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Saudis May Buy Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer


Jul 27, 2010
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Saudis May Buy Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer


Saudi Arabia may become the first Middle Eastern nation to buy the world’s most powerful destroyers. Yup Defense News is reporting that U.S Navy officials briefed the Saudi’s on the DDG-51 class Arleigh Burke class destroyers equipped with the famous SPY-1D AEGIS radars that, among many things, are capable of performing in the ballistic missile defense role. Iran is going to love this.
From DN:
Capt. Cate Mueller, spokesperson for the U.S. Navy’s acquisition office, confirmed that the “non-binding price and availability (P&A) rough order of magnitude estimate was delivered in May” to the Saudis.
The brief, she said, included information on the capabilities and prices of “medium surface combat ships with integrated air and missile defense capability, helicopters, patrol craft and shore infrastructure.”
The Saudis are looking at several possibly mixes of ships for a planned naval expansion. The kingdom had been contemplating buying Littoral Combat Ships equipped with the smaller, weaker SPY-1F AEGIS radar. That system can’t perform the BMD role. Apparently, the latest briefing to the Saudis proposed a mix of “two destroyers plus an unknown number of LCS vessels.”
As the article says, the addition of DDG-51s to the Saudi navy would cause some waves (doh!) in the region:
“The DDG 51 is the most capable destroyer on the planet,” said one naval expert. “If the Saudis get anything like that, it would be quite significant.”
A seagoing BMD capability would minimize terrorist threats to the system, said one senior retired naval officer.
“It’s much more difficult to defeat it — a truck bomb doesn’t matter,” the retired naval officer said. Moreover, “you can move a ship to a particular threat axis. It’s much harder for the other guy to plan against.”
But Iran, the primary threat in the region, already operates three Russian-built Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines and is acquiring more small subs, all able to threaten ships at sea. But identification of the target may prove difficult, particularly if an Iranian sub was trying to target Saudi but not U. S. ships.
The addition of BMD-capable ships in the gulf would help the United States, which already maintains at least one such ship in the region.
“If the Saudis always have one in the gulf, it makes it easier for the U.S. Navy to meet its commitments in the region,” the retired senior naval officer said.
Still, don’t forget the uprisings that are shaking the region. While Saudi Arabia seems to have avoided the mass disruptions seen in other Arab nations the possibility of revolution could spook the U.S. from going through with the deal:
“If you think the kingdom isn’t long for this world, a fundamentalist takeover could put a system in the hands of the enemy,” the retired senior naval officer observed.

Read more: http://defensetech.org/2011/06/14/saudis-may-buy-arleigh-burke-class-destroyers/#ixzz1TJkyYLuz
Great news!!
Hope they are buying these destroyers!!
Interesting, I thought the Saudis would buy the Type 45 British made destroyer.
All they can do is buy them, make them yourselves. tomorrow when they become radical like iran they will use these against us..why do we sell these stuff to them?
if its for their oil then we can get it off them without selling stuff to them i dont get it..:what:
the saudi navy needs this expansion now more than ever .
the destroyer looks cool .
Hahaha lol iran is shivering their a$$ off.
Your country cant even manufacture a pen. keep buying.
and they say saudi is in a cold war with iran. hahah lol they call 3 people with camel special forces.
what is the difference between a destroyer and a frigate?
it's amazing how anti-saudi / anti-arab some of the people here .. what is worse is that some of them ( read : PERSIAN ) are delusional about their own countries and living in the past of a long gone empire .. an empire that was destroyed by non other that those camel riders / "lizard" eaters Arabians . :wave:

poseidon, I'm not worried about Israel . Israel will eventually vanish just like the crusaders' "kingdoms" before it. The crusaders occupied arab lands for almost 200 years and got kicked out by Saladin .
The shah of Iran had the most powerful military in the ME with an airforce that made your jaw drop!
when Iraq attacked, we were isolated and because we couldn't produce amunition or fix these toys, they became pretty much useless. Fast forward to today. What we have we can produce on mass and make unlimited numbers of. We're not constrained to outside forces.

KSA can buy whatever she wants but they are only useful as long as the US is supporting her. The minute the US throws in the towel, this will become a museum peace. The US will be here for at least another decade, maybe two, but once it leaves, it will no longer have any reason to support all these sheikhdoms.

@ Arabian Knight
you commented on the name of "persian"
Persian is the English word for Parsi. Are you telling me that we're not allowed to call ourselves parsi/persian? That's like saying you're not allowed to call yourself Arab!!! That's our ethnicity and language. Same as somebody calling him/herself a Tork or Arab.
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