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Scarborough fail: How Aquino blew it


Mar 24, 2007
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Scarborough fail: How Aquino blew it

Solid as our territorial claims against China are, we could lose these areas if President Aquino keeps making colossal blunders on this front.

Blunder No. 1: The biggest, and the damage done probably irreparable until we get somebody else to represent our nation: Mr. Aquino deployed a warship, the BRP Gregorio del Pilar, to Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal to confront the Chinese fishermen, with naval soldiers even boarding their vessels.

With this move, Mr. Aquino made the Philippines the party militarizing the dispute. The Chinese must be thanking the President for giving them the higher moral ground in this crisis. It gave the hawks in the Chinese leadership all the ammunition they need to demand military action in Panatag.

The Chinese have squeezed every ounce of this blunder, claiming that a “Philippine warship harassed helpless Chinese fishermen who were seeking refuge from a storm inside Scarborough Shoal. It is the Philippine Navy that pointed their guns at our fishermen,” the Chinese embassy spokesman kept repeating.

The People’s Republic of China’s navy is known to be secretly but extensively patrolling the South China and West Philippine Seas. Yet China has never openly deployed naval ships in confrontations in disputed territories, so it wouldn’t be accused of militarizing the dispute. The vessels that went to Panatag to defend the fishermen weren’t even their “naval militia,” but—at least overtly—unarmed surveillance vessels of China’s Oceanic Administration and fisheries department.

Was Mr. Aquino hallucinating that BRP Gregorio del Pilar, our only real warship, was a mighty battleship that he can scare the Chinese away with?

Mr. Aquino just made us the laughing stock of the world. After a few days confronting the Chinese vessels, our warship turned tail and returned to port, as it had ran out of drinking water, food, or fuel—or all of these.

This is even the worst time for Mr. Aquino to create a flashpoint in our territorial disputes with China. The once-every-decade transition of power in China is ongoing, to be formalized in October at the National Congress of China’s Communist Party, and an intense struggle between two factions has broken out. Each faction will try to appear to be the most nationalistic and most determined in defending China’s sovereignty. Currently, that means a hard-line stance on the Panatag crisis.

Blunder No. 2: Matching the deployment of a warship was our officials’ saber-rattling braggadocio that they will be defending our territory “at all costs.” Mr. Aquino himself set the pugnacious tone months back when he boasted that he would respond to threats in our backyard such as Recto bank “as if it were in Recto Avenue.”

There has been no combat situation in Panatag—at least not yet—and, after our warship left, there are only civilian Filipino and Chinese vessels there. Yet our defense secretary, the Navy chief, even the head of the Northern Luzon Military Command have been blabbering about the dispute with their martial tenor, making us look like the bellicose protagonist.

In contrast, who were speaking for China? Even the Chinese ambassador had the sense to keep her mouth shut. Those who talked publicly were the embassy spokesperson and a political counselor—both among the Chinese’ lowest-ranking diplomats here. In Beijing, it was solely the foreign ministry spokesman who commented on the crisis. (Only recently, after the Chinese felt they already successfully painted the Philippines as the aggressor did a Chinese general and the foreign affairs vice minister comment on the issue.)

How would we feel if the Chinese defense minister or China’s navy chief made belligerent statements when the crisis started?

Blunder No. 3: Mr. Aquino has done nothing to repair Philippine-China relationship so that there is practically no venue for good-faith negotiations during such a serious crisis as the Scarborough flashpoint. China has not forgiven Mr. Aquino for failing to prosecute the officials who mishandled the 2010 Luneta hostage crisis in which eight Chinese were killed. Mr. Aquino has snubbed China’s official development aid, even demonizing these as prone to corruption.

Mr. Aquino has not even undertaken the most basic step in improving our relations with China: installing a Philippine ambassador in Beijing. For the Chinese and for the diplomatic community, having only a charge d’affaires in Beijing for so long is a veiled insult.

And why hasn’t he? Because Mr. Aquino insisted on long-time family friend Domingo Lee as envoy. Lee, however, is so comically unqualified that it was Sen. Sergio Osmeña III, a zealous administration man, who passionately fought against his confirmation. It’s been nearly a month since the Panatag crisis broke out; Aquino hasn’t even nominated an envoy to Beijing yet.

Blunder No. 4: Aquino has publicly groveled to the United States to intervene, which has only toughened the Chinese position, as it cannot appear to waver at the sight of American might. “Kill the chicken to frighten the monkey,” is an old Chinese proverb that is said to guide China’s foreign policy, as demonstrated since the Korean War up to the Paracels battle against the Vietnamese. Mr. Aquino has obviously made our country the chicken. :lol:

Blunder No. 5: Even as the Panatag crisis involves our national security, integrity, and even our economy, Mr. Aquino has not asked the leaders of our nation for advice, in order to forge a national consensus on the crisis. He has ignored the two institutions for this: the National Security Council and the Council of State, which past presidents convened even for less serious crises. So if war breaks out with China, it should only be Mr. Aquino’s war.

Email: tiglao.inquirer@gmail.com

Scarborough fail: How Aquino blew it | Inquirer Opinion


Looks like the Philippines under Aquino III's leadership is well preparing itself as a first bleeding "chicken". Meanwhile I'm not sure if Vietnam is, or is qualified as, the "monkey".


Just blaming Aquino is not fair. The Filipino as whole should bear the blunt as well, as Aquino's cabinet/think tank appears like nothing but foolish sh!t bags...
Looks like the Philippines under Aquino III's leadership is well preparing itself as a first bleeding "chicken".Meanwhile I'm not sure if Vietnam is, or is qualified as, the "monkey".

Just blaming Aquino is not fair. The Filipino as whole should bear the blunt as well, as Aquino's cabinet/think tank appears like nothing but foolish sh!t bags...

It's depends how your view and what you think. In my opinion, China already loose cool and it become turns arrgressive for some hotted heads.

I bet you, besides the China news, no other country that supporting China action over SCS. (Maybe Pakistan, Cambodia) The percentage of winning for China is less than 1%, but anyway better than nothing right?

For whatever your comment, is also made you look very bad due to your arrgressive words. What can I say when you and China are the same?
Aquino in 2012 = Nehru in 1962

1. Provoke China by seeking confrontation

2. Take a hardline stance

3. Refuse compromise or negotiation

4. In the end, the PLA Navy will put Aquino in his place. Just like the PLA put Nehru in his place.

5. The similarities are eerie. Nehru begged Kennedy for help. Kennedy told Nehru to go take a hike. Fifty years later, Aquino begged Obama for help. Obama said, "here's $30 million in military aid. Now go away and stop bothering me."
Blunder No. 4: Aquino has publicly groveled to the United States to intervene, which has only toughened the Chinese position, as it cannot appear to waver at the sight of American might. “Kill the chicken to frighten the monkey,” is an old Chinese proverb that is said to guide China’s foreign policy, as demonstrated since the Korean War up to the Paracels battle against the Vietnamese. Mr. Aquino has obviously made our country the chicken. :lol:
Yes, the nation of groveling servants is the chicken we will kill to frighten the monkey. Is the monkey watching? You know who you are. :azn:
I could see the deployment of the warship being the biggest 'unknown' mistake in that it gave China an excuse to blow up the issue on its terms, though I don't believe the Filipino government (or rather the officials who authorized the deployment) thought things would blow up like this.

A big mistake when it came to managing this dispute after it had already happened was to pull its own ships out of the shoal after making an 'agreement' with China (we all know how much that was worth now). This was just plain naivette.

The biggest, and by far the worst ongoing mistake in managing the dispute, and a sign of the government's ineptitude is it hasn't brought any ships back to the shoal, not even to area afaik though the filipino posters here probably have a better knowledge of their military/government actions since. This gives an ongoing media and legitimacy victory to China and weakens its own claim (90% of territorial legitimacy is who holds it).

Now all I see is the government talking, but not authorizing any deployments or allowing ships to the shoal, effectively ceding the shoal's waters to China for an indeterminate period of time.

(I should clarify, both not sending ships to the shoal and only talking about how indisputable their claims are while seemingly choosing to do nothing physically are the combined biggest problem, it shows an ongoing lack of credibility in the Philippines resolve.)

Bottom line is talk is cheap, skin in the game has meaning, and it doesn't look like the Philippines, from government to fishermen, are willing to put their skin in the game.

Honestly I'd like to see otherwise, but this is all I get from Philippine articles.

I recently saw an article titled, 'China belittles Aquino's Scarborough stand'.

As it is they have every reason to, because all the Philippines is doing is talking while China holds the prize.
Scarborough fail: How Aquino blew it

Solid as our territorial claims against China are, we could lose these areas if President Aquino keeps making colossal blunders on this front.

Blunder No. 1: The biggest, and the damage done probably irreparable until we get somebody else to represent our nation: Mr. Aquino deployed a warship, the BRP Gregorio del Pilar, to Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal to confront the Chinese fishermen, with naval soldiers even boarding their vessels.

With this move, Mr. Aquino made the Philippines the party militarizing the dispute. The Chinese must be thanking the President for giving them the higher moral ground in this crisis. It gave the hawks in the Chinese leadership all the ammunition they need to demand military action in Panatag.

The Chinese have squeezed every ounce of this blunder, claiming that a “Philippine warship harassed helpless Chinese fishermen who were seeking refuge from a storm inside Scarborough Shoal. It is the Philippine Navy that pointed their guns at our fishermen,” the Chinese embassy spokesman kept repeating.

The People’s Republic of China’s navy is known to be secretly but extensively patrolling the South China and West Philippine Seas. Yet China has never openly deployed naval ships in confrontations in disputed territories, so it wouldn’t be accused of militarizing the dispute. The vessels that went to Panatag to defend the fishermen weren’t even their “naval militia,” but—at least overtly—unarmed surveillance vessels of China’s Oceanic Administration and fisheries department.

Was Mr. Aquino hallucinating that BRP Gregorio del Pilar, our only real warship, was a mighty battleship that he can scare the Chinese away with?

Mr. Aquino just made us the laughing stock of the world. After a few days confronting the Chinese vessels, our warship turned tail and returned to port, as it had ran out of drinking water, food, or fuel—or all of these.

This is even the worst time for Mr. Aquino to create a flashpoint in our territorial disputes with China. The once-every-decade transition of power in China is ongoing, to be formalized in October at the National Congress of China’s Communist Party, and an intense struggle between two factions has broken out. Each faction will try to appear to be the most nationalistic and most determined in defending China’s sovereignty. Currently, that means a hard-line stance on the Panatag crisis.

Blunder No. 2: Matching the deployment of a warship was our officials’ saber-rattling braggadocio that they will be defending our territory “at all costs.” Mr. Aquino himself set the pugnacious tone months back when he boasted that he would respond to threats in our backyard such as Recto bank “as if it were in Recto Avenue.”

There has been no combat situation in Panatag—at least not yet—and, after our warship left, there are only civilian Filipino and Chinese vessels there. Yet our defense secretary, the Navy chief, even the head of the Northern Luzon Military Command have been blabbering about the dispute with their martial tenor, making us look like the bellicose protagonist.

In contrast, who were speaking for China? Even the Chinese ambassador had the sense to keep her mouth shut. Those who talked publicly were the embassy spokesperson and a political counselor—both among the Chinese’ lowest-ranking diplomats here. In Beijing, it was solely the foreign ministry spokesman who commented on the crisis. (Only recently, after the Chinese felt they already successfully painted the Philippines as the aggressor did a Chinese general and the foreign affairs vice minister comment on the issue.)

How would we feel if the Chinese defense minister or China’s navy chief made belligerent statements when the crisis started?

Blunder No. 3: Mr. Aquino has done nothing to repair Philippine-China relationship so that there is practically no venue for good-faith negotiations during such a serious crisis as the Scarborough flashpoint. China has not forgiven Mr. Aquino for failing to prosecute the officials who mishandled the 2010 Luneta hostage crisis in which eight Chinese were killed. Mr. Aquino has snubbed China’s official development aid, even demonizing these as prone to corruption.

Mr. Aquino has not even undertaken the most basic step in improving our relations with China: installing a Philippine ambassador in Beijing. For the Chinese and for the diplomatic community, having only a charge d’affaires in Beijing for so long is a veiled insult.

And why hasn’t he? Because Mr. Aquino insisted on long-time family friend Domingo Lee as envoy. Lee, however, is so comically unqualified that it was Sen. Sergio Osmeña III, a zealous administration man, who passionately fought against his confirmation. It’s been nearly a month since the Panatag crisis broke out; Aquino hasn’t even nominated an envoy to Beijing yet.

Blunder No. 4: Aquino has publicly groveled to the United States to intervene, which has only toughened the Chinese position, as it cannot appear to waver at the sight of American might. “Kill the chicken to frighten the monkey,” is an old Chinese proverb that is said to guide China’s foreign policy, as demonstrated since the Korean War up to the Paracels battle against the Vietnamese. Mr. Aquino has obviously made our country the chicken. :lol:

Blunder No. 5: Even as the Panatag crisis involves our national security, integrity, and even our economy, Mr. Aquino has not asked the leaders of our nation for advice, in order to forge a national consensus on the crisis. He has ignored the two institutions for this: the National Security Council and the Council of State, which past presidents convened even for less serious crises. So if war breaks out with China, it should only be Mr. Aquino’s war.

Email: tiglao.inquirer@gmail.com

Scarborough fail: How Aquino blew it | Inquirer Opinion


This "Scarborough fail: How Aquino blew it" was written by Roberto Tiglao, a known dyed-in-the-wool leftist during Martial Law. I view most of the leftist here in the Philippines as "TRAITORS." They protest against Americans like rabid dogs, with mouths frothing with drool. But when the Chinese started to intrude in our territories, started to poach in our seas, started to claim our islands, started to bully our Philippine vessels, guess what these same leftist do??? NOTHING!!!!

After only receiving a lot of criticism from our people, asking them why they didn't protested against China's aggression and bullying, only then they protested against China MILDLY.

Yes, the nation of groveling servants is the chicken we will kill to frighten the monkey. Is the monkey watching? You know who you are. :azn:

You are dangerous, stop talking about killing like that, Its not fun for you to enjoy.
It's depends how your view and what you think. In my opinion, China already loose cool and it become turns arrgressive for some hotted heads.

I bet you, besides the China news, no other country that supporting China action over SCS. (Maybe Pakistan, Cambodia) The percentage of winning for China is less than 1%, but anyway better than nothing right?

For whatever your comment, is also made you look very bad due to your arrgressive words. What can I say when you and China are the same?

In fact, Chinese has "the whole world" beside them, or at least it is what they are thinking. You know why? Because in this forum a Chinese had said:

when china speaks, the world listens! you know why? because this is china's world, everybody else just lives in it!

This is China's world, so of course the whole world will support China :rofl: :rofl:
I think this fits nicely in this thread!

PH wants more frigates, missiles

Gazmin, together with a team from the DND’s newly-formed Acquisition Defense System, went to Italy to sign a five-year contract with that country’s Defense Ministry for the acquisition of fighter-bomber jets, a frigate, a destroyer and unmanned surveillance aircrafts, among others.

Possible naval craft to be acquired from Italy by the Philippines are the “Maestrale” and “Soldati” class frigates from Italy.

Aircraft in question is most likely the AMX, although Italy has been advertising their tranche 1 eurofighters for sale as well, since they will be getting much more capable tranches 2 and 3 soon.

I believe that Philippino support Aquino. Philippine will even do the same as Russian coast guard (fire on Chinese boat) if it is neccessary. Such activity is legal.
I think this fits nicely in this thread!

PH wants more frigates, missiles

Aircraft in question is most likely the AMX, although Italy has been advertising their tranche 1 eurofighters for sale as well, since they will be getting much more capable tranches 2 and 3 soon.[/CENTER]

In case you haven't heard, the Filipinos are broke.

Aquino begged Obama for help and received only a paltry $30 million in military aid for 2012.

Also, China has blocked Filipino bananas from the vast $8 trillion Chinese market. The Filipinos are losing exports and their lack of hard currency is being exacerbated as China prohibits some Filipino products.

This "Scarborough fail: How Aquino blew it" was written by Roberto Tiglao, a known dyed-in-the-wool leftist during Martial Law. I view most of the leftist here in the Philippines as "TRAITORS." They protest against Americans like rabid dogs, with mouths frothing with drool. But when the Chinese started to intrude in our territories, started to poach in our seas, started to claim our islands, started to bully our Philippine vessels, guess what these same leftist do??? NOTHING!!!!

After only receiving a lot of criticism from our people, asking them why they didn't protested against China's aggression and bullying, only then they protested against China MILDLY.

Don't forget that Aquino sent out a warship to confront unarmed Chinese fishermen. Aquino started this and China is merely defending itself.
In case you haven't heard, the Filipinos are broke.

Aquino begged Obama for help and received only a paltry $30 million in military aid for 2012.

Also, China has blocked Filipino bananas from the vast $8 trillion Chinese market. The Filipinos are losing exports and their lack of hard currency is being exacerbated as China prohibits some Filipino products.

lol, China bot....
Phillipines is 25th in world foreign currency exchange reserves. As of May 2012, according to IMF or CIA data.

Italy will sell cheap.

List of countries by foreign-exchange reserves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think this fits nicely in this thread!

PH wants more frigates, missiles

Aircraft in question is most likely the AMX, although Italy has been advertising their tranche 1 eurofighters for sale as well, since they will be getting much more capable tranches 2 and 3 soon.


Philippines at this stage should forget about buying high-valued combat jets. If it is defensive what they want, they will be needing missiles; lots of them in different categories such as anti-Ship missiles, MBRLs, SAM batteries and cruise missiles (preferably subsonic as they can't afford supersonic).

Philippines need to have a robust coastal and air defence system in place if they have to ensure their territorial integrity from the Reds.

It is indeed true that Mr. Aquino has rushed into the battle too early and with too little resources. Either he should have started militarizing three years ago or used a more subtly aggressive maneuver rather than making a prat out of himself. Chinese Communists rely on deception and propaganda to conduct warfare.

There is more than just weapons needed here, but with the current state of Filipino military, Manila needs to make up its mind about how it will go militarizing enough to defend its territory.
lol, China bot....
Phillipines is 25th in world foreign currency exchange reserves. As of May 2012, according to IMF or CIA data.

Italy will sell cheap.

List of countries by foreign-exchange reserves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Filipino reserves only cover 12 months of imports. Do you want to buy oil or arms? Take your pick. You can't have both.

Philippines Imports

"Philippines imports were worth 5386 Million USD in May of 2012. Historically, from 2002 until 2012, Philippines Imports averaged 4132.5 Million USD reaching ..."


The Philippines cannot afford to buy new or second-hand American jets (see citation below).

Philippines May Buy Fighter Jets Other Than U.S. F-16s | Defense News | defensenews.com

"Philippines May Buy Fighter Jets Other Than U.S. F-16s
May. 16, 2012 - 09:51AM |

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines is looking at arming itself for the first time with dedicated fighter jets made outside of the United States, President Benigno Aquino said May 16 amid a territorial dispute with China.

The Philippines last month requested aircraft, patrol boats and radar systems from its U.S. military ally to help it achieve what the government said would be a “minimum credible defense.”

Aquino said that his government had asked to buy second-hand F-16s from the U.S., but the jets’ maintenance costs could end up being too high because of their age.

“We might end up spending $400 million or $800 million per squadron, and we were thinking of getting two squadrons,” he said in an interview with Manila’s Bombo Radio.

“We do have an alternative, and — this is a surprise — it seems we have the capacity to buy brand-new, but not from America,” Aquino said, without mentioning the aircraft model. “These are manufactured by another progressive country that I won’t name at this point.”

Aquino noted that Manila had retired its last fighter jet, a Korean War-vintage F-5, in 2005.

It does continue to fly Italian firm Marchetti’s S211 trainer jets, which are sometimes used as ground attack aircraft against various insurgencies.

But along with the F-5, the Philippines had previously relied on obsolete U.S. hand-me-downs, including the T-33 and the P-51 Mustang as dedicated attack fighters. The country now has no effective air defenses.

It is engaged in a tense maritime standoff with China over the disputed Scarborough Shoal and surrounding waters in the South China Sea. Both nations have stationed vessels there for more than a month to assert their sovereignty."
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