anything

Zarb e Azb was in Waziristan and they went full scorched earth.

TTP has nothing to do with Pakistan. They have sympathizers in Pakistan but its an Afghan creation.

TTP was created in Waziristan in 2007


some tribal districts have sympathizers with TTP...

It was made by ex FATA ppl
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