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leave out that tension to the army.

General public need not boil their blood for something like this.
After all you also have 1000s of tank against India.

There is a difference of opinion in India and Pakistan. General people in India are not concerned about what army does and how it does so. They are not interested in political or diplomatic agendas.

They are more focused on riding the economic wave today which may or may not last forever.

General people in Pakistan has been under the influence of army for so long that now their thinking is similar to that of army.

They are keen on issues like Kashmir and Kargil, but when it comes to economic development, stop corruption, they are mum and I am sure while they boast loud for the army they steal electricity and evade taxes to run their homes.

This needs to change. There are different people to play different roles in the society. While the army play its role, the rest of the country needs to play its role too.

I wish you all Luck.

I may agree with only few parts of your post, about pakistanis possessed with Army is as true as Indians are,

Let us look honestly at what happened in Pakistan and it is niether a which hunt nor a consipiracy theory.

Till 1980s Pakistan's economy was developing as a top economy in Aisa.

Russians walk in Afghanistan than all hell broke loose. We with good heart and honest intentions got involved in it.

To beat russian monster anothet monster had to be created and than came talibans, will not blame who did it, but they were the only one who fought and got rid of Rusian monster.

whole world played very nagative role by not investing in people and only investing in statues, that made things worst, was it a con. theory or not but it was a turning point in Talibans behaviour.

than came 9/11 and Pakistan was caught in the middle, to make the long story short, we suffered the most and are insulted the most, Why?

A very anti pakistan Media portraying Pakistan as a Failed/suporter of terrorists/harbouring terrorists, yet we remained true to the cause and spend all our money on fighting this manace at the expanse of our development, where as India was given every opertunity to do business and given open access to all markets, handed all kinds of deals such as that of nuclear and all.

On the other hand Pakistan from 70s was being blamed for trying to make Nuclear weapons, India was totally given o.k. even supplied with uraniums and all.

After spending our resources on war fighting for this world, we had to endure the unfair fingure pointing and unfair deductions of unsafe NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

Now that it has been all cleared, it has taken a toll on Pakistan and it is the duty of those who blamed Pakistan to come forward and contribute to the developement of Pakistan and pay for this war that we have spent trillions fighting.

we also have lost lots of lifes and it is not easy and the world at large has nothing to offer only criticism. who is going to pay for the widows of those martyred war heroes. We shall honor and continue to pay for those Heroes and we shall remain true to our cause of Justice and Democratic ways even though we been blamed for dictatorship and all.

In a Miliatry coup not a single drop of blood was shed unlike other coups where plenty of human blood is shed.

Our Militry have done a grand job of saving Pakistan when the call came for it, only if our neighbours would stop interfering in our affirs, recovery would have been faster, but we are not complainer like others, we do it and stand behind what we do.

But we the Pakistanis should and will come together and will get rid of this leadershiop and than install those who will work without pay and without personal agendas.

There is no dearth of talants in pakistan, we only need to tap it and clean up the society by implementing good governace and let the judciary do the work and do it poronto.

So sir it is easy to be a arm chair critic, but it take lots of courage to do what Pakistan did, and Insh Allah we shall do it again to make Pakistan the best country of the world.

we have people like Zaid hamid. Luqman Mubashar with their human faults, and we have many more and they will Insha Allah do it so that it will silance those who criticise and enlighten those who are fair minded.

some of his videos and the brilliance of these. Watch and enjoy.
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we all are woried .... and i am sure all members on this forum are trying to help Pakistan .... except a few trolls .. nice thread :tup: Saad445566 some good thoughts u have put up here
So, I am bumping my previous post again..

Who is interested to take part in some sort of radio program?
^^ In Canada

We can start this summers.

I cannot say anything.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Please watch this.

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What about making an organization who will start a new initiative.
Personally, I don't want to start a new organization because we already have great things out there i.e. PDF and so on. There are many capable people over here. So, if they can do something than I will support them.

Now, I do not mean to interrupt the decisions made by the management but I think this forum should change its name to Pakistan Forum or something. Cover defence and every other aspect.
Maybe, start to collect funds etc for different initiatives.
But Mubashir Lucman is very pro MQM.
I don't appreciate that at all.

I am with you on MQM, but we must not use violance to put our point accross, we must adhere to Islamic rules and go from there.

Count me in with your idea about some sort of program on Pakistan related show or forming of a group to enighten those who are being misguided and misinformed about Islam and Pakistan.

send me an email if uwant to take it further. Thanks.

Remove feudal lords zamindars

In a recent report, the World Bank cited land inequality as a primary cause of rural poverty in Pakistan, with 44 percent of the country's farmland controlled by just 2 percent of rural households. Some estimates put the number of major landed families at just 5,000.
Ok so here is the thing..

We will call Pakistanis (educated) on our radio program who will tell the stories of their struggle and will give advice to new comers. Gradually, we will expand our vision/capacity as we attract more viewers.

What do you guys think?
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Ok so here is the thing..

We will call Pakistanis (educated) on our radio program who will tell the stories of their struggle and will give advice to new comers. Gradually, we will expand our vision/capacity as we attract more viewers.

What do you guys think?

Pakistanis has untapped talent and energies which are suppressed and controlled by the system politicians, military, zamindars etc. etc.

More than telling them stories or what to do let them use their potentials, you have enough experiment for the last 62 years now allow them to work and progress. Open up the economy.
Pakistanis has untapped talent and energies which are suppressed and controlled by the system politicians, military, zamindars etc. etc.

More than telling them stories or what to do let them use their potentials, you have enough experiment for the last 62 years now allow them to work and progress. Open up the economy.

Yaar mien koi president hoon?

I can do things which I can afford.

We will gradually expand our vision once we get viewers and funds. For now, a radio program to create awareness is the best thing to do.
Awareness of our mission.
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Noble thinking is a good start, In my openion this program should also have a part of its format to inform non-muslims and Muslim alike about real Islam.

why I say this is that any time I am questioned about Islam i get that they believe that we can marry 4 women and that we do not respect them.

Also why we do not believe in Democracy and why we have such disparity among Umma.

These are all myths created by adversaries and need to be challaned and can be easily dispelled.

But most of all we need to start from our own by showing them what Islam stands for and not what we see today, the disunity, the nonexistance of trust and money that is collected for Zaka, what is done to it in specially Toronto and in Pakistan.

My 2 cents worth, and my very humble openion.

Noble thinking is a good start, In my openion this program should also have a part of its format to inform non-muslims and Muslim alike about real Islam.

why I say this is that any time I am questioned about Islam i get that they believe that we can marry 4 women and that we do not respect them.

Also why we do not believe in Democracy and why we have such disparity among Umma.

These are all myths created by adversaries and need to be challaned and can be easily dispelled.

But most of all we need to start from our own by showing them what Islam stands for and not what we see today, the disunity, the nonexistance of trust and money that is collected for Zaka, what is done to it in specially Toronto and in Pakistan.

My 2 cents worth, and my very humble openion.

Sir, I appreciate your concerns. However, my point is to solve internal matters of Pakistan.

You know what I mean?
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