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Saudis kissing camels and getting MERS virus!

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Dec 29, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The scary reason Saudi farmers are kissing camels


Camels are seen after the 20-km camel race during the opening of the Janadriya festival near Riyadh, in this April 3, 2013. REUTERS/Faisal Al Nasser/Files

MERS is very scary. This week, while avoiding the term global health emergency, the World Health Organization announced that the deadly viral infection was both serious and urgent. So far, there have been 571 confirmed cases of MERS; 171 of those people died from the disease.

There's one place, however, where the mood about MERS isn't scaring everyone. It's also the place where the infection was first reported in 2012 and where almost 500 recorded cases have been found so far: Saudi Arabia.

And the skepticism about the virus has taken a strange turn in Saudi Arabia, where people have begun kissing camels in response to MERS.

“Do sneeze in my face,” the farmer says in above video clip, according to a translation from Gulf News. “They claim camels carry the coronavirus," he continues in the video, which has been watched over 11,000 times.

On Twitter, photographs of men kissing and stroking their camels have been accompanied with comments disparaging MERS:


It seems a strange protest, but there's something behind it. Earlier this week, the Saudi government began a campaign to stop people from eating raw camel meat and liver or drinking unpasteurized camel milk. Experts argue that Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS' full name) or traces of it have been found in a large proportion of the camels tested in Saudi Arabia, and antibodies from the virus have even been found in camel populations in Spain's Canary Islands, thousands of miles away. Camels may not be the main source of MERS (many experts point the finger at bats), but they certainly seem like one big possibility.

For some in Saudi Arabia, avoiding camels is not such an easy task. One study from 2008 found that there were almost 900,000 camels in Saudi Arabia alone, with almost 15 million across other Arab states. The animals are a source of income for a large number of people, and popular too. "Camels in the kingdom are like dairy cows, beef cows, racehorses, pulling horses, beloved Labradors, and living daily reminders of holy scripture, all in one," Cynthia Gorney wrote for the National Geographic this week, noting that camels are featured honorably in the Koran.

Partly due to this fondness for camels, and partly due to a perceived lack of transparency from the Saudi government about MERS, a lot of people aren't totally convinced by the warnings about camels. Reuters reported from a Saudi camel market on Sunday and noted that only one person was wearing a mask as recommended. Some farmers are pointing out they have worked with camels for decades with no ill health.

Whether it's transmitted via camel or not, MERS is still a worrying situation for Saudi Arabia. It's a coronavirus like SARS, which is believed to have infected 8,273 people and led to 775 deaths in 2002-2003, and while its hard to say for sure at present, MERS may well be deadlier than its predecessor. Given that millions of Muslims are expected to travel to Mecca this October for Hajj, even officials in Saudi Arabia are beginning to wonder if the country is doing enough.

The scary reason Saudi farmers are kissing camels

@Abii @Shapur Zol Aktaf @kollang

What sort of behaviour is this by these people? Is this their culture or something?
I like the idea of having affection for the animal you work with, I am sure they know the risk posed but the sentiment expressed is very human.
This virus has no effect to camels but when enter to human's body kill them.

This new virus is something like sars.

Thanks but no thanks because here become a trolling room cause of your nationality.you have focused too much on Saudis.
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Sauds and Iranis insulting each other :D
This whole camel kissing is their culture. It's difficult to stop them undergoing such act even if it means they will spread this nasty virus.
I am not so sure, as far as I understand there was a ban to contact camels which some arabs were opposed to, and wanted to show that they care the least about their own health or the ban.
We are too very emotional people, I understand why there was a backlash against govt rule even though the rule was not wrong.
Yea kissing a camel is strange but women kissing in Europe and men wearing skirts is a normal protest

The source of the virus is still yet to be determined!
My uncle has a horse, he loves him more than his own kids, would do whatever he can to make him feel comfortable.

You officials should step in and stop this though. There are other ways to show your affection to an animal than to snogg it.
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