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Saulat Mirza to expose Altaf Hussain before death

If both are enough evidences then why not the LEA went to court for further proceding against established criminals , in court of law ?

Sindh forms new JIT on Baldia factory inferno
Sindh forms new JIT on Baldia factory inferno | ARY NEWS
What nonsense. They went for 'proceeding'. This new JIT is 'proceeding'.
who is stopping them & what is stopping them ?
why they need to make another commision & another report ?
why the frist JIT & its report wasn't enough ?
People like you, and the MQM leadershp, are 'stopping' them - the new JIT will have the same result.
The first JIT report and other evidence was enough to make them raid 9-0. They'll probably take more action eventually.
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Come on man why you end up with genetics and all that just to prove something against MQM?Genetics doesnt even matter here
You accused me of hate speech but I belong to the same ethnic group as the ones these gundas claim to represent, so I was simply saying that these people do not represent urdu speakings.

Interior Minister of Sindh who proudly issued thousands of Licenses to Anti MQM Forces in Karachi
Hmmm now use your awal a little bit here. If he did issue Arms licenses to anti MQM forces to wipe them out, then why didn't MQM go to court against them? Why didn't MQM appeal to Army then? And there must also be a reason as to why PPP wanted to wipe MQM in the first place...
In the end it all boils down to the fact that MQM has militant wing involved in rape, murder, extortion and you have absolutely zero proof to oppose this claim. These terrorists do not represent the peace loving people of Karachi.

How many terrorists became MPAs & MNAs in Pakistan ?
Bypassing laws is called in politics in Pakistan ?
Nawaz , zardari, bugti & lot of others doing what that they wanted when they wanted ?
There is no solid evidence against Nawaz and Zardari but every breathing soul in Karachi knows that MQM has terrorist wing directly managed by Altaf Hussain.

So can you prove that some one orders some one to kill some one ?
MQM militant wing didn't form by itself. Someone from MQM must have made it which is why it exists. By this relation, someone from MQM controls the terrorist wing. And major party decisions can not take place without top leadership approval. Thus proved.
"Roznama Ummat" :p.

PML N? oh a party of angels

Not at all.... they are least harmful, than the posted list.
They are last on the list and are covered by the expression 'etc.' ever heard of such expression?
He is just blackmailing MQM. He is saying that if you dont stop my death sentence, i will drag you guys down with me.
You accused me of hate speech but I belong to the same ethnic group as the ones these gundas claim to represent, so I was simply saying that these people do not represent urdu speakings.
Did you even Read that Post or you have problem in Comprehension?Let me quote that for you again.
The problem is you consider whole MQM a terrorists while we here consider segment of them Terrorists.
With your consideration it becomes case of hatred rather then Case of Opposition.
Now where did I mentioned your Genetics?

Hmmm now use your awal a little bit here. If he did issue Arms licenses to anti MQM forces to wipe them out, then why didn't MQM go to court against them? Why didn't MQM appeal to Army then? And there must also be a reason as to why PPP wanted to wipe MQM in the first place...
In the end it all boils down to the fact that MQM has militant wing involved in rape, murder, extortion and you have absolutely zero proof to oppose this claim. These terrorists do not represent the peace loving people of Karachi.
MQM did demanded action and Govt. and Rangers took that Action as well after MQM shouted every single Platform available to them only to get their APCs Destroyed by Rocket Launchers and getting few of them killed in Action remember Lyari operation 2012-13?You think he would have Surrender if he was dragged to the Court?He would have INTENSIFIED his Efforts against MQM and since he was Interior Minister thousands of Workers would have been Extra Judicially Killed and remaining others would have been killed in the Streets in Brought daylight. A person who is feels proud in Criminalizing the City can go to any extent just like his cronies in Lyari who used Rocket Launchers against Rangers APCs and destroyed few of tehir APCs when Rangers went to Lyari to get rid of them after MQM's continues demand.

Who would have been Responsible if those Rocket Launchers were used against Ordinary people or Business Community?MQM of course so they did understood the risk and made Calculated moves and did manage to convince PPP in to taking actions and for that they had to sit with PPP in Govt. as it was the biggest BLACKMAILING PPP had to Bring MQM together.
What nonsense. They went for 'proceeding'. This new JIT is 'proceeding'.

People like you, and the MQM leadershp, are 'stopping' them - the new JIT will have the same result.
The first JIT report and other evidence was enough to make them raid 9-0. That was just the trailer of what's to come.

Even a mosquito's intelligence is a ''super, duper star'' ''specially against'' the jahalat of a certain poster.

We should make a case against those who make old JIT, are they blind or what based they made this JIT.? if they were correct then we have to make a case against the creator of this JIT. someone is wrong and punishable.
We should make a case against those who make old JIT, are they blind or what based they made this JIT.? if they were correct then we have to make a case against the creator of this JIT. someone is wrong and punishable.
A review of a JIT report is nothing wrong - unless that review contradicts the first report, in which case I concur that there should be an investigation.

But until the new JIT's report is released, we can not say anything about the previous one. The previous JIT included officials from the Military and ISI, who would've ensured its accuracy - and I expect the new JIT to arrive at the same conclusion the old one did.
But until the new JIT's report is released, we can not say anything about the previous one. The previous JIT included officials from the Military and ISI, who would've ensured its accuracy - and I expect the new JIT to arrive at the same conclusion the old one did.
That JIT needs to convince Court otherwise Another would be formed
A review of a JIT report is nothing wrong - unless that review contradicts the first report, in which case I concur that there should be an investigation.

But until the new JIT's report is released, we can not say anything about the previous one. The previous JIT included officials from the Military and ISI, who would've ensured its accuracy - and I expect the new JIT to arrive at the same conclusion the old one did.

You miss my point. Management wise it is a crime you can't produce result. Creating another itself accepting that first one is fail to get result. So people must be punish b/c they select wrong people to perform and give proper result.

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مچھ (مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک)کراچی سے شائع ہونے والے اخبار روزنامہ’امت‘کے مطابق متحدہ کے دہشت گرد صولت مرزا نے اپنی وصیت میں متحدہ کے قائد الطاف حسین اور پارٹی کے دیگر رہنماﺅں کے دہشتگردوں سے رابطے اور سینٹرل جیل کراچی میں متحدہ کے نیٹ ورک کے حوالے سے اہم معلومات دینے کی یقین دہانی کرادی ہے۔ ممکنہ طور پر صولت مرزا مجسٹریٹ کے سامنے وصیت تحریر کرائے گا۔ امکان ہے کہ اس کی ریکارڈنگ بھی کی جائے گی۔ متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کے بدنام دہشت گرد صولت مرزا جسے مچھ جیل میں 19 مارچ کو پھانسی دینے کی حتمی تیار مکمل کرلی گئی ہیں۔ کہ صولت مرزا کے ڈیتھ وارنٹ جاری ہونے کے بعد مچھ جیل کی سیکیورٹی سخت کردی گئی ہے۔ بلوچستان حکومت کی جانب سے مچھ جیل کے اطراف میں بلوچستان کانسٹیبلری کے 150 اہلکار، جبکہ فرنٹیئر کانسٹیبلز کے 60 اضافی اہلکاروں کو تعینات کردیا گیا ہے۔ ’صولت مرزا کو فروری 2014ءمیں مچھ جیل منتقل کیا گیا تھا، جہاں اسے وارڈ نمبر 11اور 12 میں رکھا گیا اور 11 مارچ کو ڈیتھ وارنٹ جاری ہونے کے بعد اسے مچھ جیل کے تنہائی وارڈ میں منتقل کرکے خصوصی لباس پہنادیا گیا ہے۔ اہم ذریعے کا کہنا ہے کہ صولت مرزا متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کی قیادت سے سخت ناراض ہے۔ مچھ جیل کے ایک ذمہ دار افسر نے نام ظاہر نہ کرنے کی شرط پر بتایا ہے کہ صولت مرزا نے اپنی وصیت میں اہم رازوں سے پردہ اٹھانے کی یقین دہانی کرادی ہے۔ وہ الطاف حسین اور متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کے رہنماﺅں کے دہشت گردوں سے رابطوں اور سینٹرل جیل کراچی میں متحدہ کے نیٹ ورک کے حوالے سے اہم معلومات فراہم کرے گا۔ ذریعے کا کہنا ہے کہ صولت مرزا مجسٹریٹ کے سامنے وصیت تحریر کرے گا اور اس کے اعترافات کی ویڈیو بھی بنائے جانے کا امکان ہے۔ ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ جمعہ کو ڈپٹی کمشنر بولان احمد علی صدیقی مچھ جیل کا دورہ کرکے سیکیورٹی انتظامات کا جائزہ لیا۔ اس موقع پر اسسٹنٹ کمشنر مچھ ممتاز کھیتران، ڈی پی او کچھی بولان عبدالوحید خٹک، سپرنٹنڈنٹ مچھ جیل محمد اسحاق زہری اور ڈپٹی سپرنٹنڈنٹ مچھ جیل سکندر کاکڑ بھی موجود تھے۔ اطلاعات کے مطابق صولت مرزا نے الطاف حسین کی تقاریر اور انٹرویوز سے موت کی سزا پر عمل کا یقین ہونے کے بعد شیو کرنا چھوڑ دی ہے اور اس کے اضطراب میں اضافہ ہوتاجارہا ہے۔
According to reports Saulat Mirza before hanging will write his last will and give a recorded statement too in which he would reveal and expose MQM leader Altaf Hussain and his other party guys and there contacts with terrorists and How they are doing all the crimes
@Horus @syedali73 @TankMan @Leader @Jazzbot @Gufi @Imran Khan and others

You miss my point. Management wise it is a crime you can't produce result. Creating another itself accepting that first one is fail to get result. So people must be punish b/c they select wrong people to perform and give proper result.
Not being able to produce result is a crime? In Pakistan? The whole parliament should be converted into a courthouse then :lol:.

You missed the point that the old JIT did give a proper result. They did not fail at anything. The Sindh government just decided to review their result as it had made MQM upset. They gave a report based on evidence - just because some politicians reject it doesn't mean they should be punished.
Another has already been formed - which court needs to be convinced, exactly? The new JIT was ordered by the Sindh home department, not courts.
New joint investigation team formed to probe Baldia factory fire - thenews.com.pk
Who has worked in the frist report ?
same sindh govts home depertment , on the directions of the SHC, till the Provincial govt not calls in or , ask fedrl govt for help , no other fedrl govt arm can come & give its report until it's been directed by the court itself ?
Btw that , was my cut you are using now, best for you, keep getting knowledge by BATMANNOW .lolzzzzz

Not being able to produce result is a crime? In Pakistan? The whole parliament should be converted into a courthouse then :lol:.

You missed the point that the old JIT did give a proper result. They did not fail at anything. The Sindh government just decided to review their result as it had made MQM upset. They gave a report based on evidence - just because some politicians reject it doesn't mean they should be punished.
& who is da, sindh govt , you mean angels or aliens ? Lolzzzz
contradictory post of yours , dear friend ?
its PDF not a tank?
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