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Sayyaf Speaks At Massoud Day Ceremony


Feb 13, 2014
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Sayyaf Speaks At Massoud Day Ceremony
Wednesday, 09 September 2015 18:56Written by Siyar Sirat

Former Jihadi leader Abdul Rasul Sayyaf on Wednesday addressed guests at the official ceremony in Kabul to mark Martyrs Week and the 14th Anniversary of Ahmad Shah Massoud's death and called for Jihad against the Taliban.

He said their actions were illegal and un-Islamic.

He also called on Afghans to unite and address important matters in the war-ravaged Afghanistan.

"It was our mistake that we didn't kill Mullah Omar – the Taliban's former leader – in the early days. We feel guilty about that," Sayyaf said.

He called on the Taliban to free themselves of the movement.

"I want them [the Taliban] to free themselves of others' slavery. If they have any objections they should come and share them with us. They should not take commands from others," he added.

Hinting at recent remarks by Mullah Mansour Dadullah, a senior Taliban leader, he said: "Mansour Dadullah said that their commanders are appointed by the Taliban. He said that he was told to go and kill Afghanistan's leaders. Do the Taliban want more clarity?"

On Mullah Omar's death, he said: "Was Mullah Omar commanding from under the ground? No. No one can command from under the ground. It seems that their command was in others' hands, both in their living and after their death."

Meanwhile, he said that peace and stability in Afghanistan means peace and stability in other countries, particularly in neighboring countries including Pakistan. He called on the world, particularly Afghanistan's neighbors, to come together and help Afghanistan in this regard.

"We once again call on our neighbors especially Pakistan not to destroy this country. This country [Afghanistan] has a history. Many countries are younger than me - how do they think they will eliminate and break Afghanistan? They can't," he continued.

Commenting on recent speculation that they (Jihadi leaders including Sayyaf) are looking to bring down the current government, Sayyaf said: "There is some propaganda that we are looking to break the system down. This is wrong."

In terms of the current administration, Sayyaf said he had a number of recommendation: "First, the date for parliamentary elections should be announced as soon as possible, and second, if there were any hurdles, the government should hold a Loya Jirga [grand assembly] to make decisions."

He also suggested that the government should create a decision-making body in order to resolve the important issues currently facing the nation.


Interesting to see one of the conspirators in Massoud's death attending the ceremony commemorating his death.
Interesting, Great Post

I didn't know he is rumored to have a hand in Masood's death -- could you elaborate on that please -- would love to learn more.

A few other points that people conveniently forget (especially Afghans and Indians):
1. That it was Sayyaf who brought Osama Bin Laden to Afghanistan from Sudan
2. That there is a Philippine terrorist group created by his students names in his honor: Sayyaf
3. Further Sayyaf person ran for president in Afghanistan without any repercussions despite his record
4. He is a member of parliament despite his record
5. He currently faces no legal prosecution in Afghanistan despite his record
I didn't know he is rumored to have a hand in Masood's death -- could you elaborate on that please -- would love to learn more.

You've already mentioned Sayyaf's connections with Al Qaeda and Arab militants operating in the country. The Arab assassins who ended up killing Massoud were welcomed in Sayyaf's house from where they were sent by Sayyaf to Massoud for an "interview".
You've already mentioned Sayyaf's connections with Al Qaeda and Arab militants operating in the country. The Arab assassins who ended up killing Massoud were welcomed in Sayyaf's house from where they were sent by Sayyaf to Massoud for an "interview".

OMG, this is scandalous, scandalous -- yet no mention of it
Frankly, I'm amazed this guy was allowed to speak in front of a crowd numbering in the hundreds.

Thank your for posting -- this is the video everyone is talking about eh?

It's very heartening to see that members of this forum and be extensions Pakistanis are tracking Afghan Media with depth.

This is very heartening -- who knows in a few years Pakistanis may move out of our collective stupor of: yeh hamaray Musalmaan Bhai hain

The other thing that is amazing is that the private Afghan media is doing what "it think" is its duty to promote awareness on Pakistan -- while the Pakistani media is totally silent on issues like:
1. Afghan refugees
2. Afghan drugs
3. How the loss of 140+ Pakistanis at the school massacre drew no response from Kabul but the loss of 40+ lives in Shah Shaheed Kabul drew public outcry and a visceral response from the Afghan government.
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